
High School Love
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Myungsoo didn’t reply and just sat down on his seat.

Soon their homeroom teacher, Mr. Kim came in and saw Suzy in Jiyeon’s seat and frowned deeply. “Suzy, please return to your own seat.”

“But Jiyeon is-”

“Now.” With a firm and strong tone, Suzy couldn’t help but obeyed.

At this point, Myungsoo felt that he could finally breathe properly.

Mr. Kim continued the lesson by taking the attendance first. “Jiyeon is absent since she’s sick.”

And, murmurs could be heard. “She must feel bad about yesterday…”

Mr. Kim heard that and sighed, “Ignore yesterday and forget about it. Let’s start the lesson now.”

“WAIT!” One of their classmates shouted.

“Yes, Hyomin?”

“I can’t take it anymore.” She shook her head and glared at Suzy.

“Jiyeon, our lovely classmate, is not what you think she is!” Hyomin walked up to the front of the class.

Suzy widened her eyes and looked at her in shock. “She beat me up yesterday!”

Myungsoo narrowed his eyes at the both of them. Mr. Kim patted Hyomin’s shoulder, assuring her, “Continue.”

Hyomin took a deep breath.

“Actually… I was in the washroom yesterday as well. I was in one of the cubicle and I heard the door opened and Jiyeon came into the washroom. I know it’s her because she was humming her favorite song. You guys know what it was right?”

“Of course we know! She’s the only one in our school who love classical music! And it’s some weird old piece nobody heard of until she played it on the piano last year!”

“That’s right. I knew it’s her because of that. The tap on and then, the door opened again and I heard another footstep walked in. When that person opened , I knew who she was. And it’s you!” She pointed at that woman,

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honoki #1
highschool story
Chapter 10: No matter what, Mavin really is Myungie's ultimate weapon !
They're back together ♡
Mavin stole Ji a kiss to Myungie's dismay ~
Mr. Kim ~ Aha
Chapter 9: Worried and scared Mavin !
Sick Myungie ..
..... Busted.
Chapter 8: Ultimate weapon is .......... Mavin ~~ ♡
Ji is so excited ~
Mavin is just so cute ~
Myungie didn't get a kiss !
Chapter 7: Daehyunie is still with Ji :3
Yes, just her cousin !
Trying to please her ..
Jiyeonie ~
Chapter 6: Let's go Hyomin! Go go gooooooo !
I knew it, Suzy is crazy. Yup !
Chasing Ji back ~
Chapter 5: Taking a day off !
Calling .... Daehyunie ~
Just hearing Daehyunie's voice made Ji smile ~
..... Really Myungsoo ?
Chapter 4: Mr. Kim believes in her.
Nurse believes in Ji too !
Myungie ..
Ji is crying !
Omma is here ~
Chapter 3: New student, Myungie's ex !
She's crazy.
Lunch time ~
.... Not even listening..
Chapter 2: Aha Myungie's turn !
Everyone love them ~
Teasing each other !