Chop, Chop!

Hall of Fame.

Listen to- "Not In Love" by Lee Minki

"This is all so stupid like why am I even doing this?!" Yoonjo whined as she sat down with her lunch in hand at their usual table. 

Her best friend, Jungah rolled her eyes, "You're doing this for the main Queenka spot which is something that needs to be yours okay. C'mon Yoonjo, you're not one to just give up!"

"Hey there." They both looked up and saw Youngjae. Yoonjo gave him a small smile, "Hey, sit." He followed and sat down in front of her. "So, how was the rest of your weekend?" She asked as she took a forkful of some of her salad.

He chuckled and nodded his head, "It was good. Hey, I had fun on Saturday." Yoonjo's cheeks started burning up, "Oh well yeah it probably would've been better if I hadn't gotten so drunk and could actually remember everything that happened. Did you wake up with a hangover?"

Youngjae shook his head, "I didn't drink." Yoonjo stopped and her eyes widened, "Wait what? You didn't drink? But you had a cup in your hand and I'm pretty sure I remember taking shots with you." 

He laughed, "Nope, not me. I had a cup in my hand but I never drank from it."

Yoonjo slowly nodded her head, feeling embarrassed that she had allowed herself to get so drunk in front of Youngjae. There was no way he'd view her as a suitable girlfriend. "You don't drink or...?"

"No I don't drink. It's just not my thing you know getting all sloppy drunk and not remembering things." He smirked in a teasing manner making Yoonjo face palm. "Kidding I'm just messing with you but no I don't drink."

His friend, Himchan, patted him on the back and he got up. "Well, I'll see you around." He waved and walked off with him.

Yoonjo looked at Jungah and cringed, "How embarrassing! He witnessed me so drunk oh my God how am I going to live with myself!" 

Just then Yoona sat in the spot that Youngjae previously occupied. "Hello there baby sis, so, how's it going with Youngjae? Times running out, you gotta be fast!"

Yoonjo rolled her eyes, "Whatever." She took a stab at her salad with her fork and glared at Yoona who returned the stare down with a smile.

Yoonjo looked up and saw Ilhoon laughing and smiling with his friends. She sighed and he looked down at her giving her an awkward look. Things were more than awkward between the two especially after what happened on Sunday. The just stared at each other, so much to say but they couldn't. Ilhoon shook his head and kept walking.

"What was that?" Jungah pulled Yoonjo out of her thoughts. Yoonjo stabbed her salad once more startling Jungah. "It was nothing. He's nothing anymore."

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sapphire134 #1
Chapter 14: I think I caught on but I'm not sure.
Update soon!
itstraac #2
Chapter 13: Thumbs Up ? Err Why TT.TT
Chapter 13: I'm seriously dumbfounded. O_O
Chapter 12: Update soon :^)
Chapter 12: this is getting interesting ^^ update soon :D
Chapter 12: Update soon~~~
Chapter 10: Next update!!!!!!! X33333333333