Hugs Are Key



OMO! KIWI HERE POSTING THE THIRD CHAPPIE AS AN OFFICIAL THIRTEEN YEAR OLD!!! who wants to know what happened to kyungsoo??! (....more awkward silence...) oh...never mind >.< sowwy guyz....kekeke lol well heres the 3rd chappie 4 whoever wants it u.u


   Bright, blinding white.

   That's the first thing Kyungsoo saw as he blinked his eyes open, slowly adjusting to the lighting of.........wherever he was. That's right, where was he? The boy looked around, absorbing his surroundings, which seemed to be the back area of some convenience store. He was slumped on a hard, uncomfortable chair that was resting against a corner. A few feet away from him, there was a beat up door with a sign that read, "EMPLOYEES ONLY," hanging off it. In the small area around him were several boxes full of random supplies. In front of him,  was the back-view of a counter, a tall, familiar, hot guy leaning nonchalantly against it.

   "K-Kai...?" the confused boy stuttered, looking heartwarmingly like an adorable lost child, whom it would take a LOT of self-control to resist glomping.

   The younger turned around from his position at the cashier, undeniably y in his work shirt and baseball cap, before flashing the elder a dazzling smile, teeth straight and white against his tan skin, "Oh, you woke up. How ya feelin', Shortie? Or should I say Squishy.....?"

    Kyungsoo blushed, opening his pretty pink mouth to reply, "I-I'm o-oka-" he was suddenly cut off, wincing, when he accidentally rubbed the inside of his leg against his other, a sharp, stinging sensation shooting through his leg.

   "You were saying.....?" the taller raised an eyebrow sardonically as he glanced suspiciously at the smaller boy sitting before him. However, he immediately softened when the latter didn't reply instantly and instead weakly clutched at his leg in pain.

   "Y-ye-.....I....I j-just....i-it hurts..." he eventually whimpered, bititng harshly on his plump bottom lip.

   Kai frowned, somehow not liking the feeling of seeing the elder in pain, and spontaneously strode across the slightly tight space till he was standing in front of Kyungsoo, "Oh? Where does it hurt?"

   The wide-eyed boy gestured lightly at his right leg, doe-eyes adorably doubling in size when the younger knelt down in front of him and began to slowly roll up the leg of his dark blue skinny jeans, revealing the boy's bare skin; utterly smooth and soft, tantalizingly pale, no trace of hair in sight, and very much feminine.

   "Why are your legs so girly.....? Kai deadpanned as he eyed the elder's slender, dainty leg.

   This resulted in a slight squeak of embarrassment from the flustered boy as he tried to give his totally over-used and very much flimsy excuse, "I....'c-cause....I'm s-still growing...?"

   "Huh...." the younger smirked teasingly, before turning back to examine the nasty reddish-brown scab that marred the elder's beautiful, flawless skin. He then gradually extended his arm, to cautiously touch the slight injury, causing the smaller to gasp, and flinch backwards, tears shooting to his eyes. Kai immediately withdrew his hand at the not-very-pain-tolerable boy's reaction, eyebrows furrowing worriedly.

   He cleared his throat before opening his mouth to give his final input, " looks like a very.....serious and....painful wound....?" the taller said uncertainly, though he had suffered much worse and this was just a mere scratch to him, he couldn't bring himself to say that as he studied the latter's glistening doe-eyes, tears threatening to spill at any moment, and bruised lip from such rough biting. "Well...umm...lemme see...., I don't have a first-aid kit," the uncomfortable male rambled, looking around the room distractedly with a lost look on his face. The poor guy wasn't necessarily used to treating other people's boo-boos.

   Kyungsoo blinked his round eyes at the younger for a second, before hesitantly opening his cute mouth to speak, "Ummm....I-I have one in my backpack..." he voiced softly.

   Kai nodded slightly before reaching out to grab the Pororo backpack, sniggering to himself all the while at the mere awkwardness of the entire change, which, in turn, resulted in the inevitable reddening cheeks of the other, way too easily flustered boy. He continued to rummage through the bag until his hand made contact with hard metal, pulling it out to reveal a............of course, a Pororo themed child's first-aid kit. The taller glanced at the kit, then looked up at the owner of it, who looked like an adorable tomato (if that was possible), his cheeks were that red, and then back at the childish image of a happily grinning Pororo, before failing to suppress a snicker.

   "Okay, here I go...." the younger warned as he ripped a pack of rubbing alchohol open, glancing at the elder for confirmation, only to smirk when he saw how the usually wide open eyes were adorably squeezed shut in nervous anticipation.

   He then cautiously dabbed the cotton pad against the scabbed skin and began to gently rub, trying to ignore the pained intakes of breath and flinches that were coming from the weak boy. After a few seconds, the more masculine of the two peeled open the Pororo-decorated band-aid (fighting to keep the amused smile of his face) and pressed it over the minor wound, before stepping back to admire his first attempt at treating an injured person. The Pororo band-aid didn't seem the slightest bit out of place on the 17 year old boy's soft, white, childlike leg.

   "Well, I'm done!" Kai remarked excitedly, feeling extremely proud of himself. "Does the Princess approve?"

   Closed eyes shot open, in all their huge, innocent, glory, before casting their gaze down modestly, "Y-yah, don't call me that!"

   "Of course! Whatever the Princess says~"

   "But.....why can't I be a prince, then?" the elder inquired, pouting his puffy lips irresistably.

   The younger coughed into his fist, attempting to cover up his entertained chuckles, "Well...about that, My Dear Squishy/ Shortie," he began, thick lips twitching as he tried to keep a straight face, "You do I put this? It's just that, you, Sweetie, are not manly enough to be considered a 'prince'."

   Kyungsoo's bottom lip jutted even further out, squishy cheeks puffing out in frustration, "B-but.......HOW?!" he wailed loudly, making it extremely hard for the latter to contain his laughter.

   "Ahem. I'm sorry,'re just not. Not manly in anyway at all, I'm afraid."

   At this, the shorter huffed and crossed his arms indignantly over he chest, settling himself back harshly into his chair. That did it for Kai. He burst out into loud, hearty laughter, resting his hand on the counter to keep himself from doubling over. He actually had a very attractive laugh, Kyungsoo noticed, but quickly tried to chase away the thought as he furrowed his eyebrows irritably, cheeks staining pink. "Whaattt?!" he whined, feeling very awkward as the younger guffawed.

   "BWAHAHAHAHA. OHMIGAWD...AHAHAHA...YOU TRYING TO BE SASSY...AHAHAHA. SO CUTE. HAHAHAHAHAHA," he gasped in between his laughter, clutching at his stomach, not realizing that his reply only resulted in the further embarassment of the elder.

   "Awww, why're you sad now?" the larger male teased when he finally quieted down after creating such a ruckus and noticed the latter glowering, a smirk playing on the edge of his tempting lips. "Does the Princess's ouchie still hurt? Perhaps a kiss would help?"

   ".............................." came the nonexistant reply as the smaller sulked in his chair, desperately trying to keep his cheeks from darkening further. He tilted his head upwards to try and give Kai one of his infamous (infamous for not existing) intimidating death glares, but got embarassed before he could make his attempt when the younger winked at him, and ended up looking instead like a flustered baby owl, eyes wide and innocent, cheeks painted a pretty petal pink.

   Kai laughed again at the other's cutness, reaching out to affectionately ruffle his extremely soft, thick hair. Honestly, he was getting a MAJOR kick out of this entire exchange. He could probably sit here for hours just talking to and teasing the elder without getting bored. The smaller boy just got embarassed so easily and had the most adorable, entertaining reactions.

   "Ummm.....hello? Is Kai Oppa there?" a high-pitched, feminine voice cut in, interrupting the moment. Both males reluctantly turned to see a pretty girl, however wearing too much makeup, dressed in tight clothes anxiously tapping her long, pointy, perfectly manicured nails against the counter.

   The said male sighed grudgingly, before slowly turning away from Kyungsoo to walk back over to the counter. "Hey, how can I help you?" he questioned almost monotonously, not really wanting to have a conversation with her in front of the al boy sitting in the back, for who knows the sort of things she would talk about and bring up.

   She smiled seducingly, setting two packages of something on the counter. "Mmmmm, yes. Oppa, I need to buy these....but I don't know whether to get this size or that size?"

   He glanced down to look at the packages boredly, only for his eyes to widen when he saw what their labels read. Oh, but of course. What else would a like her be buying? Condoms. 

   "Soo, which size do you think I should get?"

   "How would I know? Why don't you ask you boyfriend or whoever you plan on using them on?

   The female pouted her lip gloss-slathered lips, fake cutely, her eyes twinkling mischievously, "But, Oppa! I AM asking him!"

   Kai rolled eyes in irritation. He quickly glanced back to check on the elder, who thankfully appeared to have no idea of what was going on, before turning to back to glare hardly at the young woman. "Look," he hissed sharply, "I don't know what kind of bull you think I'm going to do with you, but let me assure you, it's not going to happen. Now either you pick a size and buy it quietly, or just leave."

   Her jaw dropped as she placed her hands on her hips sassily, "EXCUSE me?!" she drawled, aghast.

   "You heard me," the taller repeated firmly, continuing to stare intimidatingly into the other's makeup-covered eyes.

   The "customer" 's mouth opened and closed a few times as she tried to find the words to say, looking quite amusingly like a fish out of water, before setting her jaw determinedly and stalking away indignantly with a harrumph and flip of her styled hair.

   A mixed sigh of relief and annoyance escaped the cashier's mouth as he silently bid good riddance to the clingy girl. Ugh..girls... he thought, momentarily forgetting about the curious, clueless boy sitting in the back. Just because you them ONCE, they think you automatically wanna do it IF. She wasn't even good....

   "Umm...K-Kai..?" the forgotten boy spoke up hesitantly. "What...what did she want..?" he asked warily, not sure whether he should feel threatened by this female's relation with his crush or not. 

   "What?" the irritated male mumbled blankly, feline eyes glazed over in thought, before blinking them and glancing at the latter as the question registered. ""

   Kyungsoo pursed his lips in dissatisfaction, very much unaware of just how kissable he looked at that moment, "Kaaaiiiiiii," he whined, "tell me what she saaiiiddd~"

   "No way!" the younger laughed, amused at the elder's obvious distress.

   "But WHYYY?!"

   "I'm sorry, but it's inappropriate for you; you're too young, Baby Soo. Maybe when you're older~" he wiggled his eyebrows teasingly, purposely using the name "Baby Soo".

   The boy flushed in frustration and embarrasment, silently cursing -well not necessarily cursing since he was too innocent for that, but as far as he could get- Baekhyun and Chanyeol in his mind. "Y-YAH!" he wailed in distress, eyes widening comically, "I'm....I'm older than youuu!!"

   "Ah, but you see, it just so happens that until I've seen your birth certificate, and possibly not even THEN, I don't believe you. In my eyes, fair princess, you are a mere 13 year old, therefore too young," the sadistic male smirked, oh so happily drinking in the other's anguish.

   Kai looked on in utter amusement as the smaller resumed his previous tomato status, lips flopping about and huge eyes blinking disbelievingly as he sputtered for a reply, before slumping back into his seat, letting out a somehow cute (because everything he did was cute) dying cat sound, then ending with a meek "I hate you," as he brought his knees upto his torso and buried his head behind them.

   The cashier let out a light-hearted laugh and was about to respond, when a customer suddenly called. He reluctantly turned to quickly help the ahjumma out, but as it was, a long line slowly built up.

   A few feet away from him, a small body curled up into a little ball, face tucked away, resided in the corner, desperately trying to calm his pounding heart. He pressed his face deeper into his knees and squeezed his eyes shut, frantically willing away the deep blush on his face and the intense pangs he felt in his chest. As he waited for the conversation between Kai and the customers to die down, his naive mind tried to fathom how this one person could trigger such fervent reactions from him and rouse him into this flustered state. 

   "Have a good day," Kai nodded politely at the last customer, approximately 5-10 minutes later, watching disinterestedly as he strolled away, bagged purchases in arm.

   "K-Kai?" a soft voice spoke up from behind him, and the said male turned around, a fond smile playing on his lips when he was met with the heartwarming sight of those huge doe-eyes peeking up at him from behind his knees. "Hmm?"

   Kyungsoo blinked those wide orbs and opened and closed his cute mouth in contemplation, before curiosity got the better of him, "Wh...why do you work?" The younger had always somehow struck him as the stereotypical "rich, popular" type, and he couldn't help but wonder why he needed a job if this assumption was accurate.

   The clerk's face suddenly hardened into a blank, stoic expression as the elder's innocent inquiry suddenly slapped away his cheeky grin with a reminder of the hidden harsh reality he was living that forced him into these unwanted working circumstances.

   "Money," he finally stated simply in a cold, indifferent voice after several moments of gratingly staring down the perplexed elder boy.

   "B-but.....why do you need to make money?" a soft, hesitant voice continued.

   ".....To survive..."

   "But WHY? Wh-what about your parents?"

   The younger silently ground his teeth as painful memories, old and fresh, aroused fiery streaks to shoot throughout his body and threaten to cause him to erupt at the elder. His parents. Right. "That," he began through gritted teeth, his chilling tone pure ice as to restrain the fire, "is NONE. Of. Your. ing. Business."

   The smaller male froze instantly, aghast, his glistening eyes wide with hurt, plump lower lip slightly trembling as the taller's harsh tone struck deep into his big, sensitive heart. "O-oh......s-sorry...." he practically whispered in a soft, trembling voice, before guiltily lowering his head back to behind his knees, except this time out of self-reproach instead of embarrasment.

   The latter turned away obdurately, his face rigid stone, despite the strong, internal, contradictory feelings he held of vexation at the elder for prying, and remorse for hurting the innocent, delicate boy.

   He wasn't sure whether to feel relieved or annoyed when another customer came up, saving him from any further possible dialouge with the dejected male several spaces away.


^.^ ~kiwi~ ^.^


   Kai walked out from the "Employee's Only" room, having changed back into his school uniform, work shirt and cap stuffed into his bag which was slung over his shoulder, along with a certain Pororo one. He continued on, strolling around the counter and out the door into the parking lot without a word, leaving a poor, crushed Kyungsoo to clumsily scamper after him.

   The ride home was awfully uncomfortable, an awkward, practically suffocating silence hovering over them, save Kyungsoo's anxious, stuttered directions.

   "Th-this is it..." the boy mumbled softly as the bike pulled up in front of a dinky, little house. Once his feet touched the ground after a rather awkward descent, he suddenly stopped, hesitantly looking up at the younger with big, sad eyes. "Umm...K-Kai?"

   The said male merely grunted in acknowledgement, barely looking at the elder.

   "I...I'm r-really sorry...." he said shyly, genuineness clear in his voice.

   At this, the younger finally looked down at him, and immediately felt a pang as he took in the elder's irresistable doe-like orbs, and the absolute distress and sincerity written all over his transparent face.

   "No.....I'm sorry," he sighed and ruffled his hair frustratedly, finally giving in. "I shouldn't have snapped at you like that....."

    "B-but it was m-my fault for--"

    "--hey, stop. How about we both just forget it?" Kai cut in.

   The smaller looked up, his face brightening and his plump lips lifting into an adorable little smile. "O-okay..."

   He then suddenly lowered his gaze to the ground shyly, a slight pink starting to tint his chubby cheeks, "Hey, K-Kai...?"

   "Yeah?" the taller replied encouragingly as he studied the boy's obvious embarrasment.

   "W-well....usually whenever I fight with Baekkie Umma or Channie Appa or Lulu Hyung...w-we always make up...." he suddenly broke off, twisting his hands timidly and shuffling his feet, the pink blooming into a bright crimson. "W-we always m-make up w-with...."

   The taller watched patiently as he tried to work up the courage to say whatever it was he wanted to say, the corner of his mouth slightly twitching as he tried to keep from smiling and further flustering the boy, though he doubted that he would even notice since he was staring so intently at the ground.

   "We always make u-up," he began again, "w-with a-a h-h-hug..." the last part spoken in a hushed whisper, barely heard to the latter's ears. But definitely heard, indeed.

   That did it for Kai. He immediately broke out into a crooked grin, eyes twinkling mischeivously. "C'mere," he ordered the nervous boy. So the baby wanted a hug? Well he was definitely going to get it.

   Before Kyungsoo could understand what was going on, strong arms were suddenly tightening around his petite frame, and he was being pressed against a warm, muscular body, the familiar captivating scent of his crush dominating his senses. A strong feeling of giddiness began to bubble up inside him, threatening to escape in the form of squeals which he barely suppressed as he subtly snuggled closer into the addicting embrace.

   After a few marvelous moments, the taller slowly broke off with an exuberant laugh and ruffled the smaller's hair. The blithe boy covered his mouth to hide his embarrasingly large grin, but the pretty pink in his cheeks and his crescent shaped eyes gave away the ecstasy he was feeling.

   "Was that good enough for the princess?" Kai teased, but the elder was feeling too mirthful to really care, so he just gave an enthusiastic nod, large eyes shining.

   The younger let out another chuckle and pinched the other's colored cheeks. "Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow," he finally stated with a tad of reluctance in his tone.

   Kyungsoo nodded again, giving the taller a cute wave and bounced up the pathway to his front door.

   "I HEARD THAT," the younger called out merrily when he heard a series of faint squeals coming from the latter who had finally reached the doorstep. The said boy turned around and stuck out his tongue, the blush on his face apparent, before disappearing behind the door.

   Kai smirked amusedly as he mounted his bike. If these were the kind of adorable reactions that he received for hugging the elder, then, well, he was going to have to start being more generous with his hugs.


^.^ ~kiwi~ ^.^


KYAAAAAAA~ i finally finished!! OMO im SOOOO sowwy guise for the terribly late update >O< i bet most of u guise forgot this fic even existed....IM SUCHA TERRIBLE AUTHOR-NIM TT^TT unfortunately this probably wasnt even worth the wait /sobs in corner OTL

But HEI HOLY KIMCHI! last time i updated i only had 3 subscribers...nao i hav 36!! HOW THE FUDGE DID THIS HAPPEN???? AHHHHHHMIGAWD!! LEMME SQUISH U ALL TO DEATH! SARANGHAEEEE~ <3333

and thanks SHO much 4 commenting to:





and to:


for wishing me a happy birthday! U GUISE R SO AMAZING! MWAH~ <33

anywayssss plz subscrbe and comment! IT MAKES ME SHO HAPPY! SARANGHAE~ <333


-Kiwi ^o^

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Guyz, sorry this is taking a while >.< but i promise im working on it, and hopefully ill be done by the end of the week! ^.^


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vlee_gonghyung #1
Chapter 1: Wahhhh please update.....
When this fanfic gonna update (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Chapter 5: Hahaha! It's been awhile...
Chapter 5: This is great. Kyungsoo is so cute.
Chapter 5: yah kiwi you finally updated!! more more more more or I AM going to kill myself ;-;
Chapter 4: kyaaaaa I'm fainting soon. I wonder when Kai will find out that Kyungsoo has been before and does Baekyeol and lulu know? Update soon author-nim!!!
Chapter 4: I finally found the time to read this! Yes, thank you Lord Almighty. Ahahaha.
And you, how come you are so shy for this story? It's completely adorable! Like I'm not even kidding. It's an all-around thing with comedic and fluffy parts and I absolutely like it. Thank you for recommending this fic. :)

Will seriously wait for the next update. Especially since I know there's more to the characters than is what's laid down so far. But for now, I just want to say "Good job!" Don't forget to pen down the awesomeness you dream about k? We will be patiently waiting. :D