Testing. One two three!

Making Up For Lost Memories..

Man...I Lost my wallet with all my ID's in there....where could it go? man. lol well! Isnt tht good news 4 you? =p i am! WHOO! ♥♥



Sohee's POV

"... And this is your room!" Eli smiled as he opened the door. It was... just as big as my room back home. BUT! With a queen sized bed! Props, boys. Props. Laying on it was a turquoise comforter, black pillows, and to the left and right corners of the room were black desks.

Oh, yay! I can put my laptop on there. Thoughtful? Luck? Who knows!

Eli went and sat on the edge of the bed. As soon as we got back, he went and changed into comfy clothing. A black YOUSTAR hoodie and normal grey sweats. He patted the bed beside him. I looked at him for a little bit.

Am I going to give in this easily?....Hm...

"Kyong Jae," I said in my sweetest voice. Mwahaha. I know he didn't like being called that.

Eli frowned, "Yuck! Only my mom calls me that." He chuckled, "Come sit by me?"

I shook my head as I went to the bag he carried for me by the closet. I peeked over my shoulder. He had on his 'birdy' face. I couldn't help but laugh.

Just for today...I'll let it slide. I went and plopped down by him. He grabbed me and pulled me back onto the bed.

He switched languages to English, since I noticed his Korean was .

"I missed you so damn much, girl! You don't even know!"

I put my head on his shoulder, "I'm still mad at you Kyong Jae. Just FYI."

He started playing with my hair, "I know SoSo. I know...MAN! Your hair's LONG. You used to keep it really short. Like that.. that typical, stereotyped, Asian hair."

We started laughing, and I poked his chest... wow, it was hard.

"Shut up! My mom made me! It wasn't until college that I was able to grow it out." I smiled, proud of my hair.

Eli smirked, "Sure. It's only because when we first met in kindercamp, I told you 'I like your hair'."

I punched him square in the chest - solid... still! " you," Give him a test. See if he's still my bird beak...

Or a man.

He sat up and poked my nose. He leaned in a little closer, moving his face inches away, "Is that an invitation?"

I raised my eyebrow and gave him a pathetic y smirk, "Maybe.."



My heart's racing? Why? It's just Sohee, Kyong - knock it off. You always played around like this. I mean, nothing serious... Man, did she get pretty..

Look at that smile. Isn't my best friend yummy-licous looking?

....Okay, that sounded pretty messed up. I bet she's just doin' this. HAHA!

I gotchu girl! *dances in his head* I'ma win tonight!



A few seconds of staring into each others eyes.... we both burst into a fit of laughter.

"I couldn't! HAHA! Take it anymore! Ahah! DAMNIT!!" I yelled.

"Me neither!" He said in between gasps for air. I calmed down and watched him laugh...I couldn't help but smile at his dorkiness. I laid back, trying to catch my breath. I haven't laughed this hard in a while.

He noticed I was looking at him. He looked into my eyes....

...What is this?

Eli started leaning down slowly, looking at my lips and then back to my eyes.



Sorry its short Im hella tired. Tomorrow. promise. Update. haha! nite.

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Chapter 29: Love this story! Never heard of a bedtime story like that before! LOL Can't wait for next chapter!
Love the story so far~
Please update soon! ^________^
New reader here~
awww poor sohee lmao nice bedtime story
wow. that was some awesome bedtime story xD <br />
update soon!! =D
pinkypn #6
that was my first time hearing this type of bedtime story. poor sohee. eli dont mess up this time
new reader here~ =]<br />
so....who was the girl who was with Kyu? doesn't matter =P <br />
im just happy because now Eli has a chance~~~ x] <br />
hahaha I love Soohyun's spazzing in the other chapters~ if only this story was about him x] -is totally biased-<br />
update soon~!! =D
Kaiko , is so effin` AWESOME . :)<br />
LOL , Kyu . >_> <br />
<br />
omg i love this chapter sohee and Eli need to get together<br />
and Kaiko is now my favourite character she is so badass