[kyumin drabble series] how it always ends up.


Rating : PG/PG13 for the theme? Not sure, just to be save…
Genre: AU
Notes: un-beta-ed. Grammar is my enemy.
This one is for Nica-nee, Mel-nee, Erika and Nita, because of a certain… conversation… XD
This one is quite innocent despite the title. Kekeke…



Kyuhyun followed his friends and entered the shop with his head down, still busy with his cellphone, replying text messages from his mother, who told him to “come home soon Ahra’s boyfriend is coming over and we’re going to  have a nice family dinner”.

“Welcome, can I help you guys?” a voice asked from somewhere on their side. Kyuhyun didn’t pay attention, and kept typing, telling his mother that “I’ll be home before seven, stop worrying, I’m hanging out with Hyukjae and Henry”. His friends, Hyukjae and Henry, let out mischievous snickers and told the shop employee that they were just looking around. Hyukjae elbowed him on his side and Kyuhyun grimaced at the pain.

“Go ahead, I’ll be right there,” he answered distractedly and continue typing his message. He pressed ‘send’ and exhaled. It had been a while since he could spare some time to actually go somewhere with his buddies (being a university student had surely taken most of his time) and now he had to go home early for this dinner.  He shook his head, feeling a little defeated, slipped his cellphone into his back pocket and looked up. He was greeted by the sight of a mannequin, dressed in all sort of leather outfits, and very revealing ones at that. Kyuhyun blinked, looked around, and did a double take.

“Where the hell am I?!” he yelped, barely managing to keep himself from falling on his out of shock.

In front of him were shelves of… certain items he had only seen in some of Hyukjae’s video collections, and he paled instantly. Where have his friends taken him to?! Kyuhyun his spot and was about to flee the scene when he caught someone staring at him from the corner of his eyes.

Kyuhyun realized it was the shop employee. He quit his initial plan to flee and ended up staring back at the employee. He gulped when he noticed how nice the employee looked with a black vest over a simple white T-shirt, and a black fedora hat perched on top of his black silky hair that fell covering one of his eyes. He looked too young and too innocent to be in… such a shop, but when said employee suddenly smirk, Kyuhyun threw that thought out of his mind. Damn he was hot. That smirk was really y.

“Looking for something specific?” the employee asked, the smirk was still there. His voice was smooth with a tinge of sweetness, like the marshmallow on your cup of hot bitter chocolate.

Kyuhyun shook his head and spluttered, “M-my friends… I just… I’m not into this kind of… I mean…”

The employee chuckled, his smirk disappeared. “It’s alright. You don’t have to be all embarrassed being in this kind of shop. Some people actually prefer this kind of things instead of the normal you’re probably used to, you know.”

Kyuhyun blushed at the casual use of the s word. He realized he was quite a prude. The employee chuckled again. “Why don’t you look around and see if there’s something you’re interested in?”

“NO!” Kyuhyun shouted quickly. “I mean, no thank you…” he wiped a trickle of sweat down his temple. He was nervous. Being in this kind of shop made him nervous. Why didn’t he realize where his friends were taking him in the first place? Oh right, the messages from the mother. He remembered being curious because he didn’t recognize the area, but before he got the chance to ask his mother’s messages distracted him. Those erts, he should’ve realized it the moment he heard them snickering mischievously like earlier.

Kyuhyun looked up again and grinned shyly when he saw that the man was still looking at him interestedly. He looked like he was about to say something when someone called from the depth of the store.

“Hey, Sungmin, here’s your guitar,” a pretty man appeared from the room behind the counter with a guitar case and handed it to the employee — Sungmin, Kyuhyun noted.

“Oh, Heechul hyung, tell Jungmo hyung I said thanks for repairing my baby,” Sungmin grinned as he hugged his guitar case. “You have interesting customers here, Hyung,” he added, motioning to Kyuhyun with a little movement of his head.

Kyuhyun was starting to deny his being a customer but his words were swallowed by that Heechul guy’s hysteric laughter. “I told you so! People who come here are so interesting! Half of them are just curious, really,” he slapped Sungmin’s shoulder in glee. “Now shoo, I have a business to run here,”

Sungmin patted his hyung back on his shoulder and slipped out of the counter area. “I’m playing tonight, see you there, Hyung,” he waved, and gave Kyuhyun a friendly smile when he passed in front of Kyuhyun.

As if he was bewitched, Kyuhyun followed Sungmin outside the shop.

“So you’re not working here?” Kyuhyun found himself asking as soon as they were out.

Sungmin snapped his head to the side, staring at Kyuhyun with wide eyes and raised eyebrows. It seemed that he hadn’t expected Kyuhyun to follow him out.

“Oh, I’m not,” he answered, eyebrows still raised. “I was just replacing my hyung while he went to take my guitar from his boyfriend,”

“I see,” Kyuhyun smiled, “So you’re a musician? A gig tonight? Can I come?” Kyuhyun might be a prude, but he could be bold when it came to taking chances. And this chance was surely one of a kind. He was not going to let it slip away.

Sungmin laughed, but he looked genuinely happy. “Do you like Jason Mraz?”

Kyuhyun nodded.

“I play those kind of songs. I’ll play in a cafe nearby. You can come later if you want to,” he said with a wide cheerful smile. “I’m Lee Sungmin,” he offered Kyuhyun a hand.

Kyuhyun shook it and smiled back, “Cho Kyuhyun, nice to meet you, despite the… unusual setting,” he motioned to the shop behind them.

Sungmin chuckled again, and Kyuhyun decided he liked the sound of it. Sungmin gave Kyuhyun the address of the cafe and nodded at him to excuse himself, “See you later, then, Kyuhyun-sshi,”

Kyuhyun nodded and watched as Sungmin walked toward a pink scooter parked nearby. He grinned to himself, amused at the color choice, as he kept  his eyes on Sungmin putting on an equally pink helmet. He waved as Sungmin drove past him, and felt his inner self rejoicing when Sungmin waved back as he drove.

“Dude! You missed a lot of things in there!” came Henry’s excited voice as his friends exited the shop.

Kyuhyun shook his head, “No, I just got something much much better,” he grinned at his two confused friends. “Say guys, what do you think of hanging out in a cafe nearby tonight?”

He then conveniently forgot about the family dinner, conveniently turned off his cellphone and conveniently told his friends not to pick up any calls from his family tonight.



“Happy Birthday, Kyuhyun-ah~” Sungmin sang as he handed Kyuhyun his present. Kyuhyun laughed at the pink wrappings and shook the small box trying to figure out what’s inside. It was his first birthday with Sungmin and he had been looking forward to his very first present from his first boyfriend. The thing inside made a muffled sound.

“Open it~ I’ve wrapped it in more papers inside so you won’t be able to guess,” Sungmin laughed, as he sat beside Kyuhyun on the sofa of his apartment.

Anticipating, Kyuhyun opened his gift carefully. When he saw what was in there, he literally facepalmed.

Pink fluffy handcuffs.

“Oh dear,”

Kyuhyun was speechless. He turned to the smiling Sungmin beside him and felt his throat go dry when he noticed Sungmin’s fingers started tracing patterns on his back, under his shirt. And then the sweet smile had turned into that y smirk.

He should have known it.
(not that it would’ve made a difference anyway).




When I make my own hot choco drink, I like it a little bitter XD
(ignore meeeee)

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venzsuju #1
Chapter 4: 1- oh my Cho nerd! xD
2- eiii?? :> is it KyuMIn or MinKyu? xD
3 - i like this >> "Grammar is my enemy" hahaha.. it's funny when Donghae said "look it's Kyu", Min n Henry automaticaly look hahaha Min, u're not their friends xD so funny!!
4- kkk fighting get approval from your prof, Kyu ^^
Chapter 4: Sobbing because this is just so wonderful. ;A; I'll patiently wait for you to post the next drabble with a happy ending. ;D <3 Ah, KyuMin~~ <3
evryva #3
Chapter 4: So glad i found you.., love your stories..
Chapter 4: i love them all :DD
Chapter 4: AHHAHA y!Kyu xDDD
I loved all your stories! :3
Write more please~
Chapter 3: I loved this Min's answer at the end! So cute!
Chapter 2: The ending!! xDD This is really nice!
Chapter 1: So adorable! :D