Sixth Chapter


"Will you be okay?" Suho asked as he was walking with me to my door.

"Neh," And without being told, I got the key to the door under the small flower pot.

"Just give me a call if you need me, alright?"

"Okay," I said opening my front door. I looked back at Suho who was walking to his car.

Have I not caused him so much pain?

"Suho, wait!" I called. Suho turned around and waited for me to say what I needed to say.

"I'm . . . Uhm . . . Thank you."

Suho gave me a smile and a flying kiss and walked to his car. I wanted to apologize, but I didn't know how.


"Kwan? Cho Hee? Appa?" I called as I slumped on the couch. No response . I was alone. Even MiMi wasn't here.

I turned the TV on and watched a movie that was on, but it was already ending. After 20 minutes or so, there was absolutely nothing to watch, all the programs were boring. I gave up watching TV and walked to my room.


I don't believe in Dr. Yoo. I can and will remember.


My room was locked and I remembered that my doorknob was the kind that locks after you close the door. I remember that I put my spare key on the doorframe of Kwan's room.

Happiness immediately pumped through my veins. I remembered that and I didn't help.

After I opened the door, I put a slipper in the gapso it won't close and returned the key on Kwan's doorframe.

"Jung; 1. Dr. Yoo; 0" I mumbled.


Tossing my phone to my bed, I walked to my closet and changed into comfortable house clothes, pink girl boxers and an EXO shirt which has the water logo.

I had like a dozen shirts of EXO, both K and M, and I couldn't help but laugh.

But I stopped laughing when I saw my scar. I stared at the jagged line from my hairline to my eyebrow. I ran my fingers over it, and it made me remember the accident.

A flash of light in my mind. The soundof the tires on the road. Yun looking at me with terrified eyes. The pain. The darkness.



Neomu neomu meotjyeo nooni nooni booshuh soomeul moht shigettsuh ddeuleeneun gul (You're so so handsome My eyes my eyes are blinded I can't breathe because I'm trembling"

Yun and I sang as the wind entered our open windows and blew our hair.

Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby "

Laughter came after that, Yun and I being 'free'.

"Gawd, I just hate that tomorrow is the deadline of our December issue." I said.

Well, someone's staying UP ALL NIGHT!" Yun said and that made me erupt in a fit of laughter as her favorite band is One Direction.

"Piss off, Yun!" I playfully said and playfully slapped my best friend's arm.

"Tell that to Bong Cha!" She said and laughed.

Yun was the type of girl who could let go. Stress would never bring her down. She was my best friend, my better half.


"You and Suho should get married," She said.

"Maybe, in like 5 years." I said.

"You both are so lucky to have each other," Yun hummed to the next song, Believe by U-Kiss.

"I know,"

"Your love story is like, an effing fairytale!"


We just laughed and sang to songs on the radio, being with each other was the funnest thing to do.

"You know, Jung, you're like my sister, in some way," She said, turning her signal light on.

I smiled at her. "Getting a little mushy, ey?"

"No seriously, I love you Jung!" She laughed.

"I love you too, Yun!" I laughed with her.


And then the light was blinding. The sound of tires, deafening.

"Yun!" I shouted. My best friend looked at me with eyes knowing what was to come.

I saw her grip the wheel, her knuckles turning white.

Everything was in slow motion.


And then there was pain.

But I knew, from the time the glass hit my forehead, that I lost, not only a friend, but a sister.


And then darkness overcame.




I collapsed on the floor crying. My back against my bed, my knees to my chest.

Why do I remember such horrid things?

I reached for my phone and dialled the first person I could think of.

On the third ring, he picked up.


"Yes Jung?"

"Appa?" I sniffled.

"Honey, what's wrong?" He asked and I heard a door shut.

"Are you . . . at a meeting?" I asked in between hiccups.

"Was," He said. "What's wrong, Jung?"

"I was looking at my scar," My voice broke and I started crying. "And I remembered, appa. Lights, the screeching, the pain, the darkness. Appa, I remembered the look on Yun's face!" I shouted the last bit into the phone.

"Oh honey." Appa breathed out. "Hang on, I'll be there in a bit, are you home?"



"Okay," I croaked but the line was dead.


I waited, trembling on the floor. I didn't know if it was because  I was scared or if it was cold. But all I know, I would have wanted to forget that.


A few minutes later, appa cradles my shaking body and hugs me as if he's protecting me. We stayed like this for a long time.

"Dr. Yoo said I'm still to forget, Appa." I said.

"It's okay, darling." He soothed, my appa's voice soothing my nerves.

"Appa, I don't want to forget Joon Myun anymore."

"Shh," He rubbed my back. "Let's just think about now, okay?"

"I wanna go to Yun." I said.

"Not a good idea."

"Please, appa." I pleaded.


There was this small staredown and I won. Appa told me to phone Suho and tell him to meet us in the cemetery because if I broke down, he was the only one who could make me smile.









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Thank you for reading this first story of mine, i'm really very happy. Thanks to the lovely comments and subscribers for supporting this and I hope for many =)


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bonitafillania #1
Chapter 39: What about her pregnancy ? I'm confuse..
Chapter 39: This story was so cute. I was almost crying for half of ot I'd say. Haa. Thanks for writing this author-nim ♡
miahxx #3
Chapter 4: first dates*
miahxx #4
was this inspired by 50 firsts date?
Deaniratfn #5
Chapter 39: Aw sweet story and lovely ending
Chapter 39: Great story!!!
Chapter 39: I love this story Authornim :)
Thank you for writing this It makes me cry :)))
Chapter 39: it was great story, authornim
thank you <3
Happy new year.
chodenlovekaixoxo #9
Chapter 39: OMG......this is the best story ever (of suho) ♥♥♥
i fell in love wid ur story! ♥

Happy New year :)