
High School Love
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“Eo? You guys know each other?” Mr. Kim asked.

“Yes, Mr. Kim! He’s my ex-boyfriend!” Suzy cheered happily and laughed inwardly when she saw the shocked face from her classmates and most importantly, Jiyeon.

Mr. Kim could sense the awkward atmosphere and tried to pull them back to lesson.

“Okay, Suzy. Please sit over there.” He pointed to a seat far from the couple, well, since he shipped them as well, and Suzy walked over there as if nothing happened.

“Let’s get the lesson started shall we?” Mr. Kim said and continued with the lesson.

Myungsoo squeezed Jiyeon’s shoulder and smiled at her, “don’t worry. She’s the past.”

Jiyeon smiled back and shook her head, “I’m okay, soo.”

Suzy saw that and clenched her fist, *Kim Myungsoo. You’re mine and only mine!*


Lunch break came and Suzy rushed over to the couple.

“Hey Myungsoo! Long time no see!” Suzy cheered.

Myungsoo smiled back sarcastically, “Yeah.”

He took his bag and took Jiyeon's as well. "Let’s go, Jagi.”

Jiyeon nodded her head and allowed Myungsoo to drag her to the canteen, leaving Suzy there alone. "Tchi. Just you wait, Park Jiyeon."

"Jagi~ was I great?" Myungsoo showed her a smug face.

"Yes soo! You're so awesome! But isn't it a little bad?" Jiyeon pouted.

"Jagi, at least I replied her one word." He giggled and fed her some food.

"Nom nom nom~"


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honoki #1
highschool story
Chapter 10: No matter what, Mavin really is Myungie's ultimate weapon !
They're back together ♡
Mavin stole Ji a kiss to Myungie's dismay ~
Mr. Kim ~ Aha
Chapter 9: Worried and scared Mavin !
Sick Myungie ..
..... Busted.
Chapter 8: Ultimate weapon is .......... Mavin ~~ ♡
Ji is so excited ~
Mavin is just so cute ~
Myungie didn't get a kiss !
Chapter 7: Daehyunie is still with Ji :3
Yes, just her cousin !
Trying to please her ..
Jiyeonie ~
Chapter 6: Let's go Hyomin! Go go gooooooo !
I knew it, Suzy is crazy. Yup !
Chasing Ji back ~
Chapter 5: Taking a day off !
Calling .... Daehyunie ~
Just hearing Daehyunie's voice made Ji smile ~
..... Really Myungsoo ?
Chapter 4: Mr. Kim believes in her.
Nurse believes in Ji too !
Myungie ..
Ji is crying !
Omma is here ~
Chapter 3: New student, Myungie's ex !
She's crazy.
Lunch time ~
.... Not even listening..
Chapter 2: Aha Myungie's turn !
Everyone love them ~
Teasing each other !