
[kyumin drabble series] how it always ends up.


Fandom : Super Junior
Characters/ pairing : Sungmin, Kyuhyun
Rating : G
Genre: AU
Notes: un-beta-ed. Grammar is my enemy.
An excuse to write KyuMin series of some sort. I just need to write KyuMin ;__________; My love for them just grows and grows and growssss I’m suffocating.
This first one is for Nita and Vin, just because :)

Countless alternate universes; unlimited possibilities of how they meet the first time, or the second time, and so on; also endless possibilities of how they would end up, or with whom they would end up; but in this series, each and every possibility ends up with the two of them together <3

#1 Baguette


“You twit, I’m first!” Sungmin stomped his feet and tugged as hard as he could at the long piece of bread without breaking it. The stranger growled and tugged on the other end with equal stubbornness. Ryeowook, the baker’s assistant, could only stare in horror at his two customers from behind his counter.

It was the last piece of baguette for the day, and the two have coincidentally made a grab at it at the same time. Sungmin was convinced he deserved it more. He entered the bakery first! That stranger just happened to have longer legs and wider steps so he had outrun him when he made his way to the baguette basket in the corner of the bakery, that darn kid!

“Let go!” the stranger whined as he tugged harder. Sungmin almost let his guard down at the subtle cuteness hidden behind that whine.

“No way, I entered first! Back off!” Sungmin insisted. He could feel his nails starting to dig into the crispy bread.

“But I grab it faster than you! Let go! I want to eat it with instant asparagus soup for dinner!”

“Hah! I’m going to make creamy bruschetta with it! It deserves to be cooked into a more decent dish than just for instant soup! It’s mine!” Sungmin randomly reasoned. With a last determined tug, the bread slipped off the stranger’s hold and Sungmin yelled in victory. He quickly went to Ryeowook to pay, but not before turning back to the stranger and said, “Just go buy a normal loaf bread for your instant soup, okay?”

The stranger looked frustrated. Sungmin shook his head and took out his wallet to pay. He shouldn’t be bothered with that stranger. He won his baguette fair and square through that tug of war.

When he exited the bakery, he saw the stranger dragging his feet away from the shop, head hung down, a transparent plastic bag filled with only a package of instant asparagus cream soup swung sadly by his side. Sungmin pursed his lips, studying the stranger from afar.

He was a lanky boy with a lump of messy brown hair. He wore a printed T-shirt and faded jeans and equally faded sneakers, and a postman bag seemingly full of books. Most likely a college student living in the dorm. Sungmin remembered his eyes and the dark shadows beneath them. The type of student who studies well into the night and only lives off instant food. Instant asparagus cream soup with baguette was probably one of his better meals, and Sungmin had been the reason he would probably eat another pack of instant noodle for dinner.

Sungmin didn’t know what made him do it, it’s probably guilt–or something else–but he jogged to catch up with the stranger.

“Hey, wait up,” he reached out and held the stranger’s elbow to stop him.

“Huh?” the stranger looked surprised when he noticed Sungmin. “What?”

Sungmin tapped his fingers on french bread in his hold. “Creamy bruschetta goes well with asparagus cream soup, too. I’ve also made chocolate pudding for dessert. Want to come over and have dinner with me?”

The stranger’s expression lit up immediately, no trace of suspicion or whatever.

“Yes, please! Home made dishes, oh gosh!” he grinned happily. “Thank you! I’m Kyuhyun, by the way!”

Sungmin smiled, feeling something fluttering around in his tummy. “Kyuhyun, I’m Sungmin. Come on, my place is in the opposite way,”


Two weeks after that, after three or four more dinners with Kyuhyun (Kyuhyun loved Sungmin’s cooking, despite the ordinary taste. Or maybe he just loved being with Sungmin), Sungmin found out that the reason Kyuhyun had bags under his eyes were not his studies. It was Starcraft, of course. And the reason why he always ate instant food was not because he didn’t have the time or the money, but because he was always too lazy to move his fluffy to go and get a decent meal. Also, his seemingly full-of-books bag? It was actually filled with boxes of drama DVDs he just rented.

It didn’t matter though, because they ended up together anyway.




I’ll write more of this drabble series when I feel like it.
They would all be like this, just a simple idea, with prolonged first meetings and the likes, and an abrupt happy ending (cuz in this, KyuMin would always have a happy ending — hence the title of the series) hehehe…
I hope reading it makes you happy, even just a tiny bit <3


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venzsuju #1
Chapter 4: 1- oh my Cho nerd! xD
2- eiii?? :> is it KyuMIn or MinKyu? xD
3 - i like this >> "Grammar is my enemy" hahaha.. it's funny when Donghae said "look it's Kyu", Min n Henry automaticaly look hahaha Min, u're not their friends xD so funny!!
4- kkk fighting get approval from your prof, Kyu ^^
Chapter 4: Sobbing because this is just so wonderful. ;A; I'll patiently wait for you to post the next drabble with a happy ending. ;D <3 Ah, KyuMin~~ <3
evryva #3
Chapter 4: So glad i found you.., love your stories..
Chapter 4: i love them all :DD
Chapter 4: AHHAHA y!Kyu xDDD
I loved all your stories! :3
Write more please~
Chapter 3: I loved this Min's answer at the end! So cute!
Chapter 2: The ending!! xDD This is really nice!
Chapter 1: So adorable! :D