Zelo- amusement park

B.A.P. One shots

Blah so in this story Yongguk and Youngjae have girlfriends but they're not even that important so I didn't even bother naming them. Just insert a random name in there or your friend who is youngjae or yongguk biased. Whatever floats your boat. ENJOY!

"Oh my goodness. Where are they" "I don't know," The confused zelo takes a second look at his phone "none of the hyungs are answering.". He holds the phone to his ear for the 3rd time. 

"Mmmm. Not answering." "Oh look! How cute!" You point to the adorable stuffed panda on display for the prizes of a game stand. He takes a look at it. "You want it?" "Well I was just saying". He smiles, "I'll get it for you." He starts walking towards the water gun game. "No, Junhong, you don't have to-" you sigh as he's already more than half way there. You run behind him and sit next to him. He hands the person working there the money and grabs a hold of the water gun and pretends to shoot you. "You don't want it with me." You grab the water gun and pretend to shoot him back. "Participants ready.." "Oh!" He turns to the target and tries to center it as quickly as possible. "set.. go!" The bell rings and the water shoots out. You cheer him on, "go go go go go go!!! You got it you got it!" The other competitors' teams also cheering their people on. Junhong fully concentrated on getting that toy all the way to the top. The bell rings , "Aaaaand we have a winner! Number 4, what prize do you want?" "Nooooooo" he drops his head down in failure. You start giggling and for losing. "No no no I wasn't ready! One more time!" "But Junhong, you'll lose." "We'll see about that." He hands the woman more money and prepares. "Participants ready. set. go!". He starts winning at first but later gets caught up by another. "Come on come on you can still do it!" You cheer on once again. The bell rings. "YES!" He shouts and upper cuts his fist in the air. "Aaand we have a winner! Number 1, what prize do you want?" "WHAT" he shouts in confusion. "Was a close tie buddy" the lady working there said. "Which one do you want baby?" "Ohhhh that one!" You see the winner choosing out the prize for his girlfriend and smile. Junhong looks at them and then looks at you. It was one of the little things he enjoyed doing. Observing you observing others. It gave him motivation to keep trying. "Ok. ONE more time!" "Junhong! How many times will it take you to understand!?" He laughs. "I know I'll win this time." You sigh, "and what makes you think that." He laughs and hands the woman double the money. "Cause I'll be versing you." "Oh okay so you want to lose 3 times in a row.". He laughs and focuses on the target. "Participants ready!" "oh " you take the gun and aim for the target. "set. go!" The bell rings and water starts shooting from the gun. You try aiming for the center of the target but struggle. "Oh my god this is harder than it looks." You keep trying to center it. "Ugh how do I-" you hear the bell ring. "Aaaand we have a winner! Number 7! Finally man! What prize do you want?" "HA!" He jumps from his seat. "Done talking , _____?" "Shut up." You both laugh. "Uhhhh.... I waaaaaant..... that one." Junhong points to the big fluffy panda. You smile. "Here you go." The lady gives him his panda and he proudly takes it. You two get up to start walking. "Yay! Thank you Junhong!" He pulls the panda away. "Woah. And who said it was for you?". You gasp and cross your arms. "You're right.". He starts laughing "no no no I'm just playing. Here" "no no it's yours you earned it. You deserve it." You jokingly say. "Nooo! Here! Take it!" "No" "take it!" "No". You start to fast walk away from him and he chases you, trying to force the panda in your hold. You both laugh. 
"Here!!!!" "No!" You speed up a little more. He hugs you from the back, trying to put the panda in your crossed arms. The both of you slow down. "Here." he says in a husky tone. "I really got it for you.". You uncross your arms and hold the toy. "Thank you.". Him now just hugging you from the back, he brings his head down near your face. You feel him staring at you. Your heart starts pumping and you feel butterflies in your stomach. You get too nervous and break away from him. "So ummm..." you blurt out, "how about we go look for the guys near the bathrooms? They must be there." His face all red. "Yeah. Lets go." You start heading to the bathrooms and sure enough, you saw Himchan slurping a drink, talking to some people on a bench. When you two approached him, the rest of the members and Yongguk's and Youngjae's girlfriends were sitting down. "Eeeeey where were you guys!" "What happened!?" "We were looking for you guys!" Everyone all said at the same time. "Where did you guys go!? After me and _____ got off the ride we saw no one!" "Well (insert name here) had to go to the bathroom and Himchan was thirsty so we went to the food court." Yongguk explained. "So technically you guys just left us!" You joked. "What! No! We left Youngjae and (insert 2nd name here) in charge of telling you guys but apparently they were too busy doing who knows what." Jongup said. Youngjae looked at his girlfriend and giggled with her. "Ahaaaaaa" you said with a quirky tone to them. "We're sorry! We didn't mean to!" Youngjae apologized. "Whatever." Junhong answered, "Let's just go on some more rides!" Everyone agreed and continued on.
Throughout all the rides, your partner would always be zelo. All the kiddy rides, the scary maze, the bumper cars, the roller coasters. He'd hold your hand when you got scared and also tease you about it. Occasionally he would get lost in your eyes but quickly snap out of it once you pointed it out. It made you so nervous yet really happy.
It was now night time. "Ok. So where to now" daehyun asked. "I think we've done it all" Himchan answered. "No wait! We haven't gone on that huge Ferris wheel!" Youngjae exclaimed. "Alright where is it?" the leader asked. "I think..." Jongup takes out his huge map and everyone gathers around him, except for you and zelo. The both of you look at each other, laugh, and start walking. "Hey wait! Where are you guys going!?" "To the Ferris wheel." You casually answer. "You know where it?- oh wow" he slaps Jongup at the back of his head "pabo we could have just looked up and saw the huge lights!" "Wha- I didn't force you to look at the map with me!"
You all got to the line of the Ferris wheel. You and Junhong in the front. Finally it was time to get on. You and Junhong sit on one side, Yongguk and his girlfriend on the other. Himchan was entering but got stopped by one of the workers "woah woah woah. Sorry, only 4 allowed on each.". "Awwww maaaan" you all complained. The worker closed the little door and the four of you went up. "So where'd you get that panda" Yongguk's girlfriend asked you. "Oh Junhong won it for me at one of the games" "cuuuuute!" She said taking it from you to see. "Is that so" yongguk said, smiling at him. Zelo smiled and then looked at you. "Gukkie how come you don't get me one" Yongguk's girlfriend pouted. "I'll get you ten of them princess." She giggled and gave him a kiss. Unwillingly you looked at Junhong. Unwillingly as well, he looked at you too. The two of you quickly looked away and you took the panda back. All of you carried on and reminisced the fun filled day. 
When you got out, you guys waited for the rest. As soon as everyone was together, everyone started walking. "Alright welp, I think we're all really tired. We should head to the hotel." Daehyun said as he stretched. Everyone agreed. Your feet were exhausted from walking and your throat was pretty soar from all the screaming. Everyone wanted to just plop on a bed. "We're gonna take two cars. So our seating is gonna be different from how we got here. It'll be more comfortable actually. So... Youngjae & (insert 2nd name here), and Jongup come with me and (insert name here). Aaaand Junhong, _____, Daehyun, you guys take the car with Himchan.". "But I wanna ride with you guys. I don't wanna ride with the couples I'll feel really awkward" Jongup whispered to Daehyun. "Just get in with us maybe he won't notice?" Daehyun whispered back. All of you start walking to the parking lot. You open the car door and sit in the back next to the window. Junhong goes in and sits next to you. Your stomach begins to flip. It's an hour drive from the amusement park to the hotel. Daehyun hurries and calls shotgun. Jongup just laughs and lays down on the second row "jokes on you I'm way more comfortable than you.". You and Junhong giggle. Himchan gets in the drivers seat and warms up the car. There's a tap on the window. Jongup rolls down the windown and there is yongguk. "I thought you were coming with us?" "But that's the couples car... This is the singles car. And as you can see I am single.". Yongguk looks at you and zelo and giggles to himself. "Alright guys I'll see you over there then.". He leaves and Jongup rolls up the window again. "Close one.". "Alright. Lets go." Himchan says and starts driving. Not even a minute passes by and daehyun is already sleeping. Not too long after that and you hear Jongup faintly snoring. 
"So..." He fixes himself to face you completely. "did you have fun?" Junhong asks in a low voice. "Of course I did. Did you?" "A lot." He says with a cheesy smile. He pauses before continuing, "I like being around you. You're really fun you know." "Aww." You feel all bubbly and cuddly inside. "I like being with you too. Thanks for winning me the panda... after losing twice." "Whatever you know I beat you so I'm happy." You laugh, "Well I'm happy I have the panda.". He rests the side of his head on the car seat. "And I like seeing you happy.". "I feel like I owe you something." You whisper as you rest the side of your head on the car seat really near his face. You can feel his breaths and smell his amazing scent. "So what will you give me?" He asks cheekily. "mmmmm..." you move closer to his face. "a teddy bear?.." "No.. that's not what I want.." "hmmm... candy?" "mmm.. nope.." "... a bracelet?.." "Nm mm". You touch his soft lips with yours and press on them. The second time he presses harder. The third peck was longest. Your lips slowly parting from each other, your faces remain close. You two savor the moment after the kiss, lost in it. "another one." he whispers. He kisses you with more confidence now. Pressing harder and longer. He gives you another 3 strong kisses before smiling. "I... I really like you , _____." "I apparently really like you too Junhong." He giggles at a low volume. "Would you.." he gets cut off by his own nervousness. "Would you... like to be my girlfriend?"
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