I thought she cares..

If there's Lee brothers,then there's gotta be Kim brothers!

"Mr. Lee, I know you're one of the most popular guy here in school, but you're not gonna mess with me, are you/"

He recognized that voice, he knows she's a girl. then he nervously look on where the voice came from..

"" he mumbled.

"Get Out!"  the voice that you must follow w/o buts made Donghae stand up nervously and left the room.

(Donghae's POV)

"Aish! history is boring! I want to sleep! but the teacher is strict and JiHye- the girl I've been laying my eyes to is here and she might be disgusted by my actions. Aarrrghhhh.. I can't take this anymore, my eyes are tired from all the video games last night"

"Oppa, I think I'm inlove with....."


I quickly sat up and blurted out a not-so-nice statement. Then I saw Ms.Choi, the most stict teacher ever.

"Mr.Lee, I know you're one of the most popular guy in school but you're not gonna mess with me, are you?" "Get out!"

I just followed her. I must be ashamed for myself! Jihye is looking at my direction! How can I manage to pull up a nice side for her???

(end of DH POV)

(KIbum's POV)

I saw what happened to Donghae, HA! suits you alot *smirks* Lee's are so troublesome.

(end of KB POV)

I saw what Ms.Choi did to that Donghae dude and there was like some force again, the one that I felt when I shook hands with Kibum. I pity him. So being the smartest in history class, I asked Ms.CHoi her permission foe me to go to the CR.

"yes you may Ms.Park" then she continued writing on the board.

The moment I went outside, I saw Donghae sitting on the floor and hugging his knees. So, for him not to realize that I went outside to see him,I ...

"HI Donghae-Oppa!" I said cutely "How was your stay here?" I spoke sarcastically then walked to the CR

"yah! Jihye you idiot!"

(end of JH POV)


I'm sitting here alone at the corridor, hugging my knees. Then I felt someone coming out of the classroom and it was JiHye! why does it has to be her? It's such a shame for her to see me like this, I look pathetic.

She walked closer to me and said "HI Donghae Oppa!" wow she looks cute, she cares for me? Wow. didn't she know that I care for her too?

"How was your stay here?" Then she walked away.

Did she jus? aww men! I'm so gonna cry now! The girl I love just dumped me? (hands on chest) How can I make her mine? (face-palm) and let her stay away from that Kim? (bite lips and shook his head) LEE HYUKJAE AND SUNGMIN! I NEED YOU EFFIN' HELP!

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iLoveYou #1
@jam_9445: i didn't put wookie coz he's too cute to be a bad guy and kangin coz i dnt want him to be a bad guy anymore, i want him to be kind :)
jam_9445 #2
ur story so cute! haha..btw y ryeowook and kangin nt part of e kim brothers?
hello please update soon . :)