Daehyun-the first time he says "I love you"

B.A.P. One shots


The whole ride home from the Awards after party was felt with a sharp silence. You sat up every 2 minutes, feeling really uncomfortable, with your hands folded as you twiddled your thumbs. Daehyun barely took his sharp eyes off the road although his mind was way too deep into thought. And everytime he would accidentally look at you, he would grit his teeth , grip the wheel tighter, look to the window, and inhale and exhale loudly. With every time he’d do that, you would feel really intimidated. As if you were in the Deans office, fearfully awaiting for him to say something. But he never did. This anticipation made you want to seek a conclusion. “… so… we’re not going to talk?” Silence remained. “no? Just go home and that’s it?”. Daehyun looked as if he was really annoyed with every word you spoke even though it was very little. You chuckled and clamped your hands together. “ok. So i’ll just-” “Will you shutup already. You can’t wait until we get home?” he shouted as he used one hand to gesture his anger. His loud volume made you jump a little. It was so unexpected. As soon as the feeling of fear exited your body, anger as well took over you. “What the? Since when do you scream at me like that?” “Just stop alright. Stop. You always think you’re in the right but you’re not! Just stop!” “What the hell Daehyun?? Stop being like that, I HATE it when you’re like this.” "How else do you want me to be you act like I'm some little kid" "Cause you're acting like one!" "Oh please. Get out of here with that bull." "Don't talk to me like that!"

The both of you continue arguing. Both of your voices trying to win over the others. But it gets you no where. He starts losing concentration in driving and focuses more on the argument. You start pleading for him to pull over. When he finally does, he immediately storms out of the car and walks to your side. You come out, very nervously, but still hold your ground. You two go back and forth, with each word getting more and more intense. He starts using his hands, which scares you. "Oh well here's miss perfect right. Never does anything wrong and is perfect in every aspect." "You are so hard headed! I can't with you!" "What the do you want then!?" "Urghhhhh! I hate you!" He rapidly lifts his right hand to wipe his face, but you flinch.

He shoots his head back and recollects. ”..wh-..what did you just do…” “nothing” “Did you.. did you think I was going to hit you?…” He eagerly waits for your response as his heart pounds. But you have no answer. “oh my god.” he says beneath his breath. He walks away to sit on the hood of the car. You, your back leaned over against the side of the car, start feeling tears rolling down your cheeks. You quickly wipe them off as more starts pouring from your eyes. You look over your shoulder. Daehyun is sitting there with his hand to his face, his index finger and thumb holding the bridge of his nose, his elbow being supported by his knee. You try to compose yourself, clearing your throat and airing your eyes.

Slowly, you walk over to him. “Dae?.. I-I don’t know why I did that. I’m sorry.” “Huh. You think I’m going to hit you. and you’re apologizing?”. "I umm.." You don’t know what to say. But he continues, “Babe” he takes your hand and slowly pulls you in closer, you now in between his legs. He presses his lips on your forehead. “Come up.” He motions you to get up and helps you. Once you sit down, he intertwines his fingers with yours. With his free hand, he rubs the back of your hand then kisses it. “(Y/N). I will never. ever. hurt you. ok? Never.” He lifts up your chin with his index finger and gives you a kiss. “Ok?” “Ok.” you say reassuringly. “I just can't believe you would ever think I would.. hit you.” he shakes his head and buries his face in his hands. He slowly looks up, letting his hands slide down to reveal his face. “Look,” he takes a deep breath “I know I should control my jealousy but.. It’s just, hard to see you with someone that can potentially take you away. It makes me feel like, like I'm suddenly less important. like there is someone better for you. It makes me feel so” he looks to the ground, “small.” “Babe, I’m not going to leave you. For anyone. You need to trust me, like I trust you. I’ve already told you I loved you and you said you needed time to say it back and that's ok. I understand.” He laughs underneath his breath and shakes his head. "I think I've been loving you from a loooong time now, ________. I just never admitted it.. cause I'm a hard head." You laugh. "Is this your way of telling me you love me". He laughs, "Yeah." "You're so romantic." Both of you gave a short laugh in unison as you leaned your head against his shoulder. When the laugh died out, you could hear his heartbeat. "_______. I love you." He planted a soft sweet meaningful kiss to your lips.

“I’m so sorry jagiya.” “It’s alright baby. I know you didn’t mean it.” He smiles and gives you another kiss. He lays back and opens his arm, with that you lean back as well and rest your head on his shoulder. “Wow. The stars are beautiful tonight..”. For the rest of the night, both of you watch the stars and talk about everything.

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