상처 • Leo - 1

One Shot - Collection

상처 - Hurt

You watch in shock as Leo wrapped his arms around the crying fan. You couldn't believe it! Leo was your boyfriend, and she was touching him way too easily! She was practically molesting him, and he was letting her; in front of you! You hadn't seen your boyfriend in over 4 months because he had to work with his group about a new album. But when you did see him, you had felt happiness overflowing out of you, your boyfriend was back, and he wasn't leaving anytime soon or so you had thought.

A fan had recognized him and had asked for a autograph and a photo, it was nice at the beginning. But when you had tried to join in parts of the conversation, she had cut you off, or switched to another topic - clearly trying to garner all of Leo's attention to her, while making grabby hands at him. You had just lightly pulled Leo aside to tell the fan that she was being a bit too touchy-feely with your man; but she fell; FELL! The little liar had acted like you had pulled Leo so hard that she was thrown to the ground! Now, here you three were, and a huge crowd of people...

"Leo, it hurts!" the fan sobbed, obviously gloating that she had Leo on her side and not yours.

"Le-" You started,

"No." was the only word that he said, but it spoke volumes. He looked up at you with disappointment, one of the things you had never wanted to see him looking at you with. You could feel disbelief register on your face, he was really taking her side?

"Bu-" another look... You stared at him, before clenching your hands.

"Leo! You have to listen to me! I didn't do anything, I barely touched you, and she fell! Its obvious that shes acti-" you tried,

"Enough!" Leo snapped, making you flinch at his harsh tone. You couldn't believe it, he was mad at you. He had never raised his voice once. Tears filled your eyes and you took a step back.

"You have to choose. That fan or me." you said, he said nothing; only continuing to comfort his fan.

Fine. That was it, he had made his decision.

You turned away without another word, pushing through the throng of people that had gathered. You could feel their sympathy trying to reach you, but you were too in shock, too hurt to notice. 

He was always on your side, no mean words or raised voices. You had a smooth relationship, even through the four months that you had so painfully endured, so you could be with him! Sweet words and loving looks were the only things you had passed to each other, until... Until today.


Rushing in to your apartment, you slammed the door shut. Not caring if the neighbors complained, not caring if you broke something. You ran to your room and locked the door.

All you wanted to do was to get away. You were being cowardly, yes; but the tears running down your face said enough for you.

He had chosen someone who only loved him because of his looks, fame, and talent. Over someone who had been with him for years prior to his debut, someone who knew how cute and sweet and loving and warm he could be. Anyone who looked deep enough could see that the cold exterior he had was only a front.

You collapsed on your bed, sobbing.

All you wanted to do was to get away; away from the stupid fan who had ruined your once perfect relationship; away from your jerk of an ... 

"Leo..." you sobbed.

"My lovely Leo..."

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Chapter 5: Awwwwwwwwww! Super cute. LOL I can't really imagine Kikwang being this insecure though xD but it's still really sweet! <3
Chapter 4: ljoe jjang!!! anya!!
Chapter 1: SUGOIIIIII~
Chapter 3: Woohooo Zico so cool! He and his obsession with thighs *sigh*
İ have been working out everyday ever since i found out *shhh* ^^
Chapter 3: OOH LA LAAAAA! /wiggles eyebrows/ LOLJK I guess Zico gives off the aura of "experienced bad boy" ahahahaha! Awww, I love it when bad boys are actually cheesy teddy bears. IT'S SO ADORABLE.
Chapter 2: Awww so sweet! >< Yongguk just keeps burrowing deeper into my heart! GAH I'M TURNING INTO A CHEESY FANGIRL ARGH
Yes I'm commenting! LOL I should be asleep but since I'm on...
BTW, I know you're trying to make the "you" very ambiguous so that it could be anyone, but when reading things like "Your (eye color) eyes" and "Your (nose type (ex. small nose, button nose, sharp nose))" it kinda takes away from the emotion. Like as I was reading, I was getting into it because your writing is really good and all and then suddenly it's like "eye color" and I'm like what? So it was a little confusing as well.
Sorry to criticize, because I know how hard it is to keep the "you" very open! >< I love you writing so I just hope that by telling you this, you'll take into consideration the reader's perspective more and adjust your style to be more reader-friendly.