Beach Time MPOV



“Amaya get up!” Kori yelled banging on the door.

“I’m already up” I said opening my door.

“Hmm and you’re dressed” she said surprised.

“And packed” I smiled pointing to my bag.

She clapped her hands and cheered for me being awake and dressed so early without the help of anyone. I took a bow and laughed.

“Thank you, now go and get ready we’re waking the boys” I said pushing her out the room.

I checked my bag to make sure I had everything and went in the living room to wait for Kori.

“Kori hurry up I’m dying out here, the boys are probably up by now” I called. I’m so excited for today I’m ready to leave already.

After 30 minutes of waiting although it felt like 30 years, Kori finally came out.

“Wow someone looks cute” I said admiring Kori’s outfit.

She had on white ripped denim shorts with a black one shoulder shirt that had a panda on it, it was so cute.

(The panda ^^)


“Thanks, it looks alright?” she asked spinning around.”It doesn’t make me look little you know with the panda?” she said pointing to the large panda.

“No, it looks great and the panda creates an opportunity for you to show your aegyo” I nodded.

“Aegyo?” she asked puzzled.

“Aegyo is like cuteness, the act of being cute” I explained.

“Be cute…but for?”

“Seungri silly” I laughed.

“Oh” she said tapping her head.”Okay so…wait I’m not good at being cute” she admitted.

“Well then I’ll teach you” I offered.

“Okay but I never seen you act cute before” she said unsure.

(Aegyo pose ^^)


“How’s that for cute” I asked.

“That’s pretty good, okay teach me” she said jumping up and down.

We spent five minutes practicing before Kori finally mastered her aegyo then we left to wake the boys.

We went to wake Tyler, Max and Daniel but of course they were already up and getting ready.

“So much for waking them up” I said pouting.

“Don’t get upset we still haven’t got to the others” Kori said placing her hand on my shoulder.

Went over to Big Bang’s dorm ready to knock but the door was open. We walked into their dorm the smell of coffee hitting us at the front door.

“Ooo it smells so good” Kori said sniffing the air.

“So good” I agreed as I inhaled the scent.

We followed the scent which lead us into the kitchen where we found Daesung pouring coffee into a mug.

“DAESUNG!” Kori and I both shouted as we ran up to him.

“NOONAS” he shouted giving us a big hug.

We started conversing… well it was more like talking loudly in a happy manner.

“HOW HAVE YOU BEEN?” he asked.

“GREAT” we both answered smiling like goofballs.

“HERE HAVE A SEAT, HAVE SOME COFFEE” he smiled getting out more mugs.

(They pretty much looked like that lol)


We talked like that until Seungri dragged his self in the kitchen. When we seen him we jumped on him.

“SEUNGRI!!!” we cheered.

T.O.P and GD came in next and we jumped on them as well.

“AHHH” they screamed as they joined a spot on the floor next to Seungri.

We got off of them and helped them up.

“What was that!?” they all asked alert.

“It was our welcome” I said.

“Welcome for?” Seungri asked rubbing his eyes.

“For not seeing you in so long” Kori said hugging him from behind. It’s true we haven’t seen the boys for about 2 days because of them having to do press business; 2 days is too long.1

Seungri sighed and all of a sudden Kori’s aegyo was activated.

She got in front of Seungri; she blew air into her checks.

“You didn’t like our welcome” she said blowing the air in her cheeks out and looking down with a disappointed look in her eyes.”Sorry oppa” she said sadly but with a hint of sweetness.

(Kori's Aegyo look :) )


I almost screamed YES KORI THAT’S RIGHT USE YOUR AEGYO! But I didn’t because that would just be so very weird.

Seungri looked at her with surprise then he smiled and kissed her cheek which made Kori’s face turn tomato red.

“Your welcome was the best” he said happily.

We all laughed at Kori’s face as the boys went into the kitchen.

“You’ll have to teach me more” she said with a huge grin on her face.

“Okay and you did a good job, you’re a natural”

We went in the kitchen when I noticed someone was missing from the now smiling happy bunch.

“Where’s YoungBae?” I asked.

“He’s in his room still sleep I think” T.O.P answered.

“I’ll go wake him” I said grabbing a mug of coffee on my way to his room. At least I could wake someone up.

I knocked on his door knowing he wouldn’t hear it because of him sleeping so I went.

“YoungBae wake up” I said lightly shaking his shoulders.

He moved a bit but didn’t wake up so I tried again and still got the same results.

“Hmm how am I going to wake you up?” I asked him.

Still nothing.

“YoungBae come on it’s time to wake up” I said moving his shoulder again.

Still nothing.

I really wanted him to wake up so we could leave and spend the whole day together at the beach with the others.

“Ugh you’re like Sleeping Beauty right now, how can you awake” I said thinking.

 I didn’t want to shake him violently because I knew he was tired from all the activities this week plus I don’t much strength to shake him awake he’s too strong to move. Then I got an idea…how did Sleeping Beauty wake again? With a kiss!

“Okay you have one more chance to wake up” I warned.

Still nothing.

“Okay so I guess I have no choice” I said.

I leaned down near his face and before I could move my lips closer to his, his eyes opened. I fell back almost dying at the sight of him awaking.

(that's how he awoke)


I laughed so hard at my stupidity for trying that, that tears started to fall from my eyes and I didn’t even notice that he was wide awake starring at me.

“Are you okay?” he asked scratching his head.

I stopped laughing and went over to the bed plopping down giving him a huge hug.

“YoungBae oppa you’re awake!” I cheered. “I’ve missed you so much”

He laughed and returned my hug.

“I’ve missed you too has it really been two days since I’ve last seen you?” he asked.

“Yup” I nodded. “And today we go to the beach; I bought you some coffee Daesung made it” I said handing him the mug.

“Thank you” he smiled giving me a kiss on the check.”I’ll go get ready now” he said leaving his room.

I almost died at his gestured and was so happy no one was around to see the expression I had on my face.

(yeah if i made that face I'd be glad no one seen me too xD)


I left his room and went back to the kitchen only finding Kori sitting at the table.

“Where are the others?” I asked.

“Getting ready, did you wake Taeyang?” she asked.

“Yup, I can’t wait to go to the beach!” I exclaimed sitting down.


“Did you hear that?” I asked Kori looking around.

“Yeah who was that?” she asked.

“SOMEONE HELP!!!” the mysterious voice yelled.

Kori and I got up from the table and tried to figure out which way the scream came from.

“OUCH!!!” they cried.

We heard laughter coming from GD’s room so we headed that way. TOP was in his doorway laughing away as we poked our heads to see what was happening.

GD was on the floor rolling around holding his head and there were sneakers all over the place.

“What happened?” I asked.

“The shoe hit me” he whined.

TOP finally settled down and came to GD’s aid.

“Yah~stop fooling around in there” Seungri called from his room.

Soon after all the commotion everyone was ready to leave which got me very excited. Kori and I went back to the room and got our bags.

(happy dance ^^)





A/N: Hello everyone! So here’s an update that wasn’t supposed to be like this. Yeah they were supposed to be at the beach already but my mind took that idea somewhere else so next chapter they will be at the beach~ but how’d you like it?

I know I have a couple gifs and macros in here which I don’t really put in my fanfics but for some reason I was just so happy and decided to put them in. and that’s another reason why this took so long to update…I was too busy laughing at the macros and gifs I was looking at I got distracted from writing. Even now I’m looking at them… So maybe I might put more in upcoming chapters?

So anyway I guess I wrote this chapter like this because I was listening to f(x) at the time which made be write about things such as aegyo…yes so until next time good day!

haha you thought I forgot to say it didn't you....or do you even know what I'm talking about...

Thanks for reading and subcribing..


okay now by bye :)

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Starlightshine #1
MEH YOU CHEATED MY FEELINGS BECAUSE I THOUGHT YOU UPDATED! T.T but I know you're busy so you're forgiven. :)<br />
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Hmm, the title? I'm guessing it's Kiss because that's the only Korean song Dara sang... Unless you're talking about her Tagalog songs (and I only know In Or Out). Although how come there's a kiss? It's the midst of drama now :O this just made me more excited! Can't wait for the update!
skyl_YB #2
Amaya hehehehe.. i remember someone!!amaya!!
Starlightshine #3
Actually for the polls I wanted to say I don't side with anybody, but since there's only 2 choices I chose Amaya. I can understand Tyler's point of view, but since he said he was her best friend shouldn't he try and think why she would lie to him (or rather withheld information from him)? I just feel that Tyler should be more sensitive.<br />
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So... I also reread the foreword of this fic. Is Amaya going to leave Korea then? Giving up this wonderful opportunity to escape everything again? And will Tyler tell anybody? :O Thanks for the update!
Starlightshine #4
Omo... I think I get it. Tyler knows of Amaya's secret already. I'm guessing the paper is probably a picture of Amaya and her family or sth... He deliberately brought her here because he knew what the significance of the place was to her and he wanted to see how she would react. Amaya's breakdown was what confirmed his suspicions about her identity. AM I RIGHT?! :D<br />
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Soooo... What would Tyler do? What would Amaya do? Omo, I can't wait to find out! Thanks for the update!
Starlightshine #5
Haha everyone could see Taeyang and Amaya's relationship, those two should just date already! /grins/ Ah, thanks for the update! ^^<br />
Um, a long walk is... A tour? Journey? O.o and it should be Big Bang's Remember, the only song I could think of...
ohmyyoungbae #6
it's bigbang's remember! :D hehe^^ thank you for the update! is she going to tell her secret soon? :o
Starlightshine #7
I confess, I was grinning away like an idiot when I read this chapter. Ahhh, Kori and Amaya are so lucky /pouts/ me want to go to the beach with hot guys too! 5 certain hot guys to be exact XD and LOL Amaya the klutz! She should wear a protective body armour LOL~ hahaha burying the guys in the sand? They actually fell for the trick LMAO! And those cars /drool
ohmyyoungbae #8
hahahhaahhaahhaha^^ is the sing connection? hehe, thank you for the updateeee~
Starlightshine #9
Aww this chappie just shows their cute and dorky side. Squee~ I wanna hug them lol!!<br />
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'“The shoe hit me” he whined.' -> serves you right Ji for having so many shoes! XD<br />
Thanks for the update! ^^
@ohmyyoungbae yes so it will come and there will be a surprise ^^