
High School Love
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“WHAT?!” Jiyeon shrieked when she heard what they said. “YOU TWO GANGED UP AND LIED TO ME?!”

“Jagiya! It’s not like that!”

“I heard it just now! You told Mavin to trick me and come over? And you’re not sick at all!” She frowned even deeper, feeling that they just disregarded her feelings.

She took her belongings and stormed to the front door.

“JAGIYA! WAIT!” Myungsoo rushed to her side and stopped her as he grabbed her arms. “Listen to me!”

“NO!” Jiyeon shrugged his hands off and walked away.

“NOONA!” Mavin rushed to her side and stopped her.

“You tricked me too, Mavin…” Jiyeon seemed angry but she couldn’t scream at a little child.

“Noona…” Mavin bit onto his lower lips and his eyes watered.

“Noona, don’t be so mean to hyung… He really meant it. He said he’s sorry that he made you sad, noona…”

Jiyeon squatted down to his side and wiped away his tears.

“But, Mavin-ah…”

“Noona… Hyung is also sad these few days. He didn’t eat a lot like before. He didn’t sleep also. Every night he would look at your photo and say 1000 times sorry.”


Mavin nodded his head vigorously.

“Noona! Mavin is saying the truth now! Mavin won’t lie to noona! And I only want noona be hyung’s girlfriend because I love noona!” Mavin hugged her tightly.

Jiyeon his back and hugged him tightly as well.

She took a peek at Myungsoo and saw that he’s crying too.

“Jagiya, I’m sorry… Really! I swear I will trust you and love you forever and ever and ever and ever and-”

Jiyeon walked to his side and cupped his mouth.

“I believe you, babo.”


“I said, I believe and forgive you, soo! I think you’ve suffered enough too.” Jiyeon chuckled a little at his shocked face.


Jiyeon nodded her head and smiled at him.

“OH MY GOSH!” He exclaimed loudly and pulled her for a kiss he longed for. How he missed that touch so much~


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honoki #1
highschool story
Chapter 10: No matter what, Mavin really is Myungie's ultimate weapon !
They're back together ♡
Mavin stole Ji a kiss to Myungie's dismay ~
Mr. Kim ~ Aha
Chapter 9: Worried and scared Mavin !
Sick Myungie ..
..... Busted.
Chapter 8: Ultimate weapon is .......... Mavin ~~ ♡
Ji is so excited ~
Mavin is just so cute ~
Myungie didn't get a kiss !
Chapter 7: Daehyunie is still with Ji :3
Yes, just her cousin !
Trying to please her ..
Jiyeonie ~
Chapter 6: Let's go Hyomin! Go go gooooooo !
I knew it, Suzy is crazy. Yup !
Chasing Ji back ~
Chapter 5: Taking a day off !
Calling .... Daehyunie ~
Just hearing Daehyunie's voice made Ji smile ~
..... Really Myungsoo ?
Chapter 4: Mr. Kim believes in her.
Nurse believes in Ji too !
Myungie ..
Ji is crying !
Omma is here ~
Chapter 3: New student, Myungie's ex !
She's crazy.
Lunch time ~
.... Not even listening..
Chapter 2: Aha Myungie's turn !
Everyone love them ~
Teasing each other !