OneFire Third Members : Park Jasmine

Fire is Coming ╢Apply Open╢


Park Jasmine

Nickname: Glitter, Jaz, Jazzy

DOB : 12/19/92

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Personality: Park Jazmine has multiple personality disorder, meaning that she has two different personalities that she cannot control. She usually dresses to show which personality she's in at that time. To make things easier for her groupmates, she calls her rebellious personality "Glitter", and her sweet personality "Jaz".

"Glitter" is a rebellious, free-spirited girl that hates rules or being told what to do. She has a HUGE temper and when she's mad, no one can calm her down. She's been known to go out late at night in this personality, and get drunk beyond all reason, and do stupid things under the influence. She can usually not control her anger, and gets wild and aggressive when in this personality. She doesn't like commitment, but only because she is absolutely TERRIFIED of the idea of falling in love. This is the more common personality, while "Jaz" is more rare. Glitter tends to dress punky, with lots of bright colors, short shorts, tiny tops,high
heels, and more scandalous apparel.

"Jaz" is a sweet, bubbly girl that loves shopping and fashion. She is sweet and kind, and loves to cook, shop, and tell erted jokes. She is the more rare side of Jazmine, and is the more motherly side. She loves girly things, and loves skinship and flirting. She dresses in lace and girly prints, dresses and skirts, and pastel colors.Jazmine is "Glitter" 90% of the time, while she is "Jaz" 10% of the time.

Family Background: Jazmine was always overshadowed by how perfect her sister, Park Sandara, was. She was better than Jazmine in academics, athletics, and looks, and their parents obviously loved Dara more. When Dara was recruited into YG when Jazmine was 13, she was crushed at how proud their parent were of Dara. They began to push Jazmine to become a clone of Dara, and Jazmine, who didn't want this at all, rebelled. She began to hang around with the punky, artsy people, dye her hair, let her grades slip, party all night, and come how drunk or hungover. Her parents, appalled, sent her to the doctor, who diagnosed her with Multiple Personality Disorder. She continued to rebel and defy her parents, and one day, when Jazmine was 16, they'd had enough, and kicked her out. Looking older than she was, she preformed at clubs and bars to pay rent, and this is how she was discovered.

Siblings(With personality): Sandara Park (Dara of 2NE1)

Perfect in every way: looks, academics, athletics, and always better than Jazmine in every way. Their parents always loved Dara more, and Jazmine and Dara fought as children, and always sought out revenge against the other. Their relationship got ugly, between stealing boyfriends, lies, and backstabbing. Even as adults in the idol world, they hate each other. (In real life, I have NOTHING against Dara or 2NE1 at all. They were the first KPOP group I ever listened to, and I love them. ^^)

Ethnicity: Half Korean (mother), Half American (father)

Languages: Korean, English, and moderate Spanish and Japanese

Likes: Glitter:





Short skirts and shorts

High heels



Girly things

Hello Kitty

Chewing Gum

The color pink


Lacey things


Dislikes: Glitter:

Girly things



Hello Kitty

y girls

Getting up early


Bad Smells


Being told what to do

Her sister



Mean people

scary places and movies



Black clothing

Staying up late


Dancing, Rapping, Clubbing, Drinking, Painting, The Arts, Drawing, Cooking, Foreign Language, SHOPPING


Biting her lips when concentrating

Playing with her hair when she's lying

Being late

Being hungover

Not getting up early (Glitter)

Getting up way too early (Jaz)

Dying her hair often (Glitter)

Swearing when irritated (Glitter)

Fave color: Changes daily
Fave food: udon and coffee
Blood type: O
Has a pet parrot named Kkaro
Stage Name: Glitter

FansClub Name: Sparkles

Fansclub Color: Glittery black

Trainee Background: Trained for 3 years, and was at first feared by the workers and other trainees because of her constant personality changes. She was always late to rehearsals and arrived hungover, and was threatened with getting cut, but her talent in dancing and rapping convinced them to let her stay.

Trainee Years: 3 years of training

Pre-Debut Scandals: At a club, was seen getting drunk, and got into a scuffle with 2NE1's Dara, and punched her in the face.

Refused to preform on a variety show because the MC made fun of her condition (multiple personality disorder)

Pre-debut Experiences:
Loved training, and became close with her band members, and was overjoyed when they became a group.
What Group You want to belong? OneFire

Persona[Unique]: The erted Personality-Changing Alcoholic Umma

Other Activies(Acting,Solo,Variety etc.): Actress and MC

Instruments you can play: Guitar and Drums
Your Partner(Choices on ForeWord): Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon of BIGBANG)

Lover's Personality: Jiyong is a bit of a diva, with a temper to match Jazmine's own. he's the first guy that isn't afraid of Jazmine's multiple sides, and falls for her. However, his ex, Dara, is her sister, and that causes some drama between the two sisters. Jazmine is afraid of commitment and falling in love, so Jiyong really has to prove himself to her.

Lover's Age: 20

Friends: SHINee (Key and Jonghyun mostly), f(x) (Amber mostly), fellow band members

Rivals: Dara of 2NE1

Boy/Girl group you dont like: Doesn't like 2NE1 (Mostly because of Dara).
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I posted Akira Takahashi on your wall. Hope you like it.
re-read the girls 2 all...but who else is goin 2 make it in the other sub-units?? can't wait 2 c them...fighting!!!
Oh haha I'm in! Thanks ^^<br />
Well I don't hate 2NE1, it's just ... I feel they're too proud. But I absolutely love Bom <3
congrats 2 dos who made it in xfire n navifire...XD...hehehehe...hi shinysharp...XD...congrats 2 u...XD
xxxLizzyxxx #5
Annyeonghaseyo :D i posted my app.form on your wall hope you like it.<br />
<br />
i apply as Choi SeungYeon
Hey there, I've post my 8part application on your wall ^^<br />
I applied as Kim Eunlin (X-Fire)<br />
<br />
And hello kitten83^^
Woah! <br />
Were complete yehey yehey yehey ^^
oh yea...onefire is now complete n ready for some action...XD...
Hehehehe :)) I will Start writing all about OneFire :)) And ONEFIRE IS COMPLETED :)
re-reading it...XD...i still believe dat i got chosen..n i'm da leader...*faints*..hehehehe...can't wait 2 c the other members and also for this fic to begin