Piece of Cake

A cup of tea in one shot [Request]-Closed-

Lee Joon, the perfectly structured blonde male god that he was sat in awkward silence. The other contestants looked at him from the bottom, top, left and right. His left eye twitched as he heard that tall SHINee boy snicker.

“I can’t believe he doesn’t know how to say I want a piece of cake in English.” The tall brunette had to bite down on his hand from spitting everywhere in laughter.

Joon spun his gleaming blonde head around to the left where Minho sat teetering. He eyed the taller but younger boy up and down and pouted. His top lip touched the bottom of his nose as he judged the boy. He’s not that good looking, dear god I’m a hundred times better than this shrimp. The blonde’s eyes squinted in deep thought. Now that I think about it, Uru is so much better without him. I mean look at him, he looks like a frog.

Minho stopped laughing and stared back at the scrutinizing eyes. “What?”

The geeky looking host cleared his throat loudly, breaking the growing tension between the two boys. “Joon! Because you are having trouble, we have called in your challenge support to help you!”

Joon nodded silently as he crossed his fingers, toes, legs, eyes and everything else in his body, hoping that she would walk through those doors. White hazy smoke filled the stage as bright blue and green strobe lights illuminated the door way. A long slim and milky skinned leg broke through the smoke, earning a low ‘aah’ and ‘ooh’ from the audience. Finally the figure fully emerged from the haze and once in full view, the whole studio erupted with loud choruses of claps and cheers.

Minho instantly sat up straighter and his hands started to pat down his already crease-free sweater. Joon, slowly and deliberately brushed his fringe to the side, disappointed with his challenge support. He looked over to where Minho sat and sneered. Trust him to get excited over the girl.

The host made his way over to the guest girl, with a little too much flounce and happiness. His round and pink face became pinker and sweaty as he came into arms length to the girl.

“Welcome! Girls’ generation’s most beautiful and y member… Sunny!” The audience went into hysterics, especially the male population. Minho crossed his legs over to hide a little something from sight. He started to feel giddy and nervous, why was she here today? What if the other she came on the show as well!?

Joon noticed Minho’s reaction and his little mini me, he shook his head with disgust. Sunny bounded his way over to Joon and sat herself down next to him. He looked at her with his chain raised.

“I think your boyfriend is excited to see you.” The blonde jerked his head towards the fidgeting brunette.
Sunny cocked an eye brow and gave him a big cheesy grin that screamed fake all over it “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Her sweet honey filled voice made him want to puke.

The screeching siren and thunderous applaud of the audience signalled the end of recording. All the guests and contestants on the stage slowly got up from their cushioned seats on the floor.

“Good work people!” The writer of the show had stepped on to the stage. His balding head was as shiny as his over polished shoes. “We’ll have a 30 minute break before the last segment.”

Everyone started to file out the double doors, each idol walking to their respective make-up room. Minho grabbed Sunny’s slim arm and dragged her to his make-up room. He quickly slammed the door locking it in the process. Before she had a second to respond, he had pinned her to the door, a lustful grin playing on his lips.

“I had not expected you to walk out through those doors.” He caressed her full brown locks “You have no idea what you do to me Sunny.” His hands travelled down from her locks to her equally curvy body. His mouth twitched as her warm soft hands stopped his own hands from wandering.

She raised her head to meet his eyes and smiled. Her flawless white teeth mocked Minho as she talked “I’m not here to see you. I’m here to see Joon.”

The tall boy had to blink to process what she had just said. He shook his head and laughed. At first it was a small chuckle but it turned to be a hysterical laugh “Joon!? You came to see Joon!?” His hand that held her waist pulled her body closer to his. The heat radiating off of his body made Sunny’s own cool exterior warm.

“Didn’t I just say that?” Her fresh sugary voice danced in his ears “He is so much more than you will ever be.” She loosened Minho’s grip on her and stepped around him. The tall boy was too surprised at her words to do anything but stutter.

“Sunny, we had something…” Minho shook his head, trying not to accept what she was saying to him. “I even cheated on Uru for you!”

Sunny’s arms crossed over her chest, eyebrows rose “You did?”
Minho looked at her like she was going crazy “Of course I did! You knew everything. I told you, I was one of the only few boys Uru has ever dated. I wanted her to be mine while I was yours.”

He stepped towards the curvy goddess. “I mean, she’s pretty, but you.” He ran his hand down her side “You’re gorgeous.”

Sunny spat in laughter “Minho, you’re still the stupid boy I once dated.”
The male in front of her had a look of disbelief “You’re breaking up with me?”
She laughed even harder whilst still keeping the sugary ring in her voice “No, you broke up with me. Remember?”

Minho had the look of absolute mind on his face by now. He scratched his wavy brown hair as he tried to comprehend what was just said.

“Oh Minho, do you not even remember your ex-girlfriend’s special talent?” Sunny’s lips played into a taunting smile as she started to her dress.

Minho’s eyes enlarged as he swallowed the lump in his throat. He could feel the blood rushing in every possible place there was in his body. As she took steps towards him, he took steps back.

The woman in front of him had already stepped out of the dress, but instead of a beautiful goddess he had expected before him, a slightly less curvy woman with tight denim shorts and a plain tube shirt stood before him. His mouth gaped open and shut as the girl reached up to her head. She gripped the edge of her hair line and pulled. A whole cascade of brown locks came off and red flowy hair shook free. She tore exaggerated fake eye-lashes off and wiped off the red lipstick that gave the illusion of plump lips.

She used the dress in her hand to wipe off the rest of the make – up covering her face. Minho gasped in absolute shock as the once Sunny that stood before him transformed. A red haired deity stood before him, a smirk on her face.

“U-Uru!?” Minho had to grasp the counter edge for support.
The slim red head smiled slyly as she twirled her finger around a lock of her hair “Has it been this long Minho? You don’t even remember my special talent?”

The boy nodded in a mixture of fear and shock “I-imitation.”
“Well, looks like we have a fast learner.” She leaned her head closer to his, her lips almost touching his ears “No one gets the better of me.”

Minho yelped out in pain and crumpled to the floor as her knee came into contact with his crotch. She stepped over his spastic body and pulled the door open. She took one more glance at the pained boy as she walked away, smiling to herself.


Joon sat in his make-up room eating a piece of strawberry cake. He checked his cell phone for the fifth time in a row.

“Why didn’t she come today?” He mumbled, skulking to himself. “Maybe it’s because Minho was on the show today.” He pushed the slice of cake around with his fork, remembering that day.

How could Minho break up with her like that? I mean he was so lucky just to be with her. I bet he doesn’t know how much hurt he inflicted onto her. Cheating behind her back like that… that stupid man . Joon silently his teeth, I mean if I were to date her, I would never hurt her like that. I wouldn’t even let a fly touch her… even though she’d probably kill the fly…

“AAH!” He slammed his blonde head into his hands “What am I thinking, she’d never date me. I’m nothing but a friend to her, nothing else.” He went back to silently wallowing in self pity, when his phone rang.

“Hello?” Joon answered whilst pushing the slice of cake with his fork.
“Hey Joon.” A familiar soft and shy voice filled his ears.
“Uru!” A wide smile landed on his face “Why couldn’t you make it today? I had so much trouble…”
“Oh Joon, you’re always in trouble without me.” Uru laughed into the phone “What would you do without me?”

Joon tensed, was she flirting with me!? He coughed “I’d probably turn into a fish and flail around.” He could hear her light laughter; it seemed quite close though…

“Listen Joon, I just wanted to thank you for these past few months. You helped me when I was um, you know, upset.” Joon could here the awkward but sincerity in her voice. “I’m really grateful and I’m glad I have you.”

Joon swallowed a bite of cake; he was surprised but touched at her words.
“So I just wanted to know…” His door opened and as he raised his head, his eyes met hers “…If I could have a piece of cake.”

Uru stood in the doorway, phone cradled by her ear. She smiled at him softly as she stepped into his make-up room, slowly closing the door behind her. Joon was at a lost for words, she was here the whole time?

A comfortable silence filled the air, a sort of static could be felt between them. She approached him and leaned down, her face just mere centimetres away from his.

“D-do you want some cake?” Joon was a ball of nerves as he reached for the cake. Uru laughed lightly and shook her head “No, I want your cake.”

She leaned in, closing the minute gap between them. Her lips brushed over his, lingering for a long second. She pulled back and smiled “That’s how you ask for a piece of cake in English.”

Joon stared blankly at her for a few seconds, savouring the sweet taste of her lips. A playful and confident smile broke through his glazed expression.

“And this is how you ask for a piece of cake in Joon language.”



He held her head softly in his hands, looked into her eyes and brought his lips to hers, kissing her passionately like the man he was.






A/N: That was for B1A4_Kissme ~
I know it was supposed to be rated, but I just realized. I fail at writing rated fics and I just couldn't incorporate it with the story ;A; 
Anway, i hope you enjoyed it and it wasn't too bad :D

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of course Onew loves me. He's my older brother ^o^
i Sent the form ^_^ as Bang Chul Yeon hope you Receive it ^__^ FIGHTING ~ ♥
she loves me... and I love her~ Kyaaaaa that's so sweet ^_^
nanie92 #4
Awww... I really love it...:) :) :)<br />
I like the last part “Hey, there’s still five other members available!”<br />
Thanks... You really did a good job.
mmel_ng95 #5
I applied !!<br />
keke i saw the onew loves me at the end of the applying thingy !! made me laugh ! XD<br />
Fighting on writing !!<br />
elixyr #6
@scoledario-wannabe:<br />
Thanks for applying n___n<br />
ohoho Onew loves everybody :D
Maknae :)
Applied, and Onew loves you too
word:Rose ^ _^ YOur'e welcome. I'm excited to your fic..
elixyr #10
@Mee_Kyong: Hi~ Thanks for applying n__n I got your request :D