
High School Love
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“Jagiya~” Myungsoo greeted his girlfriend when he saw her hopping out of her house.

“SOOIE!” Jiyeon squealed and pounced onto him.

He was slightly taken aback at her over-enthusiasm and almost lost his balance when she pounced on him.

“Miss me that much?”

“Of course, soo…” Jiyeon pouted with a sulking face, showing him it’s real.

“I knew it.” And he claimed that he’s right.

Jiyeon puckered her lips up and closed her eyes.

Myungsoo knew what she wanted and pecked her lips immediately.

“Awwww~ Youngsters nowadays~”

Jiyeon pulled back at that familiar voice and turned around.

“OMMA! WHY ARE YOU HERE?!” She shrieked and pointed at her mom.

“Honey~ you’re still in my territory~” Her mom blinked her eyes rapidly and .


“Go to school youngsters, you’re late already!” Her mom shooed them off.

“Goodbye omonim!” Myungsoo bowed and dragged Jiyeon off with him.


“How embarrassing!” Jiyeon squealed and dug her heads into her hands.

Myungsoo chuckled at his now-embarrassed-girlfriend and tugged her hands down, “your mom is fun! She’s so kind~”

“She’s crazy…” Jiyeon shook her head at her thoughts of her mom.

Myungsoo giggled at her expression and dragged her, “we have to move or else we will really be late for school.”

Jiyeon smiled and allowed her boyfriend to drag her.


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honoki #1
highschool story
Chapter 10: No matter what, Mavin really is Myungie's ultimate weapon !
They're back together ♡
Mavin stole Ji a kiss to Myungie's dismay ~
Mr. Kim ~ Aha
Chapter 9: Worried and scared Mavin !
Sick Myungie ..
..... Busted.
Chapter 8: Ultimate weapon is .......... Mavin ~~ ♡
Ji is so excited ~
Mavin is just so cute ~
Myungie didn't get a kiss !
Chapter 7: Daehyunie is still with Ji :3
Yes, just her cousin !
Trying to please her ..
Jiyeonie ~
Chapter 6: Let's go Hyomin! Go go gooooooo !
I knew it, Suzy is crazy. Yup !
Chasing Ji back ~
Chapter 5: Taking a day off !
Calling .... Daehyunie ~
Just hearing Daehyunie's voice made Ji smile ~
..... Really Myungsoo ?
Chapter 4: Mr. Kim believes in her.
Nurse believes in Ji too !
Myungie ..
Ji is crying !
Omma is here ~
Chapter 3: New student, Myungie's ex !
She's crazy.
Lunch time ~
.... Not even listening..
Chapter 2: Aha Myungie's turn !
Everyone love them ~
Teasing each other !