This song is for you – I love you


Not being able to hold your hand.

Not being able to stand by your side.

Not being able to look at you in the eyes.

Not being able to say I love you.

I hate all this.

I did not ask for all these, but for both our sake, I have to withstand all these.

I love you, I truly do, and I know you too.

-Cha Hak Yeon(N)

Looking at you from afar.

Looking at you smiling effortlessly at other girls.

Looking at you leading a perfectly happy life.

Looking at you happy without me by your side.

I hate all this.

I know these are all facades, because I know deep down, you are aching.

I love you, I truly do, and I know you too.

-Joo Eunyoung


Just a short oneshot on Eunyoung and N. I ship this two so hard that I wish that they date already. Or if they already are they should just officialised it.


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Zenflick615 #1
Chapter 2: Nice Story ! <3
Zenflick615 #2
This ship of mine just completely sunk at the end of both Romantic and Idol and All the Kpop... But is still ship them two ^_^
Chapter 2: Very cute and sweet FF :-) :-) thanks for sharing it with us :-)
Chapter 1: aww what a sweet story~ love it! <3
hope they're dating in real life ;~;
Chapter 2: SO CUTE >< nice plot author-nim, OMG I wish this is real :( love them together~
xNarya #6
Chapter 2: It makes me love the NYoung couple again, because yeah I was disappointed about what happened in All the Kpop but than you so much ! :D
Chapter 1: WOW!! Nice fic^^ Please do update XP
Chapter 1: uwaaaa this story just so beautiful! they're so sweet! ><
update soon! ><