
Black Feathers

Jonghyun stood near the gate waiting for his best friend. He played with the hem of his blazer while whistling a catchy tune. 

"Jjong!" Jonghyun turned around and grinned at the boy. 

"Jinki!" Jonghyun engulfed the boy in a bear hug and both boys broke out in a laughing fit. 

"Sorry I made you wait. Something happened." Jinki's eyes became distant for a second before getting back its light. 

Jonghyun brushed it off. "Lets leave already. I want something to eat." Jonghyun whined at his bestfriend. 

The two middle schoolers stalked away with a hand on each others shoulders.

Jinki turned around for a moment and stared at the large glass window on the second floor of thier school building. 

He waved his free hand at the lean figure leaning on the frame. 

"Jinki who are you waving at?" Jonghyun turned to Jinki and gave an amused smile.

"Uh..." "There's no one there... Are you playing a trick on me?" Jonghyun smirked. 

"Omo Jinki! What's that on your face?" Jonghyun suddenly exclaimed.

"What? What?" Jinki frantically wiped his face.

"That's how you prank some one!" Jonghyun playfully smirked and made a run for it.

"Hey! No fair." Jinki pouted and ran after his best friend.




The air had grown chilly and the temperature was dropping as winter finally made an appearance. 

It was the end of the term for the middle schoolers and a long winter break awaited them. 

"Jonghyun do you have any plans for the break?" Jinki asked Jonghyun who seemed to be in a trance. 

"Yeah. I'm gonna spend it with Kibum." Jonghyun replied flatly.

"Oh. Can you make time on the next thursday after this coming one?" Jinki asked hopefully.

"Sure, Jinki. You can come over at my house. Kibum is staying over and we have so many things planned out. Its so exciting!" Jonghyun suddely became his loud and obnoxious self.

"Jonghyun.... I was hoping to spend that day with you." Jinki mumbled.

"Oh.. Hyung. Okay, we can hang out for an hour or two. I don't wanna leave Kibum on his own for too long." Jonghyun smiled apologetically.

Jinki smiled wide at his best friend. "I'll see you at the park around one pm that day. Okay?"

"Okie dokie Jinki!" Jonghyun half hugged Jinki and left the class. 





Jinki and Jonghyun had met as five year olds at the main park near their locality. Jinki was an antisocial child living in his own world until he met the loud and rather obnoxious boy.

They became close through elemantary and became best friends. 

Jinki had strong feelings for the boy who had made his life bearable through all its twisted realities. 

Jinki never could bring himself to share his biggest secret with Jonghyun though. He was afraid that the other boy would abandon him like everyone if he did.

They were closer than ever through the years. 

That is until a few months ago when Jonghyun met Kim Kibum. Jinki fairly liked Kibum but never got to know him better. 

Jonghyun was closer to Kibum now and somehow Jinki felt that he was losing his best friend. Kibum didn't bother Jinki and he fully understood Jonghyun's preferences.

Infact, he would firmly support the two if by some game of fate they started going out. Jinki really didn't mind.

What hurt him was the cold shoulder he recieved from Jonghyun since Kibum appeared in their lives. Jinki wanted a little attention from his cherished friend. If not all the time then at least on his birthday. 

Jonghyun was always a little absent minded and forgot things easily. Jinki could never bring himself to be upset at his best friend, so he let Jonghyun's screw ups go easily.

Jinki would be lying to himself if he didn't feel the least hurt by the boy at times.





Jonghyun and Jinki had met Kibum near the ice cream shop one day. The petie boy was being harassed by another two rather stout lookin ones.

Jonghyun and Jinki had jumped in and helped the boy out. The eleven year olds and the ten year old had shared a large sundae afterwards. 

After thet day Jinki saw the boy only a few times but Jonghyun and Kibum seemed to had connected somehow. 

They became closer and all of Jonghyun's time was spent with Kibum, talks about Kibum and the only time jonghyun didn't talk about the boy was when he was studying. 

Jinki had at first watched the development in amusement. He later realized that Jonghyun was ignoring him. He trusted Jonghyun enough to let it be. 

Jinki thought that Jonghyun would include him with Kibum and they would become friends eventually.



When Jonghyun met Kibum, he had fast decided that he would protect the vunerable boy. They frequently met and Jonghyun went out of his way to meet the boy since they attended different schools.

All his time being devoted to Kibum, Jonghyun couldn't spend his time with Jinki anymore. 

So when Jinki asked him for a day he decided to spend it with him. He couldn't help but feel that he came off rather cold towards the boy but brushed that thought away. He had to prepare Kibum's bed for the rest of the break Kibum was spending at his house. 

Should he have invited Jinki as well, Jonghyun shook his head unknowingly. He definitely couldn't risk Jinki acting like his clumsy weird self infront of Kibum. 


The fateful thursday came and Jonghyun was just preparing for his day with Jinki. Kibum barged into his room with tears dripping down his face.

Jonghyun learned that the boy had had a nightmare. 

Jonghyun forgot about his previous appointment as the small boy clung onto him and whimpered.

He could visit Jinki another day and apologize. Kibum was the important one at the moment. 





Jiniki shivered as he stood waiting for Jonghyun. It was five pm and the sky was darkening. 

Jinki raised his head to the sky and closed his eyes. He frowned softly as he felt someting cold on his nose. 

He opened his eyes and stared at the sky. 

"Snow?" Jinki whispered. Jinki turned his head abruptly at the sound of heavy footsteps. 

"Well, well, well... Aren't you one of the boys who foiled our plan at the ice cream shop that day? We we're about to give that brat a lesson till you appeared." The boy with spiked hair sneered. 

"Leave me alone." Jinki walked away only to be grabbed roughly. 

"Your not leaving anytime soon." The one with long hair gave a low wolf whistle as he held onto Jinki's chin. 

"Well look at you, your one piece of candy." Jinki made a disgusted face as he struggled to get free. 

"Lets take him." Jinki's eyes widened as both boys carried him to the bushes. 

Jinki kicked and screamed for help but no one came. The snow fall had left almost all the residents to reside in the confines of their warm house and start preparing for the holiday.

Jinki's eyes poured with all his unshed tears while he struggled against his molesters.




Jinki lay with eyes void of emotion. He stared at the skt that was sheding tears of snow on his bruised and assulted body.

His heart was frozen over. He could never forget what had happened. This day would haunt him for the rest of his eternal existence. The day that he was born. The day that marked his cursed and solitary existence.















Onew leaned himself on a wall. His body hiding in the shadow of the building. 

He watched the midnight robed male approach his victim. 

Kim Kibum's life was coming to a close as it was written in the book of death. In a matter of seconds the boy's soul would be in his custody.

The accident took place and Onew watched uninterested at the display of horror and anxiety by the shorter male.

The God stood beside the body unseen by the crying boy. Onew frowned slightly at the situation. 

A symbol of an inverted five pointed star appeared vaguely over the dead body.

"The promise of life exchange...." Onew smiled rather amused and walked out of the shadow of the alley. 

All form of movement stopped as he came closer to the scene.

The world turned dark and the Jonghyun sat all alone in the darkness.

"Do you wish to change fate?" Onew whispered only for Jonghyun to hear.

"Do you want the boy to live?" Onew said.

"Yes, Yes! I would do anything." Onew smirked. Do anything? Lets see.

"Then, are you willing to die in his place?" Onew watched with an indifferent expression as Jonghyun becomes quiet and stilled all of a sudden. Jonghyun went in shock due to the words of the man.

Jonghyun raised his head to look at the tall man standing in front of him. He came face to face with a familiar face.

"Jin-ki? Jonghyun suttered.

"Its Onew actually." Onew tilted his head to the side and observed Jonghyun.

"The angel of the dead." Onew offered a hand to Jonghyun.

"Now Jonghyun, are you willing to die in place of Kibum?" Onew smiled softly.










There we go! I hope Everyone enjoys this update!

I can't belive I just tortured Jinki Baby *rolls away*

Kindly leave comments and tell me what you think. 

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Chapter 6: Won't u update this ever again authornim?
Chapter 6: i'm little confused here
so kibum still alive?
onew work as an angel and a heir their company?
really minho and onew have something together?
curious more jongyu
update soon please
Chapter 6: Wait wait is Kibum still alive??
Sandra123 #4
Omg I LOVE ONHO interaction soo much hope there's more !!!!!!! And jongyu is good too I wish onew could I let jonghyun know about him and be bestfriends again
rawranarchy #5
Chapter 6: Aw. Poor Jonghyun. At least he knows the truth now.
khutoriafx #6
Chapter 5: Jongyu...pls work this out TAT.
arianijongyujungli #7
Chapter 5: yeah, jjong deserve it no matter he tried to begging for forgiveness from onew. but, I think no matter what he did to onew before, I still want jongyu being together in the end. . am I wrong? hehe