Chapter 4

BTOB Days Off

Minhyuk POV:


‘Did he just say that he love me. I’m not dreaming right’ I monologue.

He couldn’t believe what the younger one said he felt jealous over that girl he kissing into and he said that he loved him. He looked at Ilhoon whose now hide his face with a pillow because he felt embracing of what he had said early. When I just regained my sense back and wanted to said but he cut me.

“Ahahahaha are you scared don’t worried I was kidding when I said that I love you and just forget it” he said that with tears that threatening to flow out. He stands up from bed and walk toward door.

When I see his teary eyes I realized that I had to do something. Even before his hand touch the doorknob I stopped him from doing so but he struggle back said that he just want to go to bathroom. To stop him from running away I pinned him into the door and for the first I saw his crying but during we are still trainer he did crying but not crying this hard.

“Don’t say that you are just kidding” then without my realization I kissed him passionately and wild. I broke it and Ilhoon stop crying then we had stared contest. Ilhoon black eyes were glistening because of crying hard early but it still looked pretty to me.

“Stop crying I don’t like to see you crying.” He just nodded.

“One more thing when I kissing that girl I didn’t felt anything but when I kissing with you I felt there butterfly in my stomach”

“So.. Honnie-ah I LOVE YOU TOO, doesn’t mad at me again I suffered when I didn’t hear your voice”.

“Umm I’m hungry” the younger said rubbing his stomach. “What you want to eat?” “Pizza!” “Okay I’m going to order pizza, it supreme chicken okay?” he just nod his head.

We are eating pizza in the living room on the couch while cuddling together and watch some random movie till night when the other members are back. The first one to arrive is Eunkwang and Hyusik hyung.

They walk towards us “Ehhh..? Why Ilhoon is here didn’t he say that he going to visit his parent?”.

 “Oh, did plan on going but canceled last minute because his parent went to overseas.”

“Hmm that the reason. But wake up Ilhoon to go sleep in the room he going to get caught flu if he sleeps there.”

Yeah Ilhoon is felt sleeping in the middle of movie and he sleep with his head in my thigh.

‘He so cute like that, bends his leg into his chest’.

When Eunkwang said about room I remember what I and Ilhoon talked a moment ago. He said that he wanted to sleep together for the rest of two off days.

“Ilhoon going to sleep with me in this two days off and since Sungjae not going back at dorm for two days then it okay right?”

 Someone like slow as Eunkwang not gonna sense any suspicious about us. “It’s Okay don’t worry too much” then he went inside his room.


Ilhoon POV:


I woke up when I felt a hand in my stomach. Then I open one eye to see Minhyuk face was inch away and his hugged me close to his that I felt safe in his arms. I stared at his sleeping face; it was cute when he sleeps. I traced his eyebrows, nose and finally at those y lip. He stirred from his sleep and slightly open his eyes to look who was the one that make him woke up from his sweet slept.

“Oh!, sorry did I wake you up? You can continue sleeping today our day off so you can sleep as much as you want.” He just hugged me tight in his arms and then answered “Then you must sleep beside me”

“I don’t want”

 “But when I woke up and saw you face then it hit me all that happened yesterday wasn’t a dream”

 “Of course I wasn’t a dream to make you really know this really…” without finishing his word he kiss me in the lips.

The kissing was sweet and slow but it felt good. Then we broke apart when our lungs need air. I felt that my face becoming a red as a tomato.

“Then do you believe it now?”. I just nod my head. Then we continue hugged each other in bed. After few minute I woke up from sleep to cook a breakfast for us in the dorm and for my beloved Hyukkie.

“Then want do we have in the fridge?” Since there isn’t anything meat I’m going to cook a simple breakfast it was egg soup and mixed veggies. Even though the clock strike at twelve, but there isn’t any sound have been heard. So I predict that everyone still in their own dreamland.

I go to the room that close to the kitchen was Eunhoon (Eunkwang & Ilhoon) shared room opened the door greeted by scene Eunkwang hyung sleep show his bare body. Enter the room and shook him within minutes he already woe up. Then I go to the next room it was Pehyunseob (Peniel, Hyunsik & Chanseob) inside it I only saw hyunsik sleep in the bottom dunk. After successfully wake hyunsik up now I go to the last room it was Minjae (Minhyuk & Sungjae) but during holiday it going to be Minhoon shared room (Minhyuk & Ilhoon).

 “Minhyuk wake up. It noon now and let’s eat breakfast before it cool.” minhyuk just groan.


 “Arraso arraso but give my good morning kiss first then I wake up.” Without hearing my answered he pecks a quick kiss in my lips.

“So what are we eating?”

“Just egg soup and mixed veggies”

During eating everyone silently eat in their seat until one of them spoke “Wah just as always your egg soup is the best” Minhyuk said with thumbs up.

Then after finishing the breakfast I went to sink to do the dishes. Minhyuk regularly would help me. Always we just do it with silent surrounding us but today it very noisy with laughter and giggling. After yesterday incident Minhyuk became very talkative to me and always teasing me. Those two are really in their own world that they don’t event notices that there are 4 eyes watching them without blinking.

“It is really true what I see just now?” Eunkwang said in shock.

“It is true that Ilhoon and Minhyuk becoming very close than last time. Last time there are avoided each other then today they really close and teasing each other” Hyunsik said looked at the leader.

They looked back at two man in the kitchen. What surprise them the most is they saw Minhyuk back hugged Ilhoon, it not like other members is haven’t done that but this is different from hugged from member to members. When Minhyuk hugged Ilhoon from back they saw Minhyuk kiss Ilhoon neck and Ilhoon kiss Minhyuk head.

“This is very fishy. They must have hiding something from us. But what it is?” after awhile Hyunsik talked.

“Hehehe…Eunkwang I had a plan.”Hyunsik whispering something to Eunkwang, then they smiled to each other while looked at Minhyuk and Ilhoon.

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Chapter 5: That was pretty good~~~ I loved it!!!
hehe. i love the ending~ so sweet! :D