
High School Love
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Mavin shouted outside her house.

Jiyeon heard it and rushed over quickly since she could sense the urgency and fear in his voice.


Mavin pounced onto her legs and hugged them tightly. “NOONA!!!” He cried loudly.

“Mavin why are you here alone? Where’s your hyung?! It’s so dangerous!”

“Noooonaaa… Hyung… He…”

“Soo? What happened to him?!”

“Noona… Hyung is sick… He keeps calling your name, noona!” Mavin cried louder and dragged Jiyeon along with him.

“Mavin-ah! Wait! Let me lock my doors first.” Jiyeon quickly locked her doors and carried Mavin all the way to his house.


“Soo! Soo!! Are you okay?!” Jiyeon dashed into his room and found him under the covers, shivering with sweats on his forehead.

“Jagiya… Jiyeon-ah…”

Jiyeon could hear him murmuring her name and she could feel that someone just squeezed her heart.

“Soo…” Jiyeon rushed to his side and touched his forehead. “Ahhh! It’s so hot!”

“Mavin! Where’s the towel and basin? And medicine!?”

Mavin showed her everything she asked and she took all the things she needed.

She pressed the wet towel on his forehead and gave him some pills.

“Soo… Are you okay?”

Myungsoo shook his head, “Cold… Cold…”


“Mavin-ah! Any more blankets?”

Mavin shook his head innocent

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honoki #1
highschool story
Chapter 10: No matter what, Mavin really is Myungie's ultimate weapon !
They're back together ♡
Mavin stole Ji a kiss to Myungie's dismay ~
Mr. Kim ~ Aha
Chapter 9: Worried and scared Mavin !
Sick Myungie ..
..... Busted.
Chapter 8: Ultimate weapon is .......... Mavin ~~ ♡
Ji is so excited ~
Mavin is just so cute ~
Myungie didn't get a kiss !
Chapter 7: Daehyunie is still with Ji :3
Yes, just her cousin !
Trying to please her ..
Jiyeonie ~
Chapter 6: Let's go Hyomin! Go go gooooooo !
I knew it, Suzy is crazy. Yup !
Chasing Ji back ~
Chapter 5: Taking a day off !
Calling .... Daehyunie ~
Just hearing Daehyunie's voice made Ji smile ~
..... Really Myungsoo ?
Chapter 4: Mr. Kim believes in her.
Nurse believes in Ji too !
Myungie ..
Ji is crying !
Omma is here ~
Chapter 3: New student, Myungie's ex !
She's crazy.
Lunch time ~
.... Not even listening..
Chapter 2: Aha Myungie's turn !
Everyone love them ~
Teasing each other !