Perfectly Imperfect

 No one knew if it was anger or jealousy or whatever it is that got onto Sehun when he called Suzy out loud, like a an angry boyfriend who saw his girlfriend hugging someone else.

“Suzy” he called out and it caused her to break away from the hug and look at them.

An angry Sehun

A shocked Minho

And an upset Krystal

It was the perfect cue for Suzy to get back on her senses. She placed her hand inside her jean’s pocket.

Krystal tried to walk away but Suzy grabbed her wrist.

“Stop, where are you going? What’s happening?” she whispered in her ear.

“Ask me tomorrow, I can’t stay here” she said as she finally disappeared in their sight. Leaving both Suzy and Kai confused.

They were dumbfounded. The situation and Minho was regretting the fact that he was the one who had the idea which was definitely a bad one.

“Hi I’m Kai” Kai tried to start a nice and smooth conversation as he offered his hand for a shake.

“Minho” the tallest guy said as they shook hands. Sehun was upset and it’s written all over his face.

“Kai, your hand” He reminded. Kai looked at his hand and noticed that he was still holding onto Suzy’s. They let go of each other’s hand and looked back to Sehun.

“So you moved and you didn’t tell me” Sehun added looking straight at Kai.

“Can we talk tomorrow? I’m tired” Kai replied he then looked at Suzy and said “Let’s go.”

“No, you’re not going anywhere.” Sehun sounded as if was threatening him.

“Maybe you guys should talk and I’ll just take Suzy home” Minho slowly said as he faced Suzy to give her a just-follow-me look. The two were left alone.

As soon as Kai heard the engine of Minho’s car as they departed he looked back at Sehun and said.

“I don’t think talking to you is necessary. Are we talking about how I didn’t tell you that I moved or are angry because of the girl? Dude she’s just a girl and she’s never yours to begin with.” He showing a smirk.






“Would you like to explain what the hell is happening?” Suzy asked Minho who was staring directly at the road with a tensed reaction and sweat running down his face. He barely looked at her

“I’m not telling, buddy” He answered.

“Whatever” she mumbled taking her phone out and decided to ask someone who might answer.


TO: Krystal Jung

FROM: Suzy Bae

What the hell happened? What’s wrong with you earlier?


After a few seconds her phone beeped. Finally someone decided to tell her what happened.


TO: Suzy Bae

FROM: Krystal Jung

It was the jerk’s (Minho) idea to follow you in the carnival. They don’t trust Kai enough, I mean they don’t have to but the fact that they like you and you’re friends with them then you go on a date with someone else. Stab in their freaking chests.


Suzy faced Minho and without pretended to frown as she said

“So it was you”

“Look you don’t understand we’re just being pro—“He was immediately cut off by the ringing of Suzy’s phone. Krystal was calling.

“Shut up for a second I have to take the call” she said as she placed her index finger in her lips signaling him to keep his mouth shut.

“If and only if you put the call on speaker” He demanded.

“Whatever” she said as she did so.

“Hey there!” Suzy greeted as she placed the phone down so that both Minho and her could hear the call.

“Hi, where the hells are you?” Krystal asked and the sound of sniffing can be heard.

“Almost home. Why are you sniffing? Did you cry or hyperventilated? What the hell happened” She questioned her with a worried tone.

“I think it’s both. I hate that effin’ jerk!” Krystal exclaimed. Anger is clearly shown in her tone of speaking.

“By Jerk are you referring to Minho-ssi?” Suzy asked glaring at Minho. He was mumbling words such as “I didn’t do it”

“I hate him! He’s such a , even if he’s a guy he’s a ! Stupid! Who does he think he is to scream such words in my face?”  She blurted out and was almost out of breath.

“What? Why? What did the jerk did to you?” Suzy asked again still glaring at Minho.

“”He’s a ing bastard! Do remember Lee Taemin, the guy from math club?”  She asked calming a little bit.

“Yes, he’s a good guy” Suzy replied as she sighed in relief.

And then anger started to fill in Krystal’s tone. “Sorry for the bad words but he ing grab his collar when Taemin asked for my number he even dragged me somewhere and shouted at my face! That jerk!”

Suzy kicked Minho’s shin causing him to hit the brake.

“I know right, he’s really a jerk but maybe he’s just being protective because you’re a girl and he’s a guy and you’re giving your number that easy, maybe he doesn’t know that you and Taemin know each other” Suzy explained trying to calm the situation.

“Protective his ! Why would he attack someone without even studying the situation, the jerk thinks I’m a ing , but I don’t really give a damn! Who told him to be protective in the first place, huh?” There was anger again and they could sense that she’s about to hyperventilate again.

“Calm down crazy, it’s because he likes you!” Suzy laughed and Minho gave her a what-the-hell look.

“Like me his , He likes you and he told me that. Whatever, like or not I freaking hate him” She shouted as she ended the call.

“What the hell was that?” Minho asked and he was now the one glaring.

“I think that’s me telling the truth” She replied with a smirk.

“I like you, not her” He wanted to make everything clear.

“You like me but you like her more than you like me.” She corrects him.

“No” he insists.

“Yes, because you didn’t grab Kai’s collar when you saw me hugging him and you did that to Taemin when she asked for her number” She smiled because she knows he can’t say a word.







TO: Suzy Bae

FROM: Kai Kim

Let’s jog; I’ll wait for you outside.

“What the hell?” Suzy thought as she fixed herself, grabbed a jacket and went outside.

“What’s wrong with your face?” She asks the moment she saw a bruise. She stared at him waiting for his answer.

“Sehun and I had a little argument” He answered s hey started Jogging.

“So, I talked to Keuri—“She cut her off.

“Krystal?” She asks.

“Yes, Keu-ris-tal, Krystal, because I thought she doesn’t wanna be friends with me” He stated.

“And what did she say?” She smiles at him with the thought that he’s starting to open up, just like she was before.

“She said at first but she doesn’t know now, she said she could throw a party so that she could introduce me to your friends” He said not looking at her he stopped jogging and remembered what happened later that night.


A car stopped by in front of his house and fear covered his body the moment the window rolled down.

A young man in his early 20’s wearing a black suit and a silver tie was driving.

“So it’s the house across?” The young man asked.

“Y-yes” Kai answered.

“I suggest you do your work properly or else I’ll step in to do it for you.” The young man said calmly without even looking at Kai.

“Why do we have to do this? Why?” Kai steps back as he asked the question.

The young man takes a solitaire card and shows it to Kai, it’s an ace of hearts.

“Because this is my thing, putting misery in their lives, making them wanna live in hell than suffer in my hands, because I am worse than a devil , because I am everyone’s worst nightmare” The young man said as he drove away not leaving any trace that he’s been there. Leaving a dumbfounded Kai who stood there while the city sleeps.




Sorry for the short update :D

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Chapter 27: The ending is confusing...
kathberns #2
Chapter 28: I don't get the ending??
Chapter 26: It's a little confusing on some parts but omo what will Kai do.. Please don't ruin Hunzy... Sehun's so romantic *melts*
Chapter 25: Hunzy :) all the way keke
HoneyBF_HanZy #5
Chapter 27: What do you mean this is just the beginning? I don't get it, saengiie:(
HoneyBF_HanZy #6
Chapter 26: Hmmm, Sehun you're so romantic:') Kai don't even dare to break them apart, I'll kill you in my hand
Chapter 26: Hunzy and minstal..awk,i'm melting right now,they are so sweet.. And Minho became a macho-man!. .ew,
Chapter 25: akhhhh "I Love Him So much" that just enough
Chapter 24: .Differently?? I hope that she will end up with Sehunnie~ i love hunzy soo muuch...<3