pink star

Stranger On The Roof

“It’s all done! We are done!”

“What?? You can’t do this to me!! Kris! Where the hell are you going??”

“Are you deaf?? I don’t wanna meet you anymore! We are done!”

“Is there someone else?”

The fight pauses, the girl’s words trailed off. The guy stops walking. The room remains silent.


“No.” Kris’s deep voice echoes in the air. Short yet painfully stabbing her heart.

“You’re lying. Your reason makes no sense. You don’t wanna meet me anymore?” She makes the sound of snorting, only to hide her sob.

“Why it makes no sense? Gossen Law exists. People will get bored to things as the time goes by.”

“But I’m not a thing!”

“Fine. Someone. Just let me go. I am so done with you and things about you.” Kris presses his head stressfully.

“Just be honest that you have someone else and I will let you go.” Her voice starts trembling, she can’t believe that their 3 years relationship would end just like this.

Kris sighs heavily, “I have been with her for 2 months. Enough? Good bye.”

The door opens and shuts.  Leaving her behind with pains and tears. Leaving her with his painful words.

She merely sobs and closes her ears, ignoring Kris’s last words that keep echoing in her mind. Running to the stairs that leads to her rooftop.


“AAAAKH! Stupid guy!” She shouts loudly, not caring about her neighbors who may get confused or annoyed.

She messes her hair up and lets her tears roll down the cheeks. “Stupid. Stupid Kris. Why do you cheat on me?”

“Why do you talk to yourself? Do you think you’ll get the answer?” A deep voice suddenly answers (or asks), makes her jumps in surprise but not intending to turns her head. She’s afraid of ghosts.

“Hey!” The voice comes again.

The voice resembles Kris’s. Kris is not crazy to kill himself after breaking up, right? Oh, no. It is him who decided to break up. He must be having fun with his girl right now. She thinks.

“Such an arrogant girl. I am talking to you, miss arrogant.”

She’s still in her position without turning her head even a bit. Really, she’s afraid of ghosts.

“I am a human, if that could make you turn around.”

Yes, that makes her turn around. She really thought I’m a ghost. He speaks inwardly.

“Who are you?” She asks, brows knitted.

“Who are you?” He repeats.

“I am being serious.”

“Me too.”

“You… are really annoying.”

“Do you think you’re not? I was in my peaceful moment, gazing at the stars, but then you shouted loudly that it ruined my moment. Don’t you have a watch or can’t you see the dark sky?” He says in annoy.

“You are really talkative for a boy. Don’t you see that I’m in a very bad mood?”

“Because your boyfriend cheated on you?” He starts asking in a low tone.

“My ex-boyfriend.”

“Fine. Your ex.”

She sighs, “Yeah, because of that.”

“A guy being a guy. Guy cheats, woman cries. Woman cheats, guy sighs.”

“I don’t get it.”

“You shouldn’t. Oh, but I’m not a guy who cheats.”

“Nice info.”

He laughs, “You are not that annoying. May I know your name?”

“Yours first.”

He sighs, but still smiling, “Ladies, often stand on ‘ladies first’, but also often avoiding a start.” He pauses, and takes a look at her. “Chanyeol. Park Chanyeol.”

She tries to draw a smile, the guy is kind and trying to console her, and she should appreciate.

“Haejin. Han Haejin.”

“Nice name, I will call you Han. Don’t mind, do you?”

“Sure, Chanyeol.” Han smiles.

Chanyeol smiles back as reply, and then looking back at the sky. “The sky is beautiful tonight. Being sad in a beautiful night is not good. Forget about that guy who cheats for a while and look at the sky.”

Han follows Chanyeol’s idea. She takes a deep breath and let the fresh air enters. Throwing her sight to the stars field. Serenity enters her body and mind.

Forget that , Haejin. He’s not good for you, God has just showed you. Find another guy.

“Feeling good?” Chanyeol speaks out.

Han nods, “Really good. Thanks, Chanyeol.”

“No problem.” He smiles widely, showing his white and well-arranged teeth.

Weird, in this dark environment, she can see his teeth.

“Do you brush your teeth really often?”

“What?” Chanyeol laughs, “Why are you asking about that? But yes, I brush it three times a day, ten minutes per brushing.”

“What?? Ten minutes? You spend 30 minutes a day just to brush your teeth?”

“Yup!” Chanyeol nods happily.

“I only spend 9 minutes.”

“But you spend hours to beautify yourself.”

“I’m not that kind of girl who takes hours to beautify myself.”

“So you are naturally beautiful?”

“Of course!” Han smiles proudly.

“I like that.” Chanyeol says, “I like simplicity.”

Han merely smiles, and then yawns. Chanyeol checks his black watch.

“It is 11pm.”

“Really?” Han asks as she rubs her tired eyes.

“Yeah, let’s go in. Good night.”

“Good night.”

Both Chanyeol and Han enter their small doors and leave the rooftop with smiles on their faces.


Chanyeol throws his body to his comfy bed, placing his hands behind his head and looks at the ceiling. Smiling.

“I finally got the chance to speak with you, and more.”

He reaches for his camera in his lamp-desk locker, turning it on and checks the pictures.

He smiles at the beautiful face he’s been capturing since he moved into the house 3 months ago. He had no chance to talk to her because she’s always with that guy who cheats. Even though their relationship starts changing 2 months ago, he still had no chance to speak with her because he had no reason. He merely looked at her presence who sadly sits on her rooftop without doing anything.

Her ex-boyfriend is an almost perfect guy, from what Chanyeol sees. He is tall, his skin is a perfect pale white, his hair is silky blonde, his face is like a masterpiece of God, his car is the newest series of Mercedes Benz, and his fashion is really cool. Chanyeol thought he will never get the chance to talk with Han, because he thought he’s a nice guy too. But no, he cheats and hurts Han.

“I will not let him approach you anymore, Han.”

Han wakes up lazily, makes-up lazily, eating her breakfast lazily. Even though she felt better last night after gazing at the stars and talked with Chanyeol, today she feels bad again, and it’s all because of Kris.

She reaches for his bag and walks out of the home slowly, unlike usual. She doesn’t feel like doing anything today but she has to go to her campus. Today’s subjects shouldn’t be missed.

“Han!” A familiar voice calls her, Han turns around to see Chanyeol runs happily towards her, with a DSLR camera hanging on his shoulder.

“Hey, Chanyeol. Where are you going?”

“My work place, you?” He pauses, “Wait, wait, I know. Campus?”

Han nods, “Where’s your work place? You’re not going to campus? I consider that we’re in the same age.”

“A photography studio near here. And your campus? Oh, and about that, I have just graduated 5 months ago.”

“Ah, great. I’m in Seoul Dae.” Han answers as they start walking.

“Seoul Dae?? Wow! What major do you take?”

“Law.” Han answers as she scratches her cheek shyly. Sometimes she doesn’t know what to say or to act when people praise her.

“Great! I wish you success, Han.”

“Thanks. You too.”

“Thanks.” Chanyeol says, but then he snaps his fingers. “Do you have time to sit on the rooftop again tonight?”

“Sure, I’ll be home at five so I’m sure I have time.”

“Nice, what about having some chats? We can do it in one of the rooftops. Yours or mine?”

“How about yours?”

Chanyeol nods, “Good idea. I’ll wait for you at eight. I’ll buy some snacks.”

“Okay. Ah, Chanyeol, I have to hurry. See you later!” Han runs after waving at Chanyeol, leaving the happier-than-happiest Chanyeol.

“Chanyeol? Is that you?” A soft voice speaks while Chanyeol is busy with his camera lens.

Chanyeol merely answers without taking his eyes off of the lens, “Hmm, it’s me.”

“Chanyeol! Chajattda*!

Chanyeol lifts his head and turns to see the voice owner, but he’s already locked in a hug.

“Who are you??” Chanyeol asks furiously.

“Chanyeol!” She speaks surpisedly, “How can you don’t recognize me??”

“Noona??” Chanyeol was taken aback when the girl shows her annoyed face while crossing her arms.

“Yes. Where have you been, Park Chanyeol?? You moved from the house when I wasn’t there and not telling me at all? Stupid boy!” A hit landed on Chanyeol’s head, Chanyeol groans.

“Noona, that hurts! I’m sorry for leaving without telling you at all. I got a job near here but really far from our house so I moved. Sorry.” Chanyeol smiles stupidly, only to be replied by a pinch on his cheek.

“Where’s your home?”

“Not far from here, only 15 minutes by walking.”

“Let’s go there, pack your stuffs, and go back to our home. Mom and dad are there!”

“W-what? Why should I go back to home? Mom and dad have given me the permission to live alone here, noona. As long as I still come to visit the house. Even more, I have a job here.”

“Park Chanyeol.”

“What about just staying there for three days? But not today, please, I have an engagement tonight.”

“Park Chanyeol, which is more important? Your family or your engagement?”

Chanyeol sighs heavily, he really can’t choose if the choice involves family. But he’s already promised Han to have a chat tonight, he can’t tell her about the cancellation because he has no contacts of her.

“Park Chanyeol, your noona is waiting…”

Chanyeol sighs again, “Okay, but only three days.”


“I gotta tell my boss first.”

“Have your time, I’ll wait outside.”


“Your house is really nice.” Chanyeol’s noona comments.

“Now you know why I’d like to stay here.”

“Do you mean that our house isn’t nice, Chanyeol?” Chanyeol’s noona asks with one of her eyebrows raises.

“N-no, noona. I mean, this house is really me.”

Chanyeol’s noona merely snorts. “Make it quick, Chanyeol.”

“What makes you in hurry, noona? We’re just going home, the home will not go anywhere.”

“I just want to sleep in my room. I immediately went here when mom tells that you are not at home.”

“No one asks you to do that.”

“Chanyeol, you don’t miss me.” Chanyeol’s noona fakes a sob.

Chanyeol laughs, “Noona, come on. It’s just the matter of time. If you’re not here today, forcing me to go home, you would have got a very warm bear hug from this cute little brother because I missed you so much.”

“Jeez, so you’re mad?”

“Yes. Are you mad?”

“Chanyeol, is it a girl that you will have your engagement with?”

“Yes, noona. And I have been waiting for today for so long! Come on, noona. Don’t let me wait for other three days!” Chanyeol whimpers. Instead of getting his noona’s sympathy, he got another hit on his head.

“No. Go home first.” Chanyeol’s noona retorts flatly as she goes somewhere else

“Noona~~~” Chanyeol merely cries on his position, kneeling.

Her bad luck for being in the same university with Kris’s new girl. She met them at the parking lot when she’s going home. Han wonders why Kris still has the guts to greet her after cheating on her, right in front of his y new girl. Han wonders if Kris is a man or just a piece of . Her mistake for saying that Kris is perfect; though he is physically perfect and his behavior was really nice back then, but maybe that has infected his mind. She feels sorry for him.

Han sighs as she finishes combing her hair.

“Forget him, Han. Let the past be the past, the future waits.”

She stands up and walks towards the door to go to his next door neighbor’s house, Chanyeol. She feels grateful for meeting such a nice guy like Chanyeol, and she hopes that Chanyeol can makes her forget things about Kris.


Han was going to knock the door when she got a piece of paper on the Chanyeol’s door.

Hello, this is Park Chanyeol.

If you are not Han Haejin, I just need you to look after my house because I will be away for three days to my parents’ house.

But if you’re Han Haejin, hello and sorry for postponing our engagement. I’ll see you again three days from now, my sister forced me to go home right after she arrived from China. We will have our chat session on rooftop on that day, you have my words on it :)

P.S. Please check your mailbox, Han. I wish you’ll have nice days!


Han smiles at Chanyeol’s letter, she feels bad for the postponed chat session, but she will look after that day that Chanyeol has promised.

Han checks her usually empty mailbox and got a nice wrapped gift-box in it.

“Chanyeol, you prepared a gift?” Han speaks lowly as she starts unwrapping the box.

A cute star toy with pink color shows up, she giggles, “Really cute.”

When Han turns its back, she got another letter written on it neatly, maybe it is a writable toy.

Hello, Han! Since I’ll be away for three days, and there will be no Chanyeol who sits on the rooftop with you who are in bad mood recently, I give you this star so you’ll remember of me every time you see this. Because besides I like the beautiful stars, I am also cute like this star. Cheer up, Han Haejin!

Han laughs, “Cute, but your voice doesn’t support your words.”

Han looks again at the pink star, “Thank you, Chanyeol. You’re still a stranger on the roof for me since we haven’t talked really much yet. But you’re the best stranger ever. Comeback soon.”

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udungudung #1
Chapter 1: baper lagi da w knp si pake chanyeol fotografer au da w gasanggup da w lebi bae guling2 di comberan ruma pak haji da ela
clumsytikduck #2
Chapter 1: Awwwwww~ ;A; Why so sweet~? Is there a sequel for this~? I'm looking forward to that if you make one~ :D