announcement. 16 september 2013.

{ ideal sketch } poster shop - closed perpetually until further notice.





I should've actually posted this yesterday, but if it's not obvious enough, updates will be SLOW.

Personally... I am extremely busy (the busiest I've been in a terribly long time, actually).  And, reasonably guessing, the other designers are, too.

I mean the posters are all on hold, those last 3 are all pending.  They'll still be done but I have no idea when they will be posted.

With that being said, I hope you guys stick with the shop.  I apologize in advance to those who want to request.  You'll probably either have to wait or find another shop (if you're waiting for the shop to open, that's extreme.  Thank you).

So yes.  I'll see you all on the next update.

- MostValuablePeasant

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Chapter 90: I'm in tears. I remember this
Chapter 94: Oh dear, school sounds really tough :< don't worry, I feel you on that HAHAHA
I think the poster you made is great actually! :D Loving the textures and the stocks! (Especially the Taemin photo eheheh)

Good luck with work! Fighting!
Chapter 94: You don't sound like yourself
Can you let me know when you open? I really need one. Two people, though. So, Please, do let me know, kay? If you can, I'd appreciate it.
I was supposed to request because I love your edits, but I see your shop is now closed. :(
was listening to this song just a few minutes before i clicked on your latest chapter :')
love the lines across the text btw, that's really innovative ^_^
do you have a tumblr?
Chapter 91: I think the typography is fine! :D
oh and i love your cutting method, it's gives such a clean-cut feel (Y)
THE SONG COVER IS GREAT BTW (Y) I love that song, and this cover just made it ten times better <3
Chapter 2: Just requested! I really... every time I go to write requested on here I write requestion! I'm not even kidding! EVERY. SINGLE. TIME!
Uh, I'm really sorry, but I accidentally put the wrong title in the form. It's supposed to be Agate's Betrayal

Sorry ^^;