My Education Starts Here

Unwanted Attention

"You have to tell them something! You can't just stand there and stare them down until you are able to sit down." Jae waggled her finger at me, seemingly disappointed in my lack of enthusiasm. I stood outside the door of Jae's classroom. The teacher, Mr. Hong, was prepping the students to meet me. It seemed rather overdone, in my opinion, to have to introduce the student if there was someone new entering the class. Jae claimed it was normal, and that they did it all the time. Seems like a waste of their time, though. If they want to know who the student is, they can just go talk to them outside of class. It isn't that hard to do.

It's been almost a week since I went along with Yong Sook to his interview at YG. During the weekends, I am to go with Yong Sook at least three hours on each day. I have to follow this 'rule' on breaks as well. This means I will see Seungri at least six hours every week. To most people, that isn't a whole lot of time, but to me it is an eternity. I could be spending that time studying. Fingers suddenly snapped me out of my thoughts. Jae grinned at me and looped her arm through mine.

"Are you ready!?" She squeeled in excitement. An instant headache formed at the back of my head.

"No?" My brow furrowed. I unlooped my arm from hers for a moment. My hands went down to my skirt, smoothing out the hem lines, flattening the pleats, and removing any 'pests' from the material. They went up and fixed the iron lines on my shirt, leading up to my tie. I could not look like a fool up there. Last, but not least, I drew my hair back. A sea of blonde fell down my back obediently. Rolling my shoulders, I nodded to Jae that I was ready. She reached for my arm again, and even though I appreciated the gesture, I refused. I must not look dependant. I heard the signal from Mr. Hong and Jae slowly pushed the door open. I straightened my back and held my head high, taking my first step.


Hope you don't mind the length! Been busy with school and extra curricular activities, but I didn't want to leave it for too long. I decided something short was better than nothing! :D

Thanks~ ♥

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EXObiasXiumin #1
This is so cute, I love it!
persona-x #2
thanks for the update
<3 :D
dayana92 #4
super super super super! :)<br />
...I'm sorry L! I thought I was subscribed!!! T~T
xD omg i really need to stop procrastinating and update my chapters. (sad thing is, is i already have it all written out.)
Love it so far, definitely going to subscribe ^^<br />
Update soon ♥
your poster is ready for pick-up ^^
thank youuuuu! lol the instant i saw that there comment i felt very happy. lol xD