Kim Kibum and Lee Donghae

If there's Lee brothers,then there's gotta be Kim brothers!

I quickly grabbed my things and hurriedly ran to my next class--history. I left Yumi since she has Music. As i was taking the stairs up to the 3rd floor, I remembered Heechul's face, it's so red! He's like gonna burst flames into me.

I've reached the 2nd floor, I can feel that someone's following me, I turn around and saw the "quiet Kim!" what was his name again?

KB: "Hey"

JH: what's your name again?

KB: "KIbum" and he offered his right hand for a handshake.

JH: "ahhh..KIbum-ssi" then I accepted his shake.

"why the hell are you doing this JiHye? i thought you're not a Pro-KIm!"

"I don't know! there's some powerful force that makes me awed."

I so hate my conscience. .>.<

KB: are you okay? he montioned me to follow to him

JH: y-yeah, you're taking history next too?

KB; yup, it's good coz you're there too...then he smiled his infamous "Killer Smile"

those smile makes me jump inside.

JH: so uhm, you're not like your brothers

KB: what do you mean?

JH: coz you're quiet,polite and kind

KB: coz I just want to be different and I want to change for the girl I like.

he emphasized on the word " I LIKE"

a girl he likes? Woah~

We finally reached our class and as we took our seat second to the last row, someone clapped its hand sarcastically.

"Look what we got here" a playboy voice echoed the room. We turn around and saw the youngest Lee leaning against the back door.

"What do you want Donghae?" Kibum sttod up and shot that Donghae a deadly gaze.

"I'm in this class too, and I want to have sum fun" he smiled with an eyebrow raised.

Good Thing, students starts to enter the classroom, they stopped their close-to-a-fight conversation. The Lee took the seat next to me, so that means that I'm in the middle of these two? like I'm the purgatory that separates heaven and hell.

The teacher walked in she's the most strict of all my teachers so I focused myself on her lectures. But that donghae guy is sleeping and drooling over his book! talk about ewww.. (AN: imagine DH's face at attack on the pin-up boys)

The teacher notice him. She went closer, then she slammed donghae's desk. Hard. Donghae jumped in surprise and shouted

"What the hell was that for?"


Sorry for not updating yesterday, our internet connection is uhmm..ya know :) so I'll update 2 chapters today.

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iLoveYou #1
@jam_9445: i didn't put wookie coz he's too cute to be a bad guy and kangin coz i dnt want him to be a bad guy anymore, i want him to be kind :)
jam_9445 #2
ur story so cute! haha..btw y ryeowook and kangin nt part of e kim brothers?
hello please update soon . :)