Married to Him.

A cup of tea in one shot [Request]-Closed-


Junhyung oppa! I love you!
Oppa~ You are so cool!
Junhyungie oppaaaaa!

Nanie’s lips turned into a curved laugh as her eyes scanned the computer screen. She was reading Junhyung’s Me2Day and giggled silently at all the crazy fan girls spamming his home page. Her big doe eyes started to water as the comments became more and more ridiculous.

Silly fan girls.

A strong but warm arm wrapped around her small waist. A dark haired head rested in the crook of her neck, his warm breath against her skin sent shivers down her back. She turned her head to look into his eyes.

“Yah, Junhyung” She patted his dark brown hair “I’m trying to surf the internet here.”
The male lifted his head up and frowned at the girl’s beautiful porcelain face. He snuggled closer to her, tightening his hug “Just for a minute, I want to hug my wife a little longer.”

Nanie blushed at his sweetness and leaned her head against his “Well, okay then.”

A flash went off outside.


The wind blew Nanie’s long black hair around into a mess. The papers for her essay blew frantically in her hand. The pale yellow cardigan she wore wasn’t enough to block out the chilly autumn wind. Her boots clicked against the pebbled walk way as she rushed to get to university on time.

A hard shoulder shove made her lose her balance. As she fell her papers flew away with the wind, her ankle twisted with the sudden impact and her smooth hands became scratched.

“Ouch!” She lifted her aching head to see who had shoved her.
A high school student with an angry red face stared down at her. She had a too small uniform on, daring to burst open. Her school bag was slung over one shoulder and the hand phone she held was sporting a Beast charm, a Junhyung one to be exact.

“You!” The rude high school student pointed a chubby finger at Nanie “Stay away from Junhyung. Get a divorce!”

Nanie stared at the girl with absolute shock. Did she just say divorce!? The fragile university student stood up, dusting dirt off of her jeans. She eyed the plump high school student in front of her and frowned.

“What do you mean?” She breathed in deeply, trying to keep her calm.
The student scoffed in what could only be disgust “Don’t try act dumb.” She shoved the phone in her hand to Nanie’s confused face.

Nanie had to adjust to the instant brightness of the phone screen, but as the image became clearer she gasped in shock. Her hands started to tremble as she tried to muffle an escaping scream.

A picture of Junhyung and her filled the phone’s screen. The scene was so familiar; it was if it happened yesterday. She shook her head, it did happen yesterday! Her mind raced back to when the two of them sat on the couch in each other’s arms. She ran her long thin fingers through her equally long hair, refusing to believe what she had just seen.

The flash! Someone must of taken a photo from outside!  I have to call Junhyung!

Nanie ran frantically to call a cab, all while the high school student behind her shouted hysterically.


The roads and cars blurred past her window as the taxi drove down the high way to Cube entertainment. Her fingers felt heavy as she dialled her husband’s number, the ringing seemed to go on forever.

“Hello!?” Yoseob’s quirky voice answered “This isn’t Junhyung, it’s the cuter one!” She could here him laughing like a child.

“Yoseob! Yoseob, you have to get Junhyung on the phone, quickly!” Her voice came out in a frenzy.
“Nanie-ah! How are you? Have you eaten yet? Why aren’t you at school? Is the professor being a mean poo? Should I tell Junhyung? Okay I’ll tell him!” She sighed as she heard Yoseob calling out Junhyung’s name.

“Nanie? What’s wrong?” His deep voice instantly calmed her down, for a while.
She could feel the tears, her voice became stuck in as she forced down the overwhelming emotions.
“Nanie? Why aren’t you answering me? Are you okay?” The concern in his voice became obvious.

“They know.” All she had to say were those words.

Junhyung dropped the phone.


Nanie sat with her head in her knees, her legs drawn to her chin, hands wrapped around her, creating a barrier from the rest of the world. Junhyung sat next to her, rubbing her back as she sobbed tears. His own eyes were red from exhaustion and his face was drenched of color, he knew that this was going to happen sooner or later.

“Nanie, it’s okay.” He put his arms around her “This will all blow over soon. Manager hyung and our CEO is already contacting blogs to take down the photo’s.” He felt her body recoil as soon as he said blogs.

It had been 3 weeks since she had told him about the news. Ever since then, she has been nothing but a train wreck. Everywhere she went fans ridiculed, threatened her and made her life a living hell. She couldn’t even go and attend her classes as some of the students would also hate on her there.

Nanie felt as if the whole world was against her, well the whole k-pop fangirling world that is. Just because she was married to an idol she couldn’t even show her face in public. Just because she was married to an idol she couldn’t even live her life normally. Just because she was married to an idol, she was being mocked and threatened over the internet.

She wasn’t safe anywhere, not even in their apartment. Fans would stand outside their apartment building, shouting at her to comedown and face them. They were outside right now; she could here their angry calls two stories up. Junhyung sighed in anger and his calm exterior was beginning to waver.

“You know what” Nanie lifted her head “If I hadn’t married you, I would still be able to live my life normally.”

Junhyung stopped pacing and looked at her. Was she being serious? It might just be all the pressure talking. “You don’t mean that.”

She looked at him, tears b in her eyes “I do. I can’t take this anymore Junhyung. They’re ripping me apart with their words.”

“Ignore them. You know they’re just jealous. Just tell them that we’re married and we love each other and that they can’t do anything about it. Just stand your ground.” He put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

She shook his hand off and stood up, a rush of anger and hurt raging within her. “Oh yeah!? Stand my ground!? I have been standing my ground. I have been telling them that we’re married and that we love each other.” She prodded a finger to his chest “But what about you? You’ve remained silent this whole time, not even releasing a statement like I have!”

Junhyung grabbed her hand “That’s not fair. You know my company isn’t letting me talk until the whole mess is sorted.”

Nanie pulled her hand out of his grip and looked him straight in the eyes “It’s not fair? I don’t think it’s fair how I’m the only one releasing statements about our relationship. I don’t think it’s fair how you’re putting your image and work before me, while I’m being torn apart.” She took a step back from him, still holding the gaze “I don’t think it’s fair how I’m the only one who cares enough for this.”

Junhyung watched her unable to reply, she quickly turned around and headed towards the front door.

“Where are you going!?”

Nanie turned around, a single tear rolling down her face “To put an end to this mess.”

Junhyung stood in silent shock, just staring at the door Nanie had just walked out of. What did she mean to put an end to this mess? He bit his thumb trying to make sense of it all. Did she mean…

His eye’s widened and his heart started to race. She possibly couldn’t!?

Before he knew it, his feet were running. He flew through the front door and down the two flights of stairs, not wasting his time waiting for the elevator. He threw open the building’s double door and skidded to a halt. A mob of fans had gathered around the front steps to the building. They were shouting and cursing at the figure just a head of him.

Nanie stood before her tormentors. Her head was held high in fake confidence and her knee's shook in fear. She did not want to say what she was about to say, she knew she would regret it, but it had to be done.

If I want to live normally again, I have to forget about him and start a new.

She took one step forward and opened , silencing the psychotic crowd of fan girls.

“I have had enough of your torments.” She gulped down her fear “So I have decided to give in. I have decided that I can not live like this any longer, it hurts me to the core and I just can’t take it anymore. So, I have decided that-”

She choked on her next words. Come on Nanie, say it. If you want your life back again, then say it.

“She loves me…” Junhyung stepped from behind the shadows and next to Nanie. His hands instantly took hers and held them, giving her a comforting squeeze “…And I love her.”

The crowd started to object in loud shouts, but he silenced them with a raise of his head.

“My company has been forbidding me to release any statements, but I think it’s time I did. I, Yong Junhyung, am and will remain married to Lee Nanie.” He looked over to her and gave her a reassuring smile, “So please, leave her alone.”

Nanie’s eyes glanced over to her husband’s with surprise and happiness. She squeezed his hand back, thankful for the words he had just said. It was all I needed to hear. “I love you.” She whispered lowly.

Junhyung wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to his side “I love you too.” He whispered back.

He looked over to the crowd of fans, all of them with disappointed faces. They looked like they were about to cry or start a riot. He laughed a little and gave them a big smile

“Hey, there’s still five other members available!”

That was for nanie92 ^^.
I hope you enjoyed it, and that it wasn't too cheesy and fluffy and dramatic and what not.
Ahahaha fluffly cheeseball genre's is my stronger forte~

But hope you liked it n__n



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of course Onew loves me. He's my older brother ^o^
i Sent the form ^_^ as Bang Chul Yeon hope you Receive it ^__^ FIGHTING ~ ♥
she loves me... and I love her~ Kyaaaaa that's so sweet ^_^
nanie92 #4
Awww... I really love it...:) :) :)<br />
I like the last part “Hey, there’s still five other members available!”<br />
Thanks... You really did a good job.
mmel_ng95 #5
I applied !!<br />
keke i saw the onew loves me at the end of the applying thingy !! made me laugh ! XD<br />
Fighting on writing !!<br />
elixyr #6
@scoledario-wannabe:<br />
Thanks for applying n___n<br />
ohoho Onew loves everybody :D
Maknae :)
Applied, and Onew loves you too
word:Rose ^ _^ YOur'e welcome. I'm excited to your fic..
elixyr #10
@Mee_Kyong: Hi~ Thanks for applying n__n I got your request :D