

Tension filled the house as everyone sat around the dining table. Uneasiness and uncertainty were apparent on their faces, and outside the sun had disappeared. Night came calling, immersing everything in its lubricious darkness.

Bom sat there in her chair, facing Lorraine who seemed to be waiting for the right time.

She was afraid, dead afraid. What was waiting for her in the Underworld? Could she really do this?

At the same time, she was determined. She was going to fight with all her might, either it's a win or die trying.

She knew there was a slim chance; and she wanted to be that chance.

The clock overhead struck 8:00, and Lorraine turned to Bom.

"It's time."

Everyone was now focused on Bom and Lorraine, whispering among themselves and worry on their expressions.

"Turn off the lights." Lorraine said, and Jiyong complied. Soon the house was in total darkness, shadows dancing on the walls and the moon outside illuminating the figures.

Lorraine stared straight into Bom's eyes, and spoke in a serious voice.

"Bom, once you've stepped into the Underworld, you need to be extremely careful. Don't raise any attention, or else the evil souls will come after you. When you see Jenny, free her and lead her out right away. Don't linger too long, or the souls will notice and come after your body."

"What about the demon?" Jiyong asked.

Lorraine was silent for a moment before she spoke again.

"You are going to have to deal with him yourself Bom." The woman's sharp stare made Bom feel as if she knew everything.

It was time, the point where her life was determined. She felt a rush of a thousand feelings, and tried her best not to cry again. She needed to be strong now.

She silently wished the best for everyone that she knew and cared for. And she silently said a prayer for herself.

And she thought of him.

But she dismissed the thought. Right now wasn't the time, it was time for them to be enemies.

It was either him or her.

Once again, she wondered what would have happened if the circumstances were different; but what-ifs were always useless, especially in a situation like hers.

"I got it." She said.

Lorraine sat up straight in her chair.

"Remember, follow my voice." Lorraine gazed straight into Bom's eyes. "Now look into my eyes, and slowly you will fall into a slumber."

Bom stared straight into Lorraine's pupils, and slowly a feeling of haziness creeped up on her.

"Good luck." 

That was the last thing she heard from Lorraine before her own eyes were closed.


She opened her eyes with a start, and saw Lorraine still peering straight into her eyes.

It didn't work? She asked herself. She stood up, but strangely Lorraine and everyone else were not following her movement.

She walked away from the chair, and was shocked when she looked back.

Her body was still there, unconscious.

So this was.....her soul.

"Now take the flashlight, and go outside." Lorraine's voice boomed.

She took the flashlight on the table near the front door, and took a last glance at everyone before she went out into the forest.

Strangely, the forest didn't feel the same. There was something peculiar about the vibe it gave off today.

Darkness was everywhere, around her, up above, down below...It was covering everything like a thick blanket.

Mist rose from the ground, giving the atmostphere an even more chilling look.

She shivered, and kept walking. Her footsteps making leaves scrunch. The tall trees seemed like towering shadows, and she was reminded of the Disney Snow White movie when Snow White was lost in the dark forest.

She silently walked, and almost yelped out loud when she heard footsteps.

She turned, and her eyes widened when she saw someone.

It was a man. He had his head down, and his body was covered in rags. Even from here, Bom could see the blood seeping from his skin and the revolting smell that came from him.

A soul, she thought, must be dead long ago.

The man didn't seem to notice her presence, and kept walking until he was out of her sight.

She inhaled, and preparing her nerves, she kept walking.

Horrified was an understatement to describe her condition when her ears picked up the sound of groanings and s that came from around her. She almost screamed, but remembering what Lorraine said she bit her lips and turned to look.

All around her, figures were appearing. They seemed to be people, but the state of their bodies and the smell that cam from them said otherwise. There was men, women, children, old people,...name it and you have it.

They were all around her, limping and walking and sorrowful grunts that filled the air. They didn't seem to notice her presence, and she covered and kept her head down and kept walking.

She gasped silently when she saw a man walking with his head cut off. Directing her eyes elsewhere, she was even more terrified when she saw a woman crawling on the ground because she didn't have the lower half of her body.

Closing her eyes tightly and swallowing the fear that lodged , she took a glance around her.

They all seemed to be going in one direction, and that made her wonder. 

Slowly, she picked up her pace and followed in the direction that the souls all seemed to be going. She walked, and ignored the sounds of their groanings and s that were filled with despair.

She walked and walked, until her eyes reached something that was unimaginable.

She reached the clearing, the familiar place in the forest where she had seen several times before.

But only this time, it was different.

Vastly different.

In the place of the clearing, was a large mansion.

Words could not even begin to describe her astonishment when she saw the building stood there in the clearing. It was large, seemingly ancient but still gave off a stately feel. In the darkness it seemed mystical and almost sinister in the way the shadows clung to the walls.

The souls seemed to be going in the direction of the mansion, and without hesitation she followed.

She reached the front door of the mansion. A red door.

Red door....

She reached out and pushed it open, revealing the darkness inside the building.

She stepped inside.


Her footsteps echoed in the silent hallway, and she glanced around. The mansion didn't have lights, there were only candles lit up to faintly illuminate the surroundings, giving it a more mysterious atmosphere.

There was little to no furnishing. She didn't see a lot of furnitures, just some tables and an antique sofa.

There were enormous paintings on the wall, mostly of portraits of people she had never seen before. Her eyes catched a particular painting....of him.

She stood in front of the portrait, looking at the familiar contours of his face.

There was a golden plate underneath the painting.

"Choi Seunghyun (1980-      )"

Blank? What does that mean? If he was born in that time, then he would be 26 right now, unless....

But she had no time to think about it now, for she must find Jenny fast.

Realizing she was wasting precious time, she quickly looked around trying to find any way that she could find.

She spotted a staircase, and she hurriedly climbed up. Then she passed through a hallway with red candles, to a candle-lit room. There was a platform inside the room that led to another room.

She stepped inside, and called out in a small voice.

"Jenny? Are you there?"


"Hello? Jenny are you there?" She asked, slowly approaching further into the room.

Her eyes widened when she heard a tiny whisper.

"Who is it?"

She turned, and found a young woman tied to a wooden post. 

"Jenny, it's Bom. I'm here to help you. But we got to get out of here right away." She said in a hushed whisper as she proceeded to untie the ropes.

"Are you the one who....?"

"Yes, yes I am. Now we have to go fast."

Bom finished untying the ropes and helped Jenny on her feet.

"Be careful, he might listen." Jenny whispered in a scared voice.

Bom took a look around, and signaled for Jenny to follow her. The two made their way silently out of the room, until...

"Well well what do we have here?" A voice rang out.

Bom turned to see a familiar figure standing behind the platform of the room looking down at her and Jenny.
















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crabbybatty #1
Chapter 32: This is beautiful. creepy but not so much. I love it and you gained a new fan ms authornim.
crabbybatty #2
Chapter 4: Good lord this is so creepy.
seoinae #3
Chapter 9: Wheres top duh..
seoinae #4
Chapter 4: Yes u did..
Chapter 32: Hmm, how interesting...I'm actually a little confused about how I feel about this ending. Is reincarnated Seunghyun like the demon Seunghyun: dark and mysterious and y? ;) And as pilyangsweet pointed out, what if Bom just agreed to be with demon Seunghyun as is, since she wouldn't be like Jenny? The story between Jenny and d.Seunghyun wasn't really clarified either. Anyway, I enjoyed your writing immensely, like with all your other stories. Your descriptions are absolutely gorgeous.
YGlover_myRi #6
Chapter 4: I just started reading it and it's a little...scary.But I really like it.I'm sure this strange shadow is Top but what is he exactly ???ooooh my god I'm scared .
pilyangsweet #7
Its always a bliss for a reader to come a cross with a unquie story that stimulate ur imagination and interest....it give a nice break from a reality....and this story is one of those. story that give those nice impact....

One of the most unique plot/genra....very nicely written. Its me think that not all demons are bad and hope for someone like seunghyun can have a happy ending and have wings plus halo....crazy right?.....but what if bom listen to listen to her heat and choose seunghyun what could possible happen?????....different scenario are playing in my kind right now and i like it...

Totally love ur story authornim....thank u for the experience.

p.s if all demon looks like seunghyun i think living in hell will be like haeven....haahaahaaa!!!
Chapter 32: WARGHHH KIOT >.<
eymann #9
Chapter 4: Creeps me out here hewwww
Chapter 10: well ing then......that was just...... i really have no words....