
His True Self


Baekhyun coldly strolled around the hallways of his school, his hands were in his pockets and a glazed look was fixed on his face; looking as if he’s not interested in anything at all.

A girl accidentally bumped into his shoulders and got absolutely frightened. “I-I-I’m sorry, Baekhyun… I…” She stuttered.

“Cut the crap. I don’t need your apology.” He cut her and started walking away.

*What a jerk.* The girl thought.

That was always what they thought of him since he first came into the school. They were pretty shocked that a flower boy like him would be such an arrogant jerk. That was when they learned not to judge a book by its cover.

From the corner of his eyes, he saw another girl. Her head was hung low and she was fidgeting with her fingers while a girl in front of her was yelling and saying mean things to her.

Deep down in his heart, it hurt him. He felt pitied for her. He feels bad for people in those kinds of situations. He always has. But he did nothing and continued walking like he didn’t see it.


“You’re always so clumsy! It’s not even possible to be that clumsy!” The girl, Lee Eunji, in front of Yulee exclaimed, hitting her forehead every single, let’s say, 5 seconds. She was really annoyed that Yulee once again spilled her drink on her. And this time, on her favourite limited edition shirt. “You’re going to get it today, Kim Yulee.” She threatened.

Luckily for Yulee, the bell rang and one of the teachers went outside to make sure every single student go back to their classes, meaning that Eunji can’t hit her.

Eunji gave her one last glare before leaving and walking back to class. Yulee let out a relieved sigh. *Phew. That was close… again.* She started walking to her own class, trying her best not to trip, or else that’s another humiliation for her. Not like she’s not used to it, anyways.

Her clumsiness has always humiliated her since her childhood years. She was too clumsy for anyone and ended up not making a lot of friends. In fact, she has no friends. At her school at least. She has one best friend but she doesn’t go to that school, unfortunately.

After school, Baekhyun’s phone rang. He answered it.

“Hyung~” He greeted.

“Byun Baekhyun!” Luhan exclaimed from over the phone.

“Hyung, don’t shout.” He told him.

“Whatever. Hurry up! Everyone is here but you!” Luhan shouted. “Yeah! Hyung, I’m hungry! I want bubble tea and I want it now!” Sehun yelled, grabbing the phone from Luhan.

“Arasso, arasso.” They ended the call and Baekhyun headed to the café he was supposed to go to.

When he arrived, they gave him some bubble tea and they started talking.

“So how was school today?” Suho asked, almost like a father.

“Same as always.” Kyungsoo replied. “Boring.”

“What about you, Baekhyun?” Suho asked him. “Still putting up the icy and cold act?”

“I told you already, hyungs.” He immediately replied. “As much as possible, I won’t stop being like this.” He added. “It’s better like this than before.”

“Is it really?” Suho asked. Baekhyun became speechless after that question.

After a few hours, they finally went home. Baekhyun started walking home, letting out annoyed sighs every now and then.


After school, Yulee walked around the city before going home. After a few hours, she realized she’s already too tired so she decided to go home. She turned left into an alleyway. That alleyway was a shortcut to her home and she takes it everyday. Unfortunately for her, that day was a bit different. Very different.

She was humming and whistling when a group of guys approached her. They surrounded her and only then did she realize she was in danger.

“What do we have here?” One of the boys asked.

“A girl like you shouldn’t be going into these places.” Another said.

“W-w-what do you want?” She asked, trembling and scared. She was almost in the verge of crying.

“Aw, don’t cry~~~” Their ‘leader’ told her, slowly walking towards her. “We’re not going to hurt you.” He grabbed her arm. “Much.” And the rest of the boys tried to grab her but they heard a loud thud and one of them fell to the ground. “Oof!”

Another male was there and he was the one who punched the guy that was now on the ground. The remaining boys tried to attack him but he skilfully dodged them and ran towards Yulee. He grabbed her hand and pulled her as hard as he could from the boys’ leader and ran as he pulls Yulee out of the alleyway.

Yulee looked at the guy as they continued running. *H-h-him? But why would he do this?* She asked herself.

The guy was running too fast and extremely fast for Yulee, causing her to trip. She let out a slight squeal as she falls down. The guy was surprised. He stopped and turned around, only to find Yulee at the ground with a bleeding knee.

He quickly knelt down; a worried expression was on his face. “Omo, are you okay?” He asked. Yulee slightly nodded but he still hissed. “Your knee is bleeding.” He stated as he touches her knee, avoiding the bleeding part, and tilts it in different angles. “Let me help you up.” He said, standing up and handing his hands to her. She grabbed it and he pulled her up. She almost lost her balance but Baekhyun caught her back. “Careful.”

Yulee stood up properly.

“We’ll walk from now on, okay?”

They were just about to walk when Yulee asked him. “W-w-why are you doing this?”


“This isn’t anything anyone would think you would do…” She started. “Baekhyun.”

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revengelover #1
Chapter 1: update!!!!!! lol.
--photogenic #2
but hey, he was helping yulee at the end though OTL.