Chapter 1



              Prince Charming is what he was called by the general public.  Of course it was only a nickname.  His real name was Yeo Hoonmin, but if people were to use his name they would call him Hoon.  He was the only one of six brothers not to be married.  That was, at least, until after the grand ball.

               His parents had organized the entire ball to find him a suitable match.  After all, he was the favored child, thus the heir to the company.  In situations similar to this, the other six brothers would come to resent him.  This was not the average family, though.  Hoon and his brothers had learned to work in perfect harmony, that way when one of them ruled, they all ruled the music company.

               I digress from our main story, though.  It was at the ball that Prince Charming fell in love with a beautiful woman.  They danced until the of midnight, when she ran away.  Of course she left a single glass slipper for out protagonist to pick up.  You all know the story from there, though.

               The wedding was almost immediate and most certainly grand.  There were many weeping women present.  Some wept from jealousy, others out of happiness.  Not one of them, though, could deny the beauty of his wife.  She had beautiful brown hair and perfectly smooth skin.  She could have been a princess herself.

               The rest of the day was a blur to Hoon.  He was drunk on the love that he had for his beautiful bride and anxiety for the first night they would share.  As soon as they reached the house they would share, Hoon lifted his bride from the car and carried her into through the great double doors.  He set her, gently on the marble floors and kissed her lips gently.  He took her hand and led her gently up the grand staircase with the golden railings, down the hallway of red carpet, and into the master bedroom, away from all prying eyes.  It was there that Hoon finally took the face of his love and kissed her deeply.

               Hoon was not prepared when his love pushed him away.  Nor when she pushed him onto the bed and climbed over him.  He also wasn’t prepared for the chloroform rag that was placed over his mouth.  Hoon could barely register surprise, much less anger or hurt, before he fell into a deep sleep.

               Hoon had no idea how long it was before he woke up.  It was all a daze and his throat was slightly dry.  Hoon tried to roll over but he was stuck.  Trapped.  He snapped into full awareness and looked at his hands.  Both of his wrists were bound to his head board.  Looking down, his feet were bound to his foot board. 

               “You’re awake already?”  Came a familiar voice.

               “What are you doing?  What is all this?”  He replied.

               “It’s just a part of my job.  I had to use you.  Sorry about that.”  His bride said with a sweet smile.

               “What do you mean?!”  He asked, but his bride simply started to walk away.  “Cinderella!”  He shouted. 

               He hadn’t expected that to stop her, but it did.  She turned and looked at him, clearly amuse.  She then put a through her hair and pulled off her beautiful locks of hair.    Hoon looked aghast at the short brown hair that was hiding under the wig.

               “My name isn’t Cinderella.  My name is Kevin.”  And with that his bride, who was actually a man, left.

               Hoon’s head flopped back.  He did not think about how he was going to escape.  He did not think about how he might be killed by Kevin.  He didn’t wonder about what Kevin’s ‘job’ was.  He didn’t even feel angry about how he had been lied to.  Instead, as the tears rolled down his cheeks and onto the pillow that was under his head, Hoon thought about the woman he had met.  The woman he had searched an entire country for.  He thought about the moment he kissed her lips.  He thought about how much he had loved that woman.  Then he thought about how much that woman was a lie. 


Alright, Chapter 1 is up and done :D

I really have to thank my friends, though.

We had been sitting around at luch and somehow started talking about Cinderella.

And the idea came up that "Hey what if Cinderella is actually a dude?!  He would be Cinder-Fella."

But... Yeah...I told them I would write a story about it, so here it starts :D

Thank you to everyone who has already subscribed *cough MikiTheDifferent and KpopHoney cough* It means a lot.

<3 InsertCheesyUsernamHere (<,< imma change that username someday)

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Taec_Lover #1
Chapter 4: O-oh...... .__.
They're gonna find out about Kevin ><
Taec_Lover #2
Can't wait for the next chapter ><
Chapter 1: Aww, poor Hoon. ;c Oh well, it's awesome so far! ^.^ Such a plot twist! o:
Chapter 1: Wah! Cool first chapter! Don't cry Hoonie.
It sounds interesting. (: I can't wait to read it .