Chapter 1

BTOB Days Off




On warm Sunday BTOB dorm is incredibly quieter than usually because in that day BTOB had a two days off after their making MV of ‘Irresistible Lips’. So because of that the members of BTOB toke this time to visit their family and friends. The only members are left in the dorm is Lee Minhyuk and Jung Ilhoon. Minhyuk take this day off to rest after three days in row he doesn’t sleep because of his scheduled was packed and Ilhoon because his family is oversea so he just stayed in the dorm.


 Minhyuk POV:

I woke up due to my alarm is ring to remember me that it is nearly at noon. I look my surrounding only to find it empty then  it hit me that the other member were going out to see their family and the manager also had two day off.

I get out of my two bed storey that I shared with the maknae of BTOB Yook Sungjae. Then I went to bathroom to take a long cold shower because that day was the hotter day than before. After a long shower I went to a room with that where the member closet are keep but before that I had to across the room where BTOB visual maknae Ilhoon and BTOB leader Eunkwang shared. That room usually is locked but when I passed it the door was slightly opened. To kill my curiosity of why the door is open, after that I wear my clothes then I went to Eunhoon shared room only to see Ilhoon was sleeping soundly in those two bed-storeys.

To make sure in that room is Ilhoon I went in and saw Ilhoon sleeping with his both hand and leg hugged the teddy bear that I gave him in his last year birthday. ‘Hehehe his sleep face is very cute that I want to kiss him in the cheek.’ ‘What was I’m thinking of, I doesn’t want Ilhoon to hate me’. When I see his a face I remember that since the first day of making ‘Irresistible Lips’ MV Ilhoon doesn’t even said one word with me and always show his mad face at me. At first I thought that maybe I do something that make him mad at me but what it is I don’t know where I make mistake.

During making MV, when I went to him to have a talk he always avoided me by he went outside to toilets or he went to sit with other members that why I don’t have chance to talk with him. So since Ilhoon is here I will make sure that he said what I had done to him that make him so mad at me and doesn’t even want to talk with me. Because other than other members Ilhoon is the only members that very close to me and I had assumed him as my little brother even though deep inside that I want him more that a friend. I had this kind of feeling for him since we’re still a trainer in Cube Entertainer.

The reason I love this visual maknae because he had a personality that make everybody that know him felt safe and also he had this habit that always make cute face when he want something or he do something wrong. The most important one is he always makes my life happy with his laugh or just stay beside him. But I keep that feeling deep inside my heart because I don’t want Ilhoon to hate me and also because of this feelings I cannot concentrated in my job as singer. When I in a deep thought of it, Ilhoon started to stir in his sleep and slowly opened his eyes.




My english is very bad so i hope those who are read my fanfic. Since this is the FIRST TIME i write a fanfic and i'm also a new here. HEHEHEHE XP XP.....

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Chapter 5: That was pretty good~~~ I loved it!!!
hehe. i love the ending~ so sweet! :D