(a) Observation

[kyumin drabble series] how it always ends up.


Rating : PG
Genre: AU
Length: 1900+
Notes: un-beta-ed. Grammar is my enemy.

#3 Observations


‘Oppa, I don’t like noodles, they make me fat.’
‘Let’s eat something else,’ whiny girlfriend said.
Expressionless boyfriend didn’t say anything and just guided her to the next food stall.
Whiny girlfriend has long shiny black hair and waist the size of a baby’s bolster.
Tall (and expressionless) boyfriend has a pretty handsome face but he looks so –

“Dear lord, what am I writing… even just a simple descriptive paragraphs turns out to be a complete trash!” the man hissed in low volume to himself, pressing the backspace key brutally until the sentences were wiped out completely.

Lee Sungmin, a novice author who was currently in a troubling writer block and in desperate need of inspirations, sat in one of the lone tables in the far corner of the foodcourt and observe people like a hungry eagle searching for prey. He had written a couple of paragraphs containing his observation of people in the mall’s food court, but nobody had quite captivated him yet. No sudden incandescent lamp suddenly lighting up in his head when inspiration hit him or whatever.

“Dammit… it’s been weeks…” he mumbled as he desperately look for a new object of his observation. Indeed, it’s been weeks he hadn’t been able to continue his supposedly first published novel. He had written a couple of short stories before and some magazines had published them, until one day someone from a publishing company had called him and asked if he had any intention on writing a novel and that they would like to consider publishing it if they like it (and something about how their editor-in-chief just loved his writing style and had great expectations on him in the future).

He had agreed immediately, and had been writing smoothly for almost three months when the writer block suddenly hit him with the weight of a ton of brick (glued together with another ton of cement). He was almost halfway done, but the words just wouldn’t come to him. Even when he attempted to go back to writing short stories to get rid of the block, all he produced were strings of words without any quality whatsoever. He was frustrated. His writings turned into something that a third grader would have written for their English essay. Or worse. It was as if he lost all of his writing ability, lost all of his muses.

Slurping noisily on his almost empty glass of iced coffee, Sungmin’s eyes landed on two young men, in the middle of an interesting English conversation–or something like it–as they stood in line, queuing in front of the internationally famous fast food chain. It was quite a distance from where he was sitting, but they were talking so loudly that Sungmin couldn’t help but to pay attention. Interested, Sungmin let his fingers danced across the keyboard as he strain his ears to hear their conversation and once every 30 seconds darting his eyes on them.

‘Hey, hey, yo Beautiful baby, you look so good tonight! I love you!’
‘Dude, that’s so freaking cheesy stop saying it outloud! I’m so embarrassed!’
‘Call me! Give me your phone number! I’ll call you tonight! Yeah baby!’
‘Idiotic fish, stop it!’
‘But that’s the English that you taught me!’
‘I didn’t sound that cheesy and disgusting okay I don’t know!’
‘But dude—’
‘Stop dude-ing me, it sounds wrong coming from your mouth!’
‘Henli-ah~ why are you like thisssss~’

Sungmin chuckled as he typed their conversation down. It might not be any inspiration for him but he figured it would cheer him up later if he re-read it when he’s feeling stressed again. “Hmm, should I describe their appearance?” Sungmin mumbled, taking notice of the childish way the one called Henli wear his hat, and also…

He continued typing.

Henli is wearing a super baggy green sweater with a picture of… something from the bird family printed on the front of it. He looks like he’s only 17 or 18, and  he has a wonderful American-English accent. The fish guy has a defined jawline and eyes that look so innocent, and his English pick-up sentences earlier were rather weird. He seems the type that has girls falling on his feet, but somehow he also looks shy. Beware! Looks can be deceiving! Fish guy wears a simple white V-neck shirt and plaid shirt over it. Oooh. Looks damn good on him.

Sungmin facepalmed when he realized what he had written. It was like he’s writing a diary or something. Oh well, at least I’m writing, he thought.

“Oh, look, it’s Kyuhyun!” Fish guy suddenly said, excitedly. Both Henli and Sungmin automatically looked to the direction where Fish guy was waving at. Henli waved, too, while Sungmin froze as his eyes found this Kyuhyun guy. Once he defrosted himself Sungmin found himself unreasonably attracted to the new guy. Still in a half daze he quickly typed again.

A third guy just came into the picture. Third guy’s name is Kyuhyun. Hello, Kyuhyun! Kyuhyun looks so… disheveled, but I couldn’t take my eyes off him! Stupid me, I’m writing a diary again, I guess. The hell with it! Kyuhyun looks so freaking good. And cute. No wait, handsome. Oh man that fluffy messy hair, I want to ruffle it! The three of them are now talking in low volumes. Whyyyyyyyyy I want to hear his voice! Even fish guy isn’t speaking loudly anymore what are they talking about let me heaaaaaaaarrrrr…

Sungmin was like a crazed journalist being chased by a very deadly deadline. He couldn’t stop typing, he just poured whatever crossed his mind at the moment. He couldn’t care less that he was actually writing a diary instead. Once every few seconds his eyes would automatically found their target, analyzing his every movement, taking in his every detail.

Tall and not too skinny. Mmm. Nice . Definitely my type.
He has a really really really nice smirk. He just showed one to Henli and Fish guy. O–oh! He’s coming this way! Did he see me looking? What is he– oh. He’s sitting in the table in front of me! He takes out his laptop. Ooh, is he an author, too? He takes out books. Woah. Books in various sizes. He spreads them all on the table for four. Isn’t he even going to eat anything? What– wait, it reads [The Writer's Guide to Psychology]!! Is he really an author?! Wow! Wait there’s more: [How To Think Straight About Psychology] and what’s that other one, I think I can read it.

Sungmin squinted from behind his monitor.

Aha! [The Psychology of Writing]! Oooh… I see… a psychology major, huh? Cool! By the way, from this distance I can see his acne scars. He has a lot. But he’s still so handsome. This is soooo fun. To hell with my writer’s block! Haha! Oh he starts typing. Hello there beautiful long and slender fingers! Imagine him wrapping them around my–

“Here’s your cheese burger!” Fish guy appeared out of air in front of Kyuhyun and effectively shaking Sungmin off of his erted imagination.

“Thanks hyung!” Kyuhyun took the wrapped burger from Fish guy’s hand but made no move to make space for his two friends. Henli eyed the books on the table and sighed.

“Donghae hyung, sit over here,” he said, as he sat down on the table next to Kyuhyun’s.

Let’s forget about those fingers for a while! Kyuhyun’s voice! I finally get to hear it, even it was just two words. Aaaaaaaaaahhh~~~~
Oh, hey, Fish guy’s name is Donghae. Donghae Fish guy pouts a little (so cute! but Kyuhyun is cuter) and sits across Henli (Henli is totally cute, too, those cheeks, gosh!). The two of them continue chatting and Kyuhyun is still focused on his laptop. Is he on a research or something, I wonder? He types really fast. Is he copying something from those books? Hmmm… really nice fingers….

Sungmin paused typing for a while to finish up his no longer cold coffee. He turned back his attention on where Kyuhyun was sitting but said guy wasn’t there any longer. Sungmin sighed, disappointed.

I took my eyes off him for a couple of seconds and he’s gone. What the hell, yo! His books and laptop are still there though, I guess he just goes to the toilet or something. Hey maybe I should start a conversation with him when he comes back. 
Hi, Kyuhyun, I’m Sungmin. I’ve been watching you since you came here. I like you. Can we hook up? Hahahaha. No, kidding! I’m soooo not going to tell him that!
Hi, Kyuhyun, I’m Sungmin. Nice fingers you got there. I have an idea. You can put it to better use, so if we could just leave this place and—
Nah. You know I’m not the type to say those things.
How about this cheesy cheesy one:

Hi, Kyuhyun, I’m Sungmin. I’m an author. I’m in a stupid writer’s block.
Would you mind being my source of inspiration?

“I wouldn’t mind,” a velvety voice said from behind him, and Sungmin jumped on his seat.

“What the–! What are you–” Sungmin whipped his head around to yell at the person surprising him but his words died in his throat when he saw that it was no other than Kyuhyun himself standing just a foot behind him; arms crossed in front of his chest and an amused (and interested) look dancing in his dark brown orbs.

Obviously he had been reading over Sungmin’s shoulder. Sungmin realized this and went beet red.

“I– I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to… I mean, you weren’t supposed to read any of that!!! How much did you read?!” Sungmin stood up and spun around to try and defend his pride.

Kyuhyun chuckled, “Hmm, everything? I’m a fast reader,” he then smirked.

That smirk! Sungmin’s thought process died at the sight of it.

“I have an offer,” Kyuhyun leaned closer and Sungmin suddenly had a clear view of a particularly annoying acne in the end of Kyuhyun’s eyebrow.

“What is it?” Sungmin asked, moving his line of vision to Kyuhyun’s eyes instead.

“Well, Sungmin. You’re obviously an author.”

Sungmin nodded.

“I’m writing a thesis about young authors and the way they view the psychological aspects of the characters they write in their stories. Listen well because I’m only saying this to you and not to everybody else,” Kyuhyun said sternly but still so alluringly (how did he even do that? Sungmin mused).

Sungmin nodded again, waiting for Kyuhyun to continue.

“I just need one more author to become my test object– no, I mean, how about you let me interview you for my thesis and I’ll gladly be your, erm, source of inspiration?” he offered.

Sungmin gaped, couldn’t quite believe his luck. He struggled to find the perfect words other than a too simple and boring ‘yes’ to agree to that awesome offer (you can’t blame Sungmin for wanting to impress Kyuhyun with his choice of words), but Sungmin took so long that Kyuhyun grew worried he’d reject it. Kyuhyun had been desperate for just one more author to interview for his thesis and now he had found one (and such a funny and interesting and beautiful one at that!) he wouldn’t give up until he got a ‘yes’. So he offered one more thing that was already at the tip of his tongue.

“And as a bonus! I can also put my fingers to a very, very good use. If you know what I mean,”

Kyuhyun got an immediate ‘ yes’ as an answer.




I don’t know what I wrote. I’m lost. Sorry it turns out like this~ Hahahaha!
Hope you enjoyed it, tho~ ^^

ps: I’m in an annoying writer’s block for my chaptered fic and also lately I’ve been having lots of annoying acne all over my face. Hence their mentions in the fic. OTL.

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venzsuju #1
Chapter 4: 1- oh my Cho nerd! xD
2- eiii?? :> is it KyuMIn or MinKyu? xD
3 - i like this >> "Grammar is my enemy" hahaha.. it's funny when Donghae said "look it's Kyu", Min n Henry automaticaly look hahaha Min, u're not their friends xD so funny!!
4- kkk fighting get approval from your prof, Kyu ^^
Chapter 4: Sobbing because this is just so wonderful. ;A; I'll patiently wait for you to post the next drabble with a happy ending. ;D <3 Ah, KyuMin~~ <3
evryva #3
Chapter 4: So glad i found you.., love your stories..
Chapter 4: i love them all :DD
Chapter 4: AHHAHA y!Kyu xDDD
I loved all your stories! :3
Write more please~
Chapter 3: I loved this Min's answer at the end! So cute!
Chapter 2: The ending!! xDD This is really nice!
Chapter 1: So adorable! :D