
Coming Back

“You are absolutely and undeniably the luckiest, the most envied and the most blessed girl in the entire universe…” Yoona said. “Having that super kind and handsome boyfriend... in Sunghoon’s persona,” she went on dreamily.

You smiled at her through the mirror. The girl was your hairdresser slash personal assistant. Blame your mother. This was her idea, although you weren’t exactly opposed to it. Yoona unnie was kind and bubbly, and she was like your older sister although the two of you are not related.

Modest as you are, you knew that Yoona adores your boyfriend… You can see it through the way she talks about him, and the look she gives her when he’s around. Surprisingly, you were cool about it.

*Does that mean I don’t love my boyfriend anymore? Or… did I ever loved him?* you thought but then you shrugged it off. Of course you love your boyfriend and you love Yoona unnie, too, so you were okay with it.

Being the only child of a wealthy family, many looked up to you vastly. You were always brought by your mother to all kinds of those elite parties. You didn’t want to be on them. Parties are for them, not for you. You want things simple and fun. Unlike parties that needs special etiquettes and pretences.

“You’re done,” Yoona said. “Perfection.”

You looked at yourself on the enormous mirror then stood up to thank her. “Thank you unnie~ I look nice…”

She nodded then carefully fixed your dress hemline. Your mother appeared from the door. “Shinjee dear—oh my, you’re so beautiful!” she exclaimed. “The dress and the hair suits her perfectly, Yoona. You are a genius!”

“Thanks Mrs. Kim.” Yoona bowed politely.

You wanted to sigh, but instead you walked towards your mother wearing a smile. “Let’s go eomma, I don’t want us to be late.”


Cold air brushed your ear. You squirmed away. Then you heard him chuckled lightly.

“Aigoo… still as jumpy as ever,” Sunghoon chuckled. You looked at him, good-naturedly dressed and handsome… just as how Yoona see him.

“Eo, Sunghoon-ah.”

“Here’s your drink,” he said and handed you your drink.

“Thanks,” you thanked him then put the rim of the champagne glass in between your lips, just smelling its pleasant aroma.

He held you by the elbow and escorted you to the middle of the dance floor.

“Are you nervous?” he asked a while later.

You looked at him, raising an eyebrow due to confusion. “Nervous? No. Why should I be?”

“Because I’m nervous.”

“Then I’m expected to be nervous because you are?”

He took the glass from you and handed it to a waiter.

“No, don’t put it that way… Shinjee-ah, I just want to know…”

He was speaking so slowly and that made you cringe secretly. “Sunghoon-ah, is something bothering you?” you faced him and put your hands on both his shoulders.

“Shinjee-ah… what do you think of the idea of marrying me?” he said then without any other word, he already kneeled on his knees before you could utter back a response. His eyes never left yours as he pulled a small black box out from the pocket of his tuxedo.

“Kim Shinjee… will you marry me?”

You looked at him and then to the people around. You thought that this was just a simple party, but then, you saw your parents together with his parents watching with smiles on their faces. It was a scheme. You were attending a party that was intended for you.

You blinked a couple of times. How many times did you expect this to happen, although not this soon? You practiced for this. You already did. How you will react and what you would say…

But now…

He was holding a large diamond ring. Sunghoon had a smile on his face and he was clearly expectant about your answer.

Your parents were nodding at you and you knew what it meant.

“Sunghoon…” you whispered and looked down at him.

“Is that a ‘yes’?” he asked.

*No!* your mind protested.

He smiled then he stood up. He reached for your left hand and started to…

You pulled your hand away before he could put the ring on your finger. “I’m sorry, I can’t.”

With that, you rushed away from the place.

Sunghoon was literally shocked. Mixed feelings were flooding through him. The grand place was filled with murmurs from the people around.

He started following you.


*Run faster, run! Don’t let him catch you!* your mind repeated all over again. You were on the busy streets of Seoul. Wearing that kind of clothing, people started noticing you and most with looks of admiration.

First thing that crossed on your mind was to go home before your parents does. But the thing was that maybe they will be able to corner you before you have the chance to escape. Dreadful, because you will definitely face their wrath.

Feeling vulnerable, you sulked in a deserted and dark alleyway. It’s the kind of neighborhood that the middleclass live. You started crying…you were helpless and confused. You buried your head in between in your knees and sobbed harder.

Then there was the soft sound of approaching footsteps.

Reflex was to run again. You thought it was Sunghoon. But the voice was gentle and firm… It belonged to a stranger.

“Miss? Are you okay?” he asked.

You looked at the guy. Even with the dim light, he looked like an angel. Small face… but could launch any girl’s heart into a somersault. He was good-looking. He was wearing a polo and it seemed that he had been on a party earlier himself.

You knew you looked dreadful with your make up being smudgy and all… but right now, it doesn’t matter.

“Are you feeling cold?” he asked.

“H-help me…” you choked out to him. He nodded.


You gratefully accepted the cup then sipped the drink. The fuzzy warmth of the tea comforted your stomach. The guy named Luhan as he introduced himself sat in front you on the dining room chair. He stared.

“Let me guess…you ran away from something,” he said.

Note, he said something, not SOMEONE.

You looked at his doe eyes. “Uhm…” you began, signaling discomfort.

He chuckled and it was like music to your ears. *Gosh, what is this guy doing to you, Kim Shinjee?*

“Relax, I’m not going to talk about it anymore. You better rest. I bet you need it.”

He was kind and understanding, too. *Much much better than Sunghoon.*

You pinched yourself mentally, if it were possible. Just what the heck are you doing by comparing him from Sunghoon?

“Thank you, Luhan-ssi.”

“No problem, Shinjee. And call me oppa, okay?” he said while smiling.


Your phone rang and he stopped, observing your actions.

“Are you going to answer it?” he asked.

“I don’t know…”

“Who’s calling?”

You looked at your iPhone. “My boyfriend...”

He smiled encouragingly at you. “Answer it.”

Closing your eyes, you took the call and pressed the cold phone on your left ear.

“Yobosaeyo?” you croaked out.

“Shinjee! Thank God, you answered. Where are you? Are you okay?” he asked continuously. He sounded panicky and tense.

“Sunghoon-ah, I’m okay… I just needed space…”

“Come back to me Shinjee… I swear if something bad happens to you I will never forgive myself.”

“Don’t worry, I’m safe,” you replied. You looked at Luhan and he was now dishing your cup into the sink. He was quite clean and efficient. You knew you are safe being with him.

“I’ll see you tomorrow. Come home, okay? Your parents are worried…”


But you weren’t going home yet. Not tomorrow. Not when he told you to.

“I’m sorry about what happened, Sunghoon-ah. I was confused…”

“I know… It was like a rush and I understand why you reacted that way.”

“But…” you mumbled.

“You better rest. I know you’re stressed out. I love you. Goodnight.” He said lovingly.

“Goodnight,” you bit your lip then ended the call.

It was late when you realized that you hadn’t said ‘I love you’ back.


6 days later. You were still living with Luhan and you turned off your phone disabling any call. He didn’t ask why you didn’t want to go home. It was his day-off today from his work. Luhan was very kind and caring. He cooks for the two of you. His cooking wasn’t bad but it certainly was exotic, and you loved it. He makes you laugh by playing jokes and acting stupid. He’s full of wits and smart.

He let you borrow his clothes. And it felt a million times better than any other clothing you had worn in your life.

You were curled up like a ball on the soft couch while Luhan was sitting pretty uprightly on the free space beside you. He was playing with the locks of your long curly hair and the two of you had your eyes glued to the TV screen.

You stayed with him like that for a moment. Then he spoke.

“Let’s get married…”

You turned stiff and tense. He felt that and then he chuckled knowingly.

“I knew it.”

You sat up and frowned at him completely clueless. This is the manly 26 year old Luhan Cho and he’s very unpredictable, so you decided that it would better if you kept your mouth shut and nudged for him to talk instead.

“You ran away from a wedding proposal, didn’t you?”

You stared at him wide eyed and mouth opened wide. “How did y-you?

“I was on that party myself…” he mumbled.

He was one of the young businessmen that your father knows.

But one thing that made you curious was that: *did he follow you? But then maybe he did not. I was on his neighborhood.*

“Why? What were you thinking? Why did you refused?” he asked, breaking away all your thoughts.

You opened your mouth to speak up but then you hesitated then finally pulled away.

“Hey, you can tell me everything. Don’t let that get scrunched up inside you. You must tell someone how you feel and what you think so that you’ll feel better.”

He was right.

“I’m here to listen. I won’t judge you, promise.”

You pulled closer to him and you told him everything. He was gracious as he listened to every word you said.

“So, you refused because you were confused. But not because you don’t love your boyfriend anymore, am I right?” he asked.

You nodded.

“Then I say you come back and talk to him. That way I’m sure things will be clearer for you and for him as well…”

“You think so?”

“Yes, I think so.”

You weighed down the pros and cons. You leaned your head on his shoulder as you think. You stayed like that with him for a long moment before you finally spoke.

“Luhan oppa…” you uttered.

He smiled. “What is it?”

“If I come back to him… just because you told me to… will you accept me if I come back to you?”


You called your parents and Sunghoon for a close meeting. But his parents came, too.

They were all waiting for you to talk.

“Ahh…” you awkwardly began the cleared your throat. *Everything must be cleared.

 Sunghoon’s father spoke. “I suppose you’re here to tell us about your final decision regarding my son’s wedding proposal to you, Shinjee.”

“Yes, you could put it that way, abeonim.”

“I hope you’re bringing us good news, Shinjee dear,” his mother smiled.

You weren’t sure about that…

“Of course, Shinjee will never disappoint us. She never does.” Sunghoon said.

“Tell us my daughter, what made you run away for a week and what happened to you during those times…” your father requested.

“About that, you see I was confused so that’s why I ran away. But I came back…because the guy that I love told me to,” you said, not looking to Sunghoon.

Sunghoon thought you were pertaining to him so he smiled.

“I lived with that guy for six days and a half… it was a short time for me… but it was more than enough for me to know that I love him.”

“Shinjee!” Four different voices hollered in unison.

“I know, I know. Don’t judge me. I love him. I know I love him and there’s nothing you could do about it.”

“We won’t let that happen!” His mother shrieked.

“Eomma…” Sunghoon pleaded then looked at you. “Shinjee, why?” he looked at you with aggrieved eyes.

“I don’t think I know, I’m sorry but I’ve made my decision: I won’t be marrying you Sunghoon and I’m really sorry. I’m sorry I fell in love with another guy…”

“Son, are you going to let that happen?” His father asked him.

Sunghoon sighed. “Yes.”

You couldn’t believe it.

“Are you out of your mind?” his mother raised her voice.

“I’m not! You know I’m not! Shinjee made the right decision… since… I only see her as a younger sister.”

There was an unbearable peculiar atmosphere at his sudden revelation.


You knocked at Luhan’s apartment. You hadn’t told him that you’re already coming back. He should be in there by now since it’s already seven in the evening.

A minute later, a handsome Luhan came and greeted you. You pushed yourself into his embrace without any word. He was hesitant to clinch his arms around you. You closed your eyes and breathed in his addictive scent… the scent that you love and will gladly breathe in for the rest of your life.

“Shinjee—you’re back…” he said it as if he couldn’t believe that this would happen.

“I told you I will come back for you, didn’t I?” you mumbled.

You looked up at him, your arms still encircled around his torso.

“But why?”

“You know the answer Luhan oppa…” you stubbornly pointed out.

“You’re not marrying him?” he was bewildered.

“I’m not. And that’s because… I love you.”

“Shinjee… you love me?”


“If I come back to him… just because you told me to… will you accept me if I come back to you?” she asked.

I swallowed the sudden lump on my throat. I don’t know what she’s trying to say but I guess I have an idea. “Well… that depends…” I said as slowly as I could.

“Hmm, tell me…” she said.

It was hard to tell. But a sudden energy was on me and I said those things as perfectly as I could. “If you see him and you realize that your heart still beats for him, don’t come back here for me. But if you see him and you can only think of me… and that you could only see me… you should come back, Shinjee. Come back to me in an instant.”

She smiled widely. She looked very beautiful and her face was radiant. If only she’s mine…

She didn’t utter a word anymore. Instead she placed a pillow on my lap then positioned her head on top of it then smiled at me before turning her head to the direction of the TV.

I continued playing with her hair for a while.

Knowing she was asleep, I leaned down and kissed her cheek.


“You know what, sometimes you get dumb,” you pretended to glare angrily at him. He opened his mouth to speak but you were quick: you pulled his neck then slammed your mouth to his.

Luhan’s eyes were wide in comprehension. But he smiled in between the kiss and leaned forward for better access. The kiss was deep and zealous that it made you let out a moan.

He smirked at that.

“So, you call me dumb? When I can make you moan like that?” he smirked. Your cheeks went beet red and you felt the heat of embarrassment scatter in your body.

“Oppa!” you hit him in the chest. “You are mean.”

“I’m sorry… I just love you so much.”

You groaned inwardly and coiled your arm around his neck. You curled your toes and reached his face. “And I love you, too very much. Now, let me have another kiss.” You kissed him and he was glad to necessitate. He started…

“Wait!” you stopped him.

“What?” he asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

“We mustn’t… my parents are coming here.”

But it wasn’t true.

He smirked. “Let them see what we’re about to do.”

Oh my god, was this the Luhan you knew?

But then, you love him and he loves you. There’s really nothing to worry about.



Almost Rated M? No. ^.^


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Chapter 1: the tomato's were distracting. but..... cute ^_^
cathyokrane #2
Chapter 1: it is really nice
It's so cute author-nim!!! >_< I love your stories <3