chapter eight;

The List.
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 chapter eight 
the List.
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Kris, Chen, Jihyun; —
"In my defense, your face damaged my bat." Kris told Chen as he placed the hot chocolate in front of them.
Chen mumbled unintelligent words under his breath as he held the ice pack against his swelling eye with Jihyun's help.
"The swelling should calm down, hopefully you won't be getting any bruises." Jihyun reassured him.
"Guess I won't be suing your duizhang." Chen threw the towel at Kris who catches it.
"Hey, I should be suing you for trespassing, breaking and entering."
"Technically, you opened the window and I took it as 'Welcome in' like anyone else would have thought." Chen grinned.
"At 3 friggin in the morning?" Kris rolled his eyes." Why are you here? I was about to sleep and no offense," he glanced at Jihyun. "But why is she here?"
"Like I said, she has something to tell you."
"This couldn't wait till morning?"
"It's morning somewhere," Chen grinned.
"I outta throw you out the window." Kris glared. "What's so important that you have to tell me now?"
"It's about your List." Chen told him
"It's under my pillow." Kris pointed.
"Bring it here."
"Don't tell me what to do," Kris crossed his arms.
Chen and Jihyun stared at him, ".....So...?"
"I'm bringing the List here," Kris got up.
Chen rolled his eyes as Jihyun stiffed a giggle.
Kris got up and threw the List at Chen who swiftly caught it.
Kris sat back down.
"Have you looked at all the names here?" Chen asked.
"No, not really. I usually just look at the one that I need to find."
"So you haven't seen the very first one?" Chen asked. "It's the third to the last."
Kris shook his head, "Why?"
"You might want to look at it." Chen handed him back the List.
"Why can't you just tell me?" Kris sighed as he flipped through the pages. "Making me work through it."
Chen rolled his eyes, "Stop complaining duizhang."
"What's so special about...Kim Ah Young?" Kris asked as he set the book down.
"Oh, careful; she's a black belt." Jihyun told him. "She'll break you in half like a twig."
"Thanks..." Kris leaned back.
"Nothing," Chen told him. "Because she's not your first girlfriend."
Kris's mouth set into a tight line.
"Where you getting at Chen," Kris crossed his arms.
"You carry a picture of her in your wallet but you can't even recognize her when she's right in front of you." Chen shook his head. "Kim Hyuna."
Kris let out a chuckle, "You and I both know there are more than one person with the same name, like that guy Minhyuk and oh remember that Hyuna we met at that festival? Besides, I would know her face anywhere."
"It's been three years duizhang."
"Hyuna changed a lot," Jihyun spoke up. "After she left she's been into changing into a new person. Working out and getting into foundation's and such to beautify herself. I've changed a lot too."
Jihyun nodded, "You called me revolting freshman year when we met."
"I did?" Kris sat up, guilty. "I'm so sorry."
"It's forgotten," Jihyun waved her hand. 
"You called her revolting?" Chen kicked Kris on the shin.
Kris recoiled in pain.
"I was 14! I thought everyone was pretty much revolting." Kris smacked Chen upside his head.
"Ahem," Jihyun cleared .
"Right," Chen nodded. "You and Hyuna need to sit down and talk duizhang. Jihyun is here to tell you what happened."
"In my defense I was against this so don't say I'm betraying her by telling you." Jihyun told him.
"What made you change your mind?" Kris asked, curious.
"I'm always the one encouraging my friends to do the right thing and follow their hearts."
"What's your heart telling you?" Kris looked at his hands.
"To tell you the real reason why she left you. The Hyuna your trying to persuade is your first girlfriend and she left you because of your List."
Kris rubbed his hands together. "I kind of wondered why she seemed familiar and why she seemed so interesting. When I first heard her name from that kid at the burger joint, I hid my surprise. I mean what are the odds? I pushed back the possibility that she would be the same girl, I mean like I said; there are a lot of people with the same name in the world. The more I pushed the thought of Hyuna being my Hyuna three years ago, the more I thought I was lucky to find another her. How foolish was I." Kris held his head, feeling his chest tighten. "She left because of the List you say? I haven't even start that thing until she was gone."
Jihyun nodded, "It  wasn't until she left she told us. We were web camming; Hyuna, Gayoon, Jiyoon, Sohyun and I. We were all both excited and furious at her. Excited to see and talk to her again, but furious that she left without a goodbye or any explanation. She told us that her dad got a promotion and if he were to take it, they would have to move. It was temporary she told us, only few years and she would be back, but we knew there was more to the story. We're all best friends for crying out loud. Hyuna went on how she was falling in love and everything shattered.. She heard you talking to your father."
"My father?" Kris stared at Jihyun, confused. How does his father fall into any of this?
"The day she left, she was at your house, right?" Jihyun asked.
Kris recalled back the day because he remembered how heart broken and back stabbed her felt.
He was depressed and blue when he saw her gone, at first confused when she was gone when he came back to his room. He tried to call her but she wouldn't answer her phone. He went over to her house and sat outside for hours but she never came out. Later that night, Mr. Kim came out and found him. He told Kris that Hyuna has left for the States with her mother beforehand and didn't leave any messages for anyone.
Kris became outraged when he got home, he believe that she had played with him and threw him away when the time came. That's when he noticed the List on his table.
"Yeah, she did." Kris nodded slowly, feeling numb.
"Hyuna told us you had to leave to talk to your father, she was wondering around when she overheard the two of you. Kris she heard you saying she was just a girl in your List, she felt betrayed and humiliated. Same goes for tonight, she heard you telling your father that she's not the last." Jihyun explained.
"NO! NO! NO!" Kris stood up, frowning. "She head me wrong! No!"
Kris paced around and grabbed his jacket. "I need to talk to her, it's a big misunderstanding."
"Duizhang," Chen stopped his. "It's 4 in the morning, she would be a sleep and after tonight's incident; you should give her some space."
Kris turned to Jihyun, "If she felt like that why did she even bother with me when she got back?"
"To teach you a lesson," Jihyun elucidated. "To make you feel humiliated just like you made all the girls' on your List feel."
"If she..." Kris chuckled as he sat down, he didn't know what to feel anymore. "I feel it now..."
Kris looked at the book and shook his head.
"She must think she's on that List."
"Isn't she?" Jihyun asked.
"No," Chen answered for Kris. "Hyuna was his first love, although he hated her for leaving and making him feel...abandoned."
"I couldn't bring myself to put her on that List, like I said; I haven't even started that List until she was gone." Kris explained.
"Do you want my advice?" Jihyun stared at him. "Go talk to her tomorrow when you can, clear everything up. I can tell, she still loves you."
Kris slowly smiled.
"No matter how much of a douche you are." Jihyun smiled.
"Ooooh burn!" Chen laughed.
"Shut up." Kris threw his pillow at Chen.
"Oof!" Chen fell back on his back and Jihyun smiled.
Kris sighed, "It's still raining pretty hard, you guys can stay here and leave in the morning."
"Thank, Duizhang." Chen headed for the bed but Kris grabbed him on the back of his shirt.
"Have some manners," Kris pulled him away. "Pick a couch, you can take the bed Jihyun-sshi."
"Thank you," Jihyun smiled.
"And..thank you." Kris smiled, Jihyun nodded.
"Good night Jihyun-ah," Chen smiled as he grabbed a extra blanket and settled onto the couch wit ha bright smile.
Jihyun smiled softly, "Good night, Chen."
Kris stared at the two with his brows raised.
these two, Kris rolled his eyes as he turned the lights off and lied down on the window seat.
Staring out at the window, Kris waited until he made sure Chen and Jihyun were asleep before pulling out his wallet.
Behind the photo of his mother, he pulled out a old photo of Hyuna.
He had to beg her for it, and it was worth it when he got to carry it around.
How oblivious has he been.
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 author's note 
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Chapter 10: i love it... thanks for making a wonderful Krisna story.. I li,ke shipping this two... aside from Krisdara...
KimYaya #2
Chapter 10: i love your story :)
i hope you can make KaixHyuna story too :)
You should try writing in script form.
Chapter 10: Awwwwwww. So sweet, please make more Krisna fics <33 Love them both!
Chapter 10: They cute together. And I also reading your sequel. Love both of them.
Chapter 10: finished.~~
Now I can go and read the sequel.
It was yummy and nice to read, gomawo dear author~
Chapter 8: And, so I finished chapter 8th and I can say I liked it as well :)
Chapter 7: Aww, I am just on my way to read the chapter no. 7
I am sorry, I am not good reader, but slow as snail X.X
What I can say, I just love that story. KrisXHyuna. In my opinion it is really nice cross-couple. Aigoo~!! It's just too cute.
It's only 7th chapter but I already wanna say:Thank you so much for that story, if I didn't do that before ^^; I have bad memory so i don't remember if I commented or no, but still, it's just totally great idea, for that KrisXHyuna.
I already wanna say I subscribed your newest sequel of that story, and I will read it when I'll finish that :)
And I'll be back with my feedback~~
Chapter 10: Oh, just read every chapter and I must say woaaaaaah! Really good story! Haha, I liked the part with Garfield the most!
Chapter 10: please make sequel... love your fanfics so much....