Secret Feelings of Them

The Perfectionist Angel and Gummy Bear Painter



            He thought that will be the first and the last time he'll step his feet in the artistic rat hole, but Himchan ended up spending more and more of his time leisuring around Yongguk flat using the 'I need to make sure everything clicked with my drafting for the wedding party' as his excuse. And of course, Yongguk will buy it. Not that he dislike the other presence, in fact he's waiting for now-regular visitor of his humble abode.

They ordered take-outs and Himchan will watch Yongguk working his magic on canvas after canvas after canvas. He still didn't like the uncleanliness flat but the art the painter produced at the end of the day is enough to distract him from the paints, stains and germs. However, Yongguk really need to get used to the small transparent bottles and the bunks of wet tissues that occupying almost every corner of his flat.

Before either of them even realizes it, 2 months already passed and the wedding is happening within a week.

"With this, I'm officially finished," The artist announced as he put one last streak on the canvas, enhancing on the shadowy effect. Yongguk slowly stand up and stretching his limbs a bit since he'd be in the same pose for the past 2 hours before walking closer to the narrow table where Himchan leaning casually on it with a mug on his smooth hand. The surface is now squeaky clean, and at one glance, it looks brand new. Courtesy of the germaphobe.

"Really?" Himchan pushed the mug into Yongguk palm hastily and aiming to see the most anticipated painting.

Oh God

Himchan looked at the final work on the table and what else can he say? He’s blown away. The painting is astounding, breathtakingly amazing. The images of the couple were drawn perfectly as if it was a photograph, telling a love story under the layered color. It was perfect.

"Yongguk... this is..." suddenly the mind of the planner just blank, the dictionary of bombastic words that he can use to describe the beauty of the masterpiece in front of him just disappeared and he's speechless.

"What? Is it bad? Not good enough? I can try to make another one, if we got enough time to..." the taller male start to panicking due to the lack of response from the master of the event, thinking of the final artwork he made is not suited for his sister or just not good.

"No Yongguk. God, there will be nothing more good than this Yongguk. That hand of yours... is gifted. Daehyun and Youngjae didn't lie when they told me you're the best for this event Yongguk. I mean, look at this, this is effin' epic. Everyone will be mesmerized by this. You did it Yongguk. You did it!" Himchan could not contain his feeling anymore and jump straight into the fella hand, didn't care if he's wearing an apron full with streaks of paints or his hands is smeared with wet colored pastels.

Yongguk in the other hand is frozen. Kim Himchan ing hugs him. He ing hugs him. HUG HIM!

His heart suddenly stop dancing to the praises and turned to hammering against his rib, threatening to jump out from his chest, causing him to waver.

There is it, the sparks. Running in his vein, jolting his system and freezing his body and mind. He felt his tongue is tied and no voices could escape. He's lung burning for air but he didn't gasp for it. He's not desperate for the oxygen; he already got what he wants. It's in his arm. Securely.


After a long 10 seconds, Himchan detached himself with a shy smile kissing his lips and small patched of pinkish color tinted on the smooth cheek. Blushing.


I need to do it. I need to do it now. Yongguk tell himself.


Yongguk placed both his large palm on each side of Himchan's shoulder and lowering his eyes on the ulzzang level, staring deep in his light brown orbs before trailing down his perfect nose and stopping at his small plump lips. He pushed the planner slowly to sit on the table,

"Sit here" he whispered slowly and as if he's under an unbreakable spell, Himchan do as he was told.

Yongguk retracted his hand before turning his back on Himchan and walked back to his easel set. He placed another new blank canvas and adjusting the set so he could stare at the beauty in front him.

"Yongguk? What are you doing?" Himchan questioned with low toned, feeling that it would suit the foreign air surrounding them right now.


"I'm going to paint you"

Himchan tilt his head sideways for a clear look at the bear-like painter "Me? Why me?"

"Beautiful" Yongguk muttered shortly,


"Breath taking"

"Yong..." The ulzzang didn't get to finish when a piercing eye gaze that makes his stomach twist were directed to him. Yongguk voice were so low and husky when the words left him lips,

"You're the epitome of perfection"

"Are you drunk?" the planner speaks between soft giggles when Yongguk looks straight to his eyes and said,

"Yeah, drunk of you"


Himchan was sure - that Yongguk last word shut all the noises around them down, alongside with Himchan voice. The air is pregnant with awkwardness and Himchan want to break it. Or maybe not.


Kim Himchan got a secret.

He's actually torn apart whether he want to said it to Yongguk or not. He's not sure if it's a must or is it the right time.


Even a perfectionist like himself couldn't deny that he felt something about the other guy. Something that make his stomach flips whenever the painter smile while eye fully concentrated on the canvas, or something that make his head spinning when the painter stand so closely to him that the smell of fresh paint could be inhaled by the planner. Or something that makes his heart beating erratically out of order when the tall male simply does nothing. Just because he didn't show, it doesn't mean he didn't feel it. Just because the author didn't describe it, it doesn't mean it wasn't there.

It makes Himchan wonder if Yongguk could feel it. Feel the indescribable feeling hanging above them whenever they were around. Feel the unknown when the anticipation to meet the other is the first thing invading their list of the day when one of them wakes up in the morning. When the first thing they do is checking their phone for a simple 'Good Morning' text from whoever see the sunlight first.

"Yongguk..." Himchan bit his lips and tried so hard to brush the insecurity and braving himself to voice the unspeakable feeling. A low hum from the painter encouraging Himchan to continue but just when the planner opened his mouth for the second time, the oh-so-familiar ringtone thundering from inside of his dress pant.

Himchan rolled his eyes when he saw the id of the caller and wished so bad that he could reject the call and continue with but sadly, he can't. The stubby thumb swiped the screen with a little excessive strength and hastily placing it near his ear,

"Yes my deceitful assistant, what is it?"

'Mayday Channie, Mayday. You need to come to the office right now. Your mom and dad are here.'

Listening to Daehyun haste answer, Himchan voice boomed, startling the amused Yongguk "What?! What did they want?"

'In case you forgot, she's coming back from France today and I guess they want you to pick her up in the airport'

"Jung Daehyun! Why don't you remind me about this?!"

"Daehy.... !" Himchan cursed loudly at the device in his hand, completely forgetting the presence of an observing painter.

"Is there any problem, Channie?" And of course, in all the time they spent together, Yongguk finally got his privilege to call the boss of the event planning company by his nickname. Himchan breathe a sigh of frustration before plopping down from the table and look at the artist with apologetic smile,

"I think I need to go. Got some serious case here" Himchan wriggled his mobile phone and went to give Yongguk a small hug.

"I'll call you later"

The warmth that the lean body radiates somehow managed to creep into Yongguk's stiff one and making him feel selfish to not let the other go. He put his arm around the ulzzang waist and feeling how the limb perfectly fit there. However, he returns the hug and pat Himchan shoulder slowly before letting go. Himchan smile sadly while reaching for his coat when Yongguk call his name,


"Hmmm?" The ulzzang male turn to look at the bear face just to see a concerned smirk given to him,

"Drive carefully. Be sure text me when you finished with the 'case' or when you reached home or when you feel like it"

The painter might sound like an overprotective boyfriend or someone nearing that title but Himchan didn't mind a bit. In fact, he likes the attention he got.

"Bye Yongguk... oh and... you really need to wash that clothes. I dunno what sinful creatures you already passed to me"


OCD come kicking again.






After Himchan went home that night, after the painter walked back into his apartment from the balcony of his flat after escorting the ulzzang planner with his hawk eye, he would lie awake for hours, sitting in front of the canvas with the same words flying across his mind:

I should have kissed him.






It's so short~ I know...

i'm not a romantic person or fluffy sorry if it's not romantic enough XD

grammar nazi are welcomed since english was not my mother tongue and i'm bad at grammar....


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Chapter 6: Waaaah you're back ! Be waiting for you ;)
And i hv to apologize to not comment in everychap like a good reader should do huhu, but from now on i will!
crossing_by #2
Chapter 6: i will be waiting for the update ^^
i'm crying, really,when i saw the update i thought i was dreaming or something ;-;
i'll be here waiting for the update <3
hitominyo #4
Chapter 6: OMG you're back ;;;; I'll be waiting for the rest of the story~ Good luck with it!!
tsukiyama #5
Chapter 6: finally, you're back!! hehehe.. XD
btw, i really like anime too!! comedy is my choice, so now i'm watching ika musume, keroro gunsou, etc..
Chapter 4: Himchan is also sad about this whole thing--- he really misses yongguk
Chapter 3: Ahhhh and darn it :/ poor Yongguk :/ he's totally heart broken ... Or at least I think he'd be seeing the man he loves/likes is engaged to Sunwha :/
Chapter 2: Gahhhhh development :) I love it heheheh :)
Chapter 1: Heheh I like this already :) of course Himchan is feisty lol it's because of you Yongguk lol Hahahah :)
Chapter 5: Hoooo everything seems more and more tense. Yongguk, himchan, don't give up please ! T-T
And author-nim ! Fighting !