Death Messenger

Black Feathers

Jinki was special. He was different from the rest of the world.

He was an odd child who remained in his own world and talked to imaginary people.

Where ever he went, people died. They shunned and abused him. They cursed him for bringing death.

Jinki only had his parents and they left him when he was four. 

No relative would take him in since they were afraid Jinki would kill them. Jinki was cast aside for killing his own parents.

He lived his life in an empty house all alone with only a few maid to take care of his needs. He could confide in no one since everyone seemed to be afraid of him.

What no one knew was that Jinki didn't bring death, he followed it. 

It was instinct on his part. It was who he was.




Everything almost changed when Jinki met Jonghyun one day. He was all alone in the park observing a lady sitting under a tree.

Jonghyun came like a gush of fresh air into Jinki's life.

"Why are you talking to me?" Jinki finally asked the boy who had been blabbering for the past ten minutes.

"I want to." Jonghyun's reply was simple.

"Don't you hate me? Everybody else hates me." Jinki looked down sadly.

"Why would I hate you? You haven't done anything bad to me." Jonghyun looked confused.

"Then you don't hate me." Jinki sounded hopeful.

"No." Jonghyun replied shaking his head.

"But I'm different." Jinki said hesistantly.

"Just because your different doesn't mean I would hate you. Besides, you looked lonely." 

"You came because I seemed lonely?"

"Well not really.. You look like you need a friend and I wanna be your friend." Jonghyun pouted cutely trying to win Jinki over.

Jinki giggled at the cute display. "Friend? Really?"

Jonghyun nodded. "Friends!" Jinki jumped on his heels and stuck out his right hand.

The two boys chattered a while until Jonghyun had to leave.

"Bye, bye! See you again!"

Jinki stood for a while thinking deeply.

"I got it!" Jinki ran towards the woman.

"Miss?" The pale woman looked at him.

"You see me?" The lady asked.

Jinki nodded. "Would you be my friend. You look like you need one." Jinki offered his hand.

The woman smiled and glowed. 

She was Jinki's very first soul.




Jinki came of age when the turned thirteen. 

Jinki struggled and cried in pain as his body burned. He pulled the sheets off himself unable to take the heat coursing through his veins.

"Ah!" Jinki gasped as wings emerged out of his back tearing his shirt.

Black feathers floated in the air. Jinki opened his eyes and a cloaked figure stood in front of him.

The man extended his pale hand and wiped away Jinki's tears.

"Its going to be alright, I'm here for you." The man said in his husky voice.

Jinki felt calm by the stranger's words. He leaped into the man's chest crying his heart out.

The man combed Jinki's hair with his fingers and hushed the sobbing boy.

Jinki stared at the man with his tear stained face. Jinki suddenly turned around realizing the weight on his back. He gasped in shock and held onto the man like his life depended on it.

The man's hood fell and his face came into view. "It'll be alright young one. I'm here for you now." The man held Jinki's lanky form dearly.

"I.. My back.. I-I.." Jinki tried to piece together his words.

"You have wings. Exquisite midnight wings that glow." The man said as he glided his hands on the delicate feathers.

Jinki stared at the man. "I am your death God, Jinki. You can call me Minho." The man smiled kindly.

"Death God?" 

"Yes, Jinki. You are come of age and it is time to fulfil your duty as the Angel of the Dead." Minho held Jinki's face in his hands.

"You lived your life differently from the rest of the world. Your special, Jinki. Special from you own kind as well."

"Own kind? You mean.." 

"Yes. There are other angels like you, but you are unique." Jinki stared at the man with his wide curious eyes as the man explained his purpuse.


"You need not be scared, Jinki. I'm here for you." Jinki lay in Minho's arms. For the first time in years, JInki was at peace with himself.


Jinki was a messenger. His unique situation made him victim to scorn and abuse. 

Jinki guided the souls of the dead to the other world. He was their guardian. 

A chance to change his world for the better had come and Jinki was not going to throw it away. He had been living in isolation for too long.







Jinki lay on the on the cold ground all alone with snow covering his body. His phone beeped. A text from Jonghyun.

With shaky hands Jinki reached for the phone. He opened the message with blood stained fingers and tried to read the text through the broken screen.


Jinki I can't come today. Kibum had a nightmare. 

You konw how important he is to me. I can't leave him all alone today.

I'll see you another time. Bye.


Jinki threw the phone away effectively breaking it. "Everyone leaves me in the end." Jinki voiced in a cold tone.

He hugged himself and stared at his soiled clothing. "I hate you, Kim Jonghyun."

"I hate you for tearing my heart apart.

I hate you for taking my trust and throwing it away without a second thought.

I hate you. I'll forget you."


The winter ended and a new school year began. 

Jonghyun walked to his school expecting Jinki at the gate. When Jonghyun reached the gates of his middle school, he frowned. Jinki wasn't waiting for him.

Jonghyun thought Jinki might have gone inside. He was running late himself.

He entered his assinged class hoping to see Jinki. They always had the came classes and Jonghyun didn't have to strain himself to worry about not having class with his best friend.

Jonghyun once again frowned not seeing Jinki anywhere. He dashed out and looked into the other classes but found no Jinki.

"Maybe Jinki hasn't come yet." Jonghyun said to himself.

The class started with small address from the teachers. It was an easy day with the teacher's being lenient because of the first day of school.

Jonghyun spent his time with the rest of his old and new classmates. Jonghyun's conscience got a slap when one of his classmates asked about Jinki.

"I don't know." Jonghyun quietly said. 


Three weeks passed but no sign of Jinki. Jonghyun was honestly getting frustrated by the boy's abscence. He couldn't pay attention to anything without his thoughts turning towards Jinki.

Jonghyun mentaly kicked himself over and over when he realized that Jinki might have felt like he was feeling during Jonghyun's own absence.

Jonghyun got himself together and went to the staff office. He needed to find out about Jinki's abscence since the boy wouldn't pick up his calls.

His homeroom teacher looked up from her work and turned to Jonghyun. "Yes, Jonghyun?"

"Miss Cho, do you know why Jinki hasn't come to school?" Jonghyun asked.

Miss Cho looked surprised. "You mean to say that Jinki didn't tell you? Weren't you closest to him?" Jonghyun blushed. The teacher looked sad for a moment.

"Jinki pulled out of school, Jonghyun. His attendant came to take his transfer certificates during the fall break last year."

"What? Jinki couldn't have! What happened?" Jonghyun said.

"Jinki collasped on his birthday and he's been sick ever since. The man who came here didn't say anything more than that." Miss Cho said in a soothing tone.

"Jinki is sick? Why? What is making him sick?" Jonghyun persisted.

"I'm afraid I cannot give you an answer, Jonghyun. That man was just an employee of Jinki's family. He didn't know anything about the disease ailing Jinki."

"Say, why don't you go over to Jinki's and find out." Miss Cho adviced. "I've been wanting to visit him but the work just piles up."

Jonghyun looked down at his shoes. "I don't know where Jinki lives." The teacher scribbled something on her note book and tore it off. 

"Here." She gave Jonghyun a piece of paper. "Its Jinki's address. Go meet him."

Jonghyun accepted the note and rushed off. "Don't forget to tell me about Jinki." Miss Cho shouted after Jonghyun.

"I won't! Thank you, Miss Cho!" Jonghyun shouted back.




Jonghyun sat on the bus pondering about his best friend's abrupt transfer.

Jinki collasped on his birthday..........

Jonghyun's eyes widened slightly. "His birthday.." Jonghyun fisted his hands together. 

"I forgot. I left him all alone on that day." Jonghyun hugged his book bag tightly. 

"I was with Key.."


Jonghyun got down from the bus and found himself on the rich side of the town. "Am I lost?" Jonghyun asked himself.

Jonghyun saw a lady standing a few metres from him. "Miss? Can you tell me where his place is?"

The lady looked at the piece of paper. She looked at Jonghyun's face a while. "Take a turn on the right from here and go straight. It's hard to miss."

Jonghyun bowed and thanked the woman. He went as directed and found himself walking through an avenue of tall trees.

At the end of the long path stood a tall silver gate. Jonghyun stared at it for a while and read the address on the board.

"The Lee's... Jinki lives here." Jonghyun pushed the gate open and hesistantly went inside the property.

"May I help you?" Jonghyun got startled by the maid.

"Uh- Jinki. I came to see Jinki." Jonghyun said doubting himself.

"Oh. Master Lee's friend?" "Yes."

"I'm afraid Master Lee isn't here now but you may come in and have some tea."

"No, its okay. I have to go." Jonghyun looked dissapointed.

"I insist. We never let a guest leave unattended."

Jonghyun nodded his head unable to argue any further with the maid. Maybe Jinki would come back in the time being and he would get to meet him.

"Welcome then..?" "Ah, my name is Kim Jonghyun." Jonghyun bowed.

The maid smiled. "Welcome Master Jonghyun."

"Ah! Just Jonghyun is fine."



Jonghyun stood near the fire place observing the large picture frame.

A couple stood together holding a smiling boy in their arms. Jinki.

Jonghyun heard the sound of the glass clinking. He turned around and saw the maid pouring orange juice in a glass with ice cubes.

"It's hard to miss Master Jinki's happiness in the picture, isn't it?" Jonghyun took the glass and nodded.

"Jinki.. Why did he quit school?" Jonghyun asked.

"Master Lee has always been isolated from the rest. Even his relatives remain at a distance." the maid sighed and jonghyun listened quietly to the woman.

"When his parent's passed away, the master was completely torn from the rest of his family. They're all heartless people. The Lee's fortune had only been entitled to our young master and the rest of us believe that they tried to take his life for it." The maid fisted her hands.

"No way." Jonghyun whispered.

"The young master came here after an attempt was made to take his life. When they failed they condemed him by calling him a monster. The few of us who remained loyal to our master and mistress stayed with the young master. Our master has always had a delicate health and got sick easily. But after coming to this place, his health has improved a lot and he smiled more. It all changed when he came back home on his birthday."

Jonghyun internally cringed at the mention of the birthday.

"Master Lee came home hurt and bruised. I'm sorry I can't tell you what happned." The maid said seeing Jonghyun about to ask why.

"But it has been decided that Master will leave here and stay abroad." Jonghyun stood up fron his spot on the couch.

"What? Why does Jinki have to leave?" Jonghyun asked almost agitated.

"It is for the master's safety and benefit that it has been decided."

"It's wrong!" The maid looked startled. "You can't make his choices. Jinki has a rigth to-"

"Master Lee made the choice." Jonghyun got cut off. Those words were a stab to his heart.

"If you should understand, we work for Master Jinki and abide by his orders. We do not make his decisions, we follow his orders."





Jonghyun walked alone on the side of the street. His thoughts drifting from one place to another.

Master Lee has already left the country.

I'm afraid you can no longer contact him. 

It was his wish that all ties be cut from this place...

Jonghyun felt lost. Jinki had left him. Left him without even a goodbye.






Jonghyun stared into Jinki's pitch black eyes.

"So, will you? Will you die in place of Kim Kibum?"

Onew waited for Jonghyun to decide. "I.. I don't know."

Onew's eyes observed Jonghyun with a void emotion. " Your not sure? Didn't you say that you'd do anything for the boy to live."

Jonghyun hugged himself and sobbed.

"Jinki, what is going on?" Jonghyun asked in between sobs. "Why is this happening?"

Onew looked at Minho who was now beside him. 

"Look here, Jonghyun. Kibum is dead, not entirely though." Onew explained.

"He still has a chance of living, if you decide to take his place." Jonghyun raised his head. "Jinki, why?"

Onew sighed visibly starting to get frustrated. This was getting rather irritating. Can't this guy just decide already.


Onew held Jonghyun's face in his hands. "My name is Onew." "Jinki.. Jinki."

Jonghyun started sobbing uncontrollably while saying Kibum and Jinki.

Onew raised his hand and slapped Jonghyun. "Stop being so erratic." The hysterical boy calmed down and grew quiet.

"Kim Kibum's time in this world had ended. And so, he is now dead.

Every human dies and it is my duty to guide their souls to the other world." Jonghyun listened quietly.

"But a situation has arised. You made a promise to Kim Kibum on your blood that you will die in his place. Therefore, until you either decide to die in his place or decide against it, his soul cannot come to me."

"Death can never be avoided Jonghyun, but you made a contract with Kibum. I give you thirty one days of your life back. I give you the cahnce to relive a month of your life to decide both your fates. Until today, Jonghyun." 

Onew spread out his black wings and disappeared with Minho.

"Wait! Jinki.. Onew wait!"



Jonghyun woke up with sweat dripping from his body. "Ha..." Jonghyun rubbed his face. "A dream.."

Jonghyun cleaned himself and made his way to the kitchen. He took out some eggs and closed the fridge.

"Okay what time is it." Jonghyun balanced three eggs on this right hand and stuffed his other hand inside his pocket.

"Hmm.. 10:14am, day.." The eggs fell and broke.

"Today is.." Jonghyun watched his pnone screen in disbelief.

"Jinx." Jonghyun rushed inside his room and dragged the photo albums lying under his bed out. He flipped through the pages and stopped.

A brightly smiling boy stood beside him while holding his hand.

"Lee Jinki. I'll find you no matter what."





Jinki shivered. "Are you alright?" Taemin asked.

"Its nothing. I just.. Nevermind. Minho's waiting for us."

"Oh right! Lets go hyung!" Taemin held onto Jinki's arm and dragged him off. 

People watched the two attractive males. The blonde one cutely clinging to the honey haired older.









There you have it! Let the games begin!

HeHe always wanted to say that. Also, not proof read. I'm kinda busy nowadays.

Enjoy and comment. :D



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Chapter 6: Won't u update this ever again authornim?
Chapter 6: i'm little confused here
so kibum still alive?
onew work as an angel and a heir their company?
really minho and onew have something together?
curious more jongyu
update soon please
Chapter 6: Wait wait is Kibum still alive??
Sandra123 #4
Omg I LOVE ONHO interaction soo much hope there's more !!!!!!! And jongyu is good too I wish onew could I let jonghyun know about him and be bestfriends again
rawranarchy #5
Chapter 6: Aw. Poor Jonghyun. At least he knows the truth now.
khutoriafx #6
Chapter 5: Jongyu...pls work this out TAT.
arianijongyujungli #7
Chapter 5: yeah, jjong deserve it no matter he tried to begging for forgiveness from onew. but, I think no matter what he did to onew before, I still want jongyu being together in the end. . am I wrong? hehe