❝ ( ♥ ) - order for hazelnut latte and vanilla napolean?

❝ ( ♥ ) - café de l'espoir ⋮ closed


Umm, Hello. :)
Well, I have this guy friend who I like. My friends say that it's probably more than that but I'm a bit scared to admit it to myself. >////< Anyway, I like him a lot so I often do some stuff that I hope will get him to notice me; I always try to help him whenever he has troubles (even girl troubles, sadly), I treat him a lot sweeter than my other guy friends, and I often bake him sweets that he likes (I gave him a handmade chocolate on valentines). Unfortunately, he already likes someone else. :( I don't know her personally but some of my friends say that she's, well, a female dog (I didn't want to swear here ^^). I honestly don't believe them though because how can a great guy like him fall for a girl who's not equally great? I can't help but feel bad for myself because I put in a lot of effort just so he can see me as more than a friend--just so he can see that I've always been there for him. My friends say that he's not worth it, that I can easily find another guy. I don't know what to do. Should I give up on him and realize that my efforts won't ever be acknowledged? Or should I continue to do my best to make him fall for me?
Thanks a bunch for taking the time to listen to me. :D If I could send you a handmade sweet, I would. ^U^




That’s honestly very sweet all those things you’re doing for him but I noticed right off the bat that you haven’t actually confessed to the guy yet. I honestly think that you’ve dropped him enough hints already and you should just take a shot at actually telling him you like him more than a friend. Unfortunately, guys can be jerks and he may take you for granted since you’ve stuck so faithfully by his side all this time. Honey, this is a little hard to say but I do think you’ve friend-zoned since he confides in you about girl troubles which are a tell-tale sign that he views your relationship with him as purely platonic. Also, it seems like he’s fallen for a complete female dog (this is psychological) because sometimes, the good guys fall for the absolute brats. It does but I have advice right here:

I know that Baekhyun hyung always feels the need to buy eyeliner when its limited edition because it’s a once in a life chance right? If you want to stop hurting yourself with endless hoping that he might start developing feelings for you is to distance yourself from him slightly. Don’t be cold or deliberately mean but just take a breather from him, allow him to feel your absence and maybe he’ll start appreciating you a little more. People always take the small things for granted so just let him learn to truly miss you. Make yourself limited edition. Also, maybe make slight changes to your appearance and attitude when around him, show him a side of you that no one has seen before, your confident and y side. That’ll make you more mysterious and make you even more desirable. You have to keep this in mind though, never change for other people, only change for yourself. I’m only giving you advice in the hopes that he might turn around and go “whoa” did a truck just hit me? Don’t ever change yourself for a guy.

Also, there’s no need to listen to rumours about who he actually likes because you’re in a negative mindset about her and that’s not a good thing. I know how hard it can be to be secure about yourself when a guy is in the picture but try your best to block out anything like “oh you can find another guy” or “she’s such a female dog” and “oh you’re better than him”. If you want him, then go for it and don’t let anything else, especially negativity get in your way. I wish you the best in your romantic endeavours and we’ll all be cheering you on!

- Love, Chanyeol 



(Author ramblings: I swear when I had crushes back in primary school all I did was bully them half to death because I was an utter tomboy. Even now, I’m awkwardly stuck in the middle of everything. I’m not exactly feminine but I’m good with hair and make-up and cooking but then again I like ants. And practically all kinds of high-adrenaline sports and bugs. I digress but what I’m saying is, don’t make my mistake and never communicate honestly because I chose to smother my feelings by kicking their asses in what I thought was a loving way. I think they’re still scared of me up to this day.)


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I went through my bookmarks & I found this. Oh, how I love the advices you both gave to me & the others. Thank you so much ^^ Sadly this is close but I still wish the best for both of you! Good luck in your life! C:
I'm rereading the advice you gave me as well as the advice you gave other people. I wish you would open this again. ^^
Thanks so much for your hard work <3
You've helped out so many of us and made us feel a lot better about themselves, even if we all started off as strangers! That's so much more than a lot of people can say they've done :) Remember that we're all here for you! Stay kickass ;D
Chapter 40: i hope you feel better, charmallamaa! um, i'm sorry i'm quite awkward but you really helped me with your words and everything and stay happy, okay! we're all here for you! exoexo. <3
you guys are the best ;-;
i guess i need to take your tips. they're helpful. now i can stand up and be strong. thank you for taking your time on me. thank you very much. i know it feels bad, but if i learn, maybe they'll learn to notice us too. Thank you for everything, café de l'espoir!
Chapter 36: Hi guys, was just wondering what the name of the procrastination book is? Sounds like it'll be a useful read, haha!
Chapter 1: I placed an order~ ^^
Chapter 1: placed another order :3
you guys do really make people feel better ;-;
i'll take in every single word you said. thank you very much /bows 90 degrees/