The Middle-Schooler Who Wasn't


   AHHHH HERE IS THE FIRST CHAPPIE GUYS! hope u enjoy it!! ^.^


   "Alright then, Baby Soo!" Baekhyun cried enthusiastically, adjusting the straps of his "son", Kyungsoo's, deeply cherished  Pororo backpack. "Have a good day at school~" he patted the latter's squishy cheeks, smiling lovingly down at him.

   The younger sighed at hearing his "Umma"'s last sentence. He knew from experience the elder was implying that he was going to skip. He stepped back to look up at him and pouted in disappointment, as he was quite reluctant to go ANOTHER day at school without his "parents".  "Aren't you coming to school with me....?"  he implored, eyes naturally widening, lower lip jutting out as far as it could go. Despite that fact that he already knew what the answer would be, Kyungsoo figured it was worth a try.

   "Awwww, don't make that face, Kyungie..... you're making Baekkie Umma feel sad," the diva cooed, squishing Kyungsoo into one of his signature giant hugs.

   But still, the latter was quite dismayed that his adopted Umma and Appa were not going to accompany him at school......Again. He huffed and rolled his eyes, backing away from Baekhyun's hug, then turning to look up at Chanyeol hopefully. He had to crane his neck to look up at the taller, due to their differences in height, and it was a bit uncomfortable. 

   "Yeollie Appa....?" The smallest of the three practically whispered, sending the elder a pathetic doe-eyed look, pouty bottom lip slightly trembling.

   Chanyeol gulped nervously, eye twitching as looked between Kyungsoo's irresistable big eyes and Baekhyun's death glare hidden behind a frighteningly sweet smile. "Ummm....I...errr...."

    "Really Baby, we're very sorry, but Yeollie Appa and I have adult stuff to do. We would bring you along,'re too young. Right, Yeollie?" Baekhyun stepped in, adoringly fixing the youngest's bangs while sending him an apologetic look, before turning to his boyfriend, still wearing that fake sugary grin.

   "Yeah, that's right. Appa is sooooooooo so so so sorry. Just keep on being Appa's sweet little girl, and before you know it, the day will be over, Nae?" the tallest piped up in his somehow comforting deep voice, shooting Kyungsoo a huge, dorky, but loving grin.

   Kyungsoo's eyebrows furrowed, but he nodded grudgingly. Situations like this happened often, but Kyungsoo just couldn't seem to get used to them. "Nae, Appa....but....I'm not a little girl.."

   At this, Baekhyun chuckled, reaching out to pinch his beloved baby's squishy cheek. "Aigoo, our Kyungie is so cuuuute~" he squealed, tugging on Chanyeol's sleeve. The latter nodded enthusiastically, giving the elder a goofy two thumbs up. 

   He then turned back to Kyungsoo, "Kay, Kyungie Baby, we gotta get goin. Come and kiss Umma and Appa goodbye~"

    The boy blew out his breath, lowering his eyes and facing turning slightly pink in embarassment, drawing squeals from the two elder boys, before shyly shuffling over and pecking Baekhyun, whose eyes were scrunched tightly closed, on the cheek his finger was eagerly pointing to, and then standing on his very tippy toes to peck the bent-over, beaming Chanyeol's cheek. The couple let out giddy shrieks, falling recklessly over each other, and then squished their beloved baby into a group hug.

   "Toodles, Baby Soo. We'll be back to pick you up, so don't talk to any strangers or anything!" the Umma sang, wiggling his fingers as he dragged Chanyeol away.

   Kyungsoo nodded and smiled cutely, waving, before sulking to himself as he watched his best friends/parents leave him behind. He kicked at the ground with his scruffed, hand-me down, pink Converse sneakers, and turned back around to walk up the path to the school entrance. Great, he thought, Another lonely day at school... He knew that his over-protective, doting Baekkie Umma and Yeollie Appa didn't mean to abandon him. If anything, they tried their absolute best to prevent that, always taking him and going with him everywhere, showering with him with plenty of hugs, kisses, and affection, scaring away people who picked on him (with their craziness), comforting him when he was down, and always overally taking care of him. In fact, Kyungsoo's own precious Umma never thought twice about letting him do anything when Baekhyun and Chanyeol were involved, because she knew just how much she could trust them with her baby boy. It's just that they were a bit oblivious sometimes. They didn't realize how lonely their Kyungie was at school without them. His only other friend at school was Luhan, who was a senior and didn't share any classes with him. And, frankly, they were always busy doing "adult" (ahem) things whenver they skipped school together, and, Kyungsoo, being their love child, understood that they needed alone time together, and wanted them to happily love each other. He just wished sometimes that he had someone.....

   "Nice backpack," a sardonic voice interrupted Kyungsoo's thoughts, as he was suddenly yanked backwards by a force pulling on his backpack.


^.^ ~kiwi~ ^.^


   " uniform," Kai grumbled angrily as he threw his white school shirt on, not bothering to button it up all the way. He grabbed his tie, yanking it around his neck and loosely doing it,  before flinging his blazer on, and slung his bag over his schoulder, rushing down the stairs all at once.

   "Umma, I'm leaving!" he yelled over his shoulder, as he ran out the door, tugging on his shoes. The young man hastily hopped onto his bike, jerking his helmet over his head, and began to pedal as fast as he could, which, mind you, was quite fast, what with his muscular body and all.

   15 minutes later, Kai rode into the empty parking lot of the school. ", I'm late..." he muttered under his breath as he glanced around the vacant area, pulling off his helmet and tossing his bike to the side, before jogging over to the entrance of the building. 

   As he drew near, Kai saw that a group of guys were blocking the entrance. He huffed, rolling his eyes. "Yah! Move over, ers! I'm late for class!"

   "YAH! WHO DID YOU JUST - oh " the boys turned around, ready to beat up whoever had just dared to insult them, when they realized who the offender was. "Hey there Kai," DongMin, the guy's "gangleader" grinned casually, giving him a small wave.

   Kai pursed his lips as he recognized the group as some loser troublemakers from his class, looking suspiciously between the boys. His eyebrows furrowed as he examined the skeptical scene before him. The three were cornering some small boy whom Kai presumed to be a middle-schooler, one of them holding a childish Pororo backpack, which he concluded belonged to the little kid.

  "Aishh....seriously.." he groaned, running a hand through his thick wavy hair. Bullies. He just hated them. And a mere middle-schooler at that? Pathetic. Just, pathetic.

   The irritated male stepped forward, shoving all three delinquents roughly, and grabbing the backpack. " off, es. Go find some your own size to pick on."


^.^ ~kiwi~ ^.^


      Kyungsoo slowly turned around, clutching the straps of his backpack, and titled his head to look up anxiously at the "complimenter" of his bag with big eyes. 

   "Woah, what's with those creepy bug eyes?" the culprit, who Kyungsoo recognized as Yang DongMin from his class, laughed mockingly along with his two henchme- best friends, BonHwa and MunHee, causing him to blush shamefully, and lower his gaze to stare at his tiny feet.

   At this, DongMin frowned and nudged the shorter rudely. "Hey, I SAID that I like your backpack."

   " you....? Umm...I-I have t-to st-tarted f-five  m-minutes a-ago..." the pertubed boy stuttered, avoiding the taller's gaze.

   "Aha. Ahahahahaahaha. NO," the bully sneered at Kyungsoo, letting out a short, harsh bark of laughter. "By the way, I lied. I don't like your backpack. I mean, what is that, Pororo? How old are you anyway?" he taunted, as BonHwa and MunHee snickered in the background.

   Kyungsoo gripped his backpack tightly with tiny fists, knuckles turning impossibly white from the force he was squeezing the straps with. "I-I.....I l-like P-Pororo...." the timid boy remarked quietly, faltering in his every word.

   "Oh yeah?" the leader jeered. "Well, I HATE it. In fact, I hate it so much, I can't even stand to look at your backpack. I think you should get rid of it," he nodded towards his companions, and MunHee held the small boy still, while BunHwa ripped the backpack off him, each of the three wearing a similar evasive smirk.

   The victimized boy let out a sharp breath, his huge doe-eyes filling with tears as he watched his prized backpack get taken away from him, and his arm starting to hurt from the latter's strong grip.

   "Yah! Move over, ers! I'm late for class!" a familiar, deep voice interrupted Kyungsoo's pitiful moment, causing his heart to jump slightly.

   DongMin angrily turned around, yelling, but when he saw the person behind him, his pissed off attitude made a 180 degree change. He smiled at the latter, adding a friendly wave as a bonus to the mix. "Hey there, Kai."

  Kyungsoo's ears perked up at the mention of that certain name. He slowly peeked out from behind MunHee, his gaze slowly moving up. His eyes first landed on a pair of beat up Converse sneakers not unlike his own, except they were much bigger, and black and white-turned-grey, instead of pink. Next came a pair of long, lean legs, clad in black, slim-fitting trousers. Then, a white button up shirt that did nothing to hide the toned abs and muscles of the torso lying beneath it. And, holy kimchi, the first few buttons were undone, revealing some of that tanned muscular chest, the uniform tie loosely done. By this time, Kyungsoo was blushing, as he finally looked up to see that gorgeous, handsome face, of which every detail he had memorized from days of staring dreamily at it in class, those dark, piercing eyes, all topped off by that thick shock of hair, oh so ily mussed.


   The dazed boy was shaken out of his trance as he watched the younger push his three tormentors out of the way and snatch his backpack. 

   " of, es. Go find some your own size to pick on," he snapped, sending the trio scurrying away with his intimidating glare. 

   Kai then turned to glance at the teary-eyed Kyungsoo, tossing him the backpack. "You okay, kid..?" 

   The elder caught the bag, stumbling backwards slightly, and gave a short nod, hastily wiping at his eyes. 

   "Th-thank you..." he voiced shyly and efficiently put on the backpack, face turning a pretty petal-pink as he locked eyes with his savior.

   Kai blinked, slightly taken aback by the shorter's cuteness. "Riight....what are you doing here anyways? Shouldn't you be at...I don't know...middle school or something?"

   Kyungsoo stared up at the latter with huge innocent eyes, slightly tilting his head in confusion. "Wh-what...?"

   "Shouldn't you be at the middle school?" the taller repeated, enunciating each word. 

   Kyungsoo gaped as Kai's words processed in his mind. Wow, he thought, My crush finally acknowledges my presence, and he think I'm a middle-schooler.

   "I....I g-go here...I'm n-not i-in middle sc-chool...."

   The manlier of the two rose his eyebrows until they disappeared beneath his messy bangs in surprise. "Holy. . You can NOT possibly be older than 13 years old!" 

   "N-no! I'm r-really in h-high school!" the doe-eyed boy protested weakly.

   Kai let out a low whistle. "Daannngg, shortie much? Plus, you have such a baby face...what's your name anyways?" 

   Kyungsoo blushed adorably in embarrassment. "I-I'm still growing, that's all...a-and it's Do K-Kyungsoo..."

   "Wait...Do Kyungsoo? As in, Baekhyun and Chanyeol's beloved baby?" 

   The flustered boy nodded shyly, covering his heated cheeks with his tiny, pale hands.

  "Wow....they're always gushing about how cute you are...and I gotta admit, they aren't too far off," the younger grinned, winking flirtatiously, causing the latter's heart to skip one too many beats as he gawked up at him, blush deepening with every passing second. 

   Kai laughed in amusement, "Yeah, well, since they also adopted me, well actually only Baekhun did, but anyways, I guess that makes me your Hyung."

   "Umm..." Kyungsoo timidly looked down at his feet, before angling his head to look back up at the taller male. "A-actually...I'm your h-Hyung.."

   Now, it was Kai's turn to gawk. "There is no. Way. In. Hell. That YOU are my freakin Hyung. Sweetie, I'm 16, not 10." he stated, giving the small, cute figure before him a once-over.

   "...I-I'm 17..."

   "Right. And I am not in' calling you Hyung. Anyways, it's already late. I gotta get to class before Seonsaengnim pisses his pants. See ya around, Shortie~" the younger sent Kyungsoo another teasing wink, followed by a swoon-worthy smirk, before casually strolling away.

   The boy stood there for a few seconds, dumbstruck, before snapping out of his daze and running to catch up to Kai, who turned around to shoot him a confused look.

   "Why are you...?" he inquired raising an eyebrow questioningly.

   "I...m-my class is this w-way," the smaller quickly replies, looking away shyly. 

   The other nodded slightly, and continued to coolly walk away, Kyungsoo trailing after him like a lost duckling. After about a minute, the two both paused outside the same classroom door, the younger turning to stare surprisedly at the elder.

   "Is.....this your classroom?"

   The abashed boy nodded marginally, modestly lowering his gaze once more to the ground.

   "......You're ing kidding me."

   He shook his head briefly, still not looking up.

   A long breath of air escaped the bewildered male's mouth."For the billionth time......holy . I can't believe you're in the same classroom as me and I never noticed."

   Kyungsoo finally casted his gaze to look at the taller with his wide entrancing eyes.

   "Okay, well I guess I never really pay attention in class, but...still."


   "Right....let's just go in...." Kai sighed, shaking his head disbelievingly as he held the door open for the elder. The two entered the classroom together, catching the unwanted attention of their irritable teacher.


   What....? Detention? Kyungsoo thought, freezing in shock, his ginormous eyes watering.

   Kai rolled eyes, huffing as he slid into his seat. Pshhh, utterly horrifying.


^.^ ~kiwi~ ^.^


yayyyy~ i finally finished!! HOLY KIMCHI I ACTUALLY FINISHED! wahhhh i hope this wasn't too much of a fail OTL

and KaiSoo have detention! oooooohhh~

lol i hope u guys liked it...plz comment and subscribe! it would really mean a lot to me...specially since this is my first chaptered fic ^.^ just plz dont judge me 2 harshly cuz im still a bit of a newbie at this and im probably younger than most of you...

anyways plz answer this:

also, special thx 2 these ppl 4 subsribing! <333


angelicdevil (even tho ur a given ^.^)


love u guys!! <33

im SO sorry this is getting really long. dont 4get 2 comment and subscribe (i start spazzing and giggling giddily whenevr i get a new one ^.^) and plz be patient for the next update! SARANGHAE MY LOVELIESSS!! MWAH! <3333


-Kiwi ^.^


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Guyz, sorry this is taking a while >.< but i promise im working on it, and hopefully ill be done by the end of the week! ^.^


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vlee_gonghyung #1
Chapter 1: Wahhhh please update.....
When this fanfic gonna update (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Chapter 5: Hahaha! It's been awhile...
Chapter 5: This is great. Kyungsoo is so cute.
Chapter 5: yah kiwi you finally updated!! more more more more or I AM going to kill myself ;-;
Chapter 4: kyaaaaa I'm fainting soon. I wonder when Kai will find out that Kyungsoo has been before and does Baekyeol and lulu know? Update soon author-nim!!!
Chapter 4: I finally found the time to read this! Yes, thank you Lord Almighty. Ahahaha.
And you, how come you are so shy for this story? It's completely adorable! Like I'm not even kidding. It's an all-around thing with comedic and fluffy parts and I absolutely like it. Thank you for recommending this fic. :)

Will seriously wait for the next update. Especially since I know there's more to the characters than is what's laid down so far. But for now, I just want to say "Good job!" Don't forget to pen down the awesomeness you dream about k? We will be patiently waiting. :D