
He Who Has Grey Eyes


He woke up with a start. Was it just a dream? A dream with no end. It was the same dream for the fifth night of the week. His nightmares were just a mere grey void of nothingness. Endless. Then he remembered the note. Dahae's note. He rummaged through the files only to find none. Was his brain playing tricks on him? He was dead sure that there was a note meant for him. He grunted. The most important clue was already gone. Grey. The word lingered in his mind. He sighed, getting tired from racking his brain for answers. Driving to the police headquarters felt like hours even though only thirty minutes passed. Chanyeol felt burdened, taking on such a confusing case. The murderer's life would not be spared. Chanyeol promised himself. For Dahae's sake, he repeated to himself everytime he felt like giving up. He walked through the corridor, nearing his work area when a hand tugged him into his office. It was none other than Byun Baekhyun.


"Chanyeol, I'm so sorry I couldn't attend Hae's funeral. I was sent to another town to finish a case. I came back as soon as I can. I'm so sorry. I'll make it up to you sometime. I'm sorry about Hae. My poor baby Hae," Baekhyun was talking too fast for a muddled person like Chanyeol. All he heard was 'sorry', 'Baby Hae' and another 'sorry'.


"It's okay, Baekkie. You don't have to be sorry. I do understand that you are a busy man, hyung," Chanyeol muttered softly.


"But, Jonginnie said that you wanted me there. I feel so guilty now. How should I make it up to you?" the shorter man was pacing back and forth.


"Hyung," Chanyeol held the man's shoulders, stopping him from moving about. "I didn't tell Jongin to force you to come. I merely said that it would be nice if you were there to see Hae's funeral. I didn't force you. So please don't feel guilty," he explained with a small smile.


"Even so, I'm your best friend and I should be there, consoling you when you needed me the most. Come here, let hyung make you feel better Channie," Baekhyun pulled Chanyeol in for a hug, snuggling comfortably in the taller male's chest. "I miss this," he sighed.


"Hyung, sometimes I wonder why it's me, facing all this in life. It hurts me so bad. Hae's the only anchor I have left and she too, was gone. She was my everything. No, she is my everything. And I lost it,"he paused, sobbing softly. He was quiet for a moment, thinking deeply. "I think I'm going crazy," Chanyeol laughed bitterly. "I thought I received a note from Dahae, a clue about the murderer. But it didn't make sense. There was only one word on it. Grey. I don't really get it. The next day when I woke up, the note vanished,"Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun's reaction, hoping he didn't sound like an insane person. He was unsure whether he did the right thing of telling his best friend.


"No, you're not,"Baekhyun squeaked. "You're not crazy."


"What do you mean, hyung?"he narrowed his eyes out of curiousity.


"A strange dream has been bugging me this past few days. Please keep this to yourself, alright? I might sound like a crazy lunatic if anyone ever found out," Baekhyun shifted closer nervously.


"You can tell me anything, hyung. I promise i won't tell,"Chanyeol urged him to go on.


"Alright, I dreamt that I was the victim that got ,"Baekhyun started.


Chanyeol froze. It sounded downright crazy. But still, he chose to remain silent, trying not to upset Baekhyun. It was an interesting revelation.

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airiiminwoo #1
Chapter 9: how come the most recent comments in this story was like 5 months ago?? LOL this story is awesome!!!!!!!!! this should be recognized more by readers ^_^
Chapter 8: uwaahh!! Channie has feelings for his sister.. :') aww

I'm so curious yeah!~ *sings shinee's songs*
Chapter 6: omo.. KRIS?! could it bee?? omo i think i'm starting to have a motto.. "Could it bee??"

BUT KRIS?! is it him? omo omo..><
Chapter 5: OMO OMO The guardian?? Guardian angel?? Could it bee??? *gasps* you you bad murderer you!! Updater soon!! Authornim!!
Chapter 4: OMG another victim!!! AAHH People are dying endlessly.. How can the murderer be so cruel!! aahh!! omg omg omg!! Update soon!! ^^
Chapter 3: omg.. mystery!! aaahhh cliffhanger!! authornim update soon!! ^^ I support you!!
Chapter 2: wow chanyeol poor you :( and no problemo :)
laysium #8
This is an interesting story. I love the mystery behind it. Hwaiting, and Update soon! :D <3