Chapter 4

I Hate Infinite!


New Poster Credit to ↺ ┊ METAPHOR's adorkable--



"Umm. . . excuse me?"

The two boys released each other's lips (A/N: This feels too now. . .) and gasped at the sight of me. They jumped away from the other and started to smooth their clothes out and fix their hair.

Hoya cleared his throat. "M-May I help you?"

I awkwardly coughed. "I-I left my phone."

Dongwoo looked around at the tables, walking over to one and picking up a cell phone. "Is this it?"

I nodded quickly and gave a small smile. "Yeah, thank you," I said. I walked over and plucked the phone from his grip and shuffled toward the door.

"Umm. . . you can continue. . . I guess. . ." I ran out of the cafe and never looked back, even though one of them called my name.




Oh my gosh, ~~~! I thought, frustratingly pulling my hair. Why did you go back? Why couldn't you have left your phone? The blinds were down and the door was closed and everything! Why did you see?!

I huffed and sat up from my bed. "I want tea," I announced to no one in particular, and I ran into the kitchen.




When I went to school the next day, I tried to avoid the Infinite people.

It was easier than I hoped, because all of them were trying to avoid me as well.

Except for the suspended L! I cheered mentally, smiling.

I turned left into another hallway, and I realized that I was lost.

I was about to turn around and find my way back, but 2 guys were blocking my way.

To my complete and utter surprise (not really), it was Hoya and Dongwoo.

They stepped closer and I backed away, right into a corner.

I lightly slapped myself. Why did I just walk into a corner?

Hoya leaned forward and whispered, "You're not going to tell anyone, right?"

I frowned. "Why would I?"

"Don't you hate us?" Dongwoo asked, confused by my response.

"Why would I?" I repeated.

"Because of the stuff L did and what he made us do," Hoya said.

Dongwoo laughed bitterly. "We do all this stuff for him, yet he's the second-youngest."

I shook my head. "I won't tell, I promise," I said seriously.

Hoya and Dongwoo sighed. "Good," Hoya said. "L hates gays more than anyone," he said before turning and leaving, followed by Dongwoo.

"Wait!" I called after them. "Then why are you friends with him?"

Dongwoo and Hoya looked at each other, then looked at me.

"Pity," Hoya said, while Dongwoo said "Fear."


"He has no heart. He's a player, and he tried so hard to join our group. It was actually really funny how he begged and tagged along," Hoya explained.

"Because we let him join, he became the visual. He's powerful in this school. If we ditch him, there's the end of us. Who knows what he can have the school do to us," Dongwoo said.

They both left, leaving me alone in the hallways.

Then I remembered that I was lost.

I ran after them.

"Wait up!"




This update was terrible, right?


I'll work on it, though.




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sweetcow #1
Chapter 15: Yadong!!!!!!Btw love your stories!♡♥♥
Chapter 11: Somehow I bet she might get into trouble too
Chapter 12: LMAOOO Yadong
venusdoomm #4
Chapter 13: omg Dongwoo and hoya!!!!
LollipopFille #5
Chapter 11: Oh my god, I can't believe she did that :O Lol but as they say revenge is sweet XD Update soon...
Chapter 7: You have school on Sunday?
LollipopFille #7
Chapter 6: I love the second and third snippet :) It's a great way to introduce your story!!! Well the plot is interesting, I look forward to reading the first chapter :D Update soon
Chapter 6: I really liked this little snippet... but man, she must have said something terrible to make Myungsoo react like that. Or is he just unable to handle rejection properly...?

I think the story is gonna be great.
Chapter 4: I got "November" right!(And should have known "Albert"...-_-)

This sounds interesting. *subscribes*
Chapter 5: YAAAY An official date!