
Strings and power.



When the nights are cold and the crisp air fills his lungs, Kris sits on the roof of his house and simply thinks where his other half is and who they are, constant thoughts swirl in the young man’s mind. Why? He still doesn’t know.

“It’s an effect of your other half” His older brother calls, placing himself next to Kris “You’re meant to be a dragon. Not a mind reader” Kris replies lying back on his elbows, “Well yes but I’m also your brother and you only sit up here if your hiding but since nobody’s home your thinking about them, whoever it is” His brothers scaled wings opened, Kris then sat up and arched his back forward revealing his own wings to catch the slight breeze that he felt on his face moments ago. “Hey Jiyong” Kris called “How ‘bout a race?” A cheeky smile played on Jiyong’s lips “Loser has to do the others chores for a week” and both were off racing between the trees and street lights. 



No they’re not blood brothers but they go under the same category you could say. Since both Kris and Jiyong are dragons they connected instantly. Kris was abandoned in the woods un-able to control his anger and power until Jiyong found him and brought him as his brother, if it wasn’t for Jiyong, Kris may have been dead meat.

There are also different type of dragons, Kris is an fighter dragon; meaning he doesn’t breath fire but he has really good at defending and attacking, he uses his wings and hands basically Kris is a rare breed since not many are known be around.

The next one would be a fire dragon and Jiyong falls into that category, Jiyong doesn’t breathe but he creates it. At the end of his wings are like ambers that when they are touching they ignite and depending on the colour of the flame it can either kill or heal.

Last but probably most beautiful would be the water dragon. Unlike the others all water dragons are female, a fighter and fire can be either but the water dragon are always female. There isn’t much known about them since a lot has died out and global warming is a since pure breeds are born in the Arctic.  

There are many powers these are only a small amount that is found, all everyone’s power is slightly different for a good reason.

Ones powers are unique because it somehow connects you to ‘The one you were bound to’ or better known as your other half. In folklore it was said that God tied a red thread around your little finger and attached the other side of the thread to someone else so that one day you will be them and the rest is history. But even when you meet the one you are bound to, it’s never so easy in just walking up to them and saying “hey I just met you and this crazy, but I’m bound to you so let’s get married.” Oh no, it’s much more difficult than that.

They say there are effects you go through when your ‘other half’ is going to enter your life and when the two halves become one, sometimes you can even smell them coming which is kind of creepy when you think about it but a lot easier too.

Any way let’s get back to the story shall we?



It had been good few hours since Kris and Jiyong had finished being children racing around Seoul like nobody’s business, though Kris had school in the morning he was happy to spend time with his brother, Jiyong is an underground rapper with four others, Seunghyun, Youngbae, Daesung, and little Seunghyun but they all call each other by their stage name including Kris. The oldest Choi Seunghyun goes by TOP or Tabi Jiyong is G-Dragon, Youngbae is Taeyang, Daesung as D-Lite but prefers his own name and little Seunghyun is Seungri. Kris’ real is Wu Yifan.


Jiyong and Kris live together and the rest of his underground crew live next door but come over like the live there so it wasn’t surprising he heard running water and singing down in the kitchen since his brother was next to him on the laptop he knew it was Taeyang.



“Kris! You’re still awake? It’s nearly 2:00am you should be sleeping for school tomorrow!” Kris scoffed pulling out some takeout from the fridge to heat up. “Daesung won’t be so nice if you fall asleep in his class you know that” Taeyang continued washing up the dishes that were left in the sink “I know, I know…” Kris called hearing the beep sound from the microwave “Tae-daddy~ good uh morning” Jiyong emerged from down stairs headphones around his neck “You!” Taeyang pointed “What are you doing letting your brother stay awake at this time on a school night Kwon!” Taeyang continued to wag his finger in front of Jiyongs face, hand on one hip and cussing at his bad parenting “He’s a grown boy Taeyang if he wants to stay up it’s his fault I’m not going to school anymore..” Jiyong waved his arms in the air walking towards the draw and grabbing some chopsticks to eat what Kris had despite the slaps he was given. Taeyang rolled his eyes and walked away “Whatever, I’m coming over to wake you up early Kris so prepare yourself..” Taeyang chuckled and walked out “Why does he still come over at weird times of the hours just to do our dishes?” Kris questioned, Jiyong just shrugged saying he’s been doing that since he met him so Jiyong had grown use to it.



The next morning was a pain as Kris was woken up and 6:45am by the sound of a mega phone, pots and spoons. Sadly Kris woke up nearly having a heart attack in the process screaming his family were crazy monsters and slammed the bathroom door to take a shower.



As Kris sat on the table a smiling Taeyang sat next to him “Good morning sunshine” and sat him down some breakfast and getting a grunt in reply “You can’t be mad at me so there’s no use” and Kris felt no need to be angry, which pissed him off. Taeyang has the power of emotion, which means by one touch he can make a person calm, angry, shy, happy and sad, you name it. It also comes in handy in the most annoying ways. Kris simply grunted as he shoved a spoon full of rice in his mouth.



8:30 had hit and he was now walking towards school with his best friend’s Kai and Chanyeol. “Dude you look like crap” Chanyeol commented as they walks through the gates with Kai nodding in agreement “Yeah, what happened” Kris stared blankly “nothing, just a late night.” Kai grinned disgustingly wiggling his eye-brows. One word: ew. “Who’s  the lucky girl huh? It was so that girl from home-room shes was eyeing you for the past week!” and then a solid right hook connected with Kais face “I’m not disgusting like you Jongin, please keep your dirty thoughts to yourself if you don’t mind” Kris withdraw his hand and continued to walk and left Kai clenching his face while Chanyeol was trying to gasp for air from laughing so hard. But Kris being him walked back, helped both of his friends into the nurse’s office and fix Kai up himself, “One minute you’re hitting me in the face and next your helping me… this is why we’re friends.” Kai gave Kris a weird one handed bro-hug and as he was about to let go Chanyeol went in for a group bro hug “okay, come on we’re going to be late for class.” Chanyeol and Kai nodded their heads and went their separate ways.



“Late for class again, Mr.Wu” Kris tried to sneak in without being detected but his teacher being a wolf hybrid it was pretty difficult “I had to help a friend out sir.” Kris explained “Is Kim Jongin okay?” “Yes sir.” “Good now sit in your seat” Kris just guessed Mr. Lee could still smell blood on his shirt so he sat down and pulled out his books for the biology.


It was going to be a long day.     



a/n - I know a really lame start but I have everything planned out please bare with me.

YES - Everyone in this fic will have some sort of power/gift. that or be a animal or something ; w ; 

Comments invited and Subcribers also :) 

and for the three people that subcribed before I even posted THANK YOU~ 

sorry if it at the start but it will be better ^_^ 

oh and one more thing; Should I put in BigBang ships and B.A.P ones or f(x) and stuff

like GDTOP, BangHim(lol) or like Yuri as (e.g: kryber or something) let me no pretty please :3

okay this is getting long. lol I'm listening to Jessica sing Almost 


Author_ bluchesse-exoticVIP 

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Chapter 1: Could you add todae or daeri? And daejae too! Do update soon!