chapter six;

The List.
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 chapter six; 
the List.
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Hyuna; —
Sitting on her window seat with her textbook and notebook on her lap, Hyuna concentrated on her studies.
After coming back from the senior field trip last week, the seniors were gifted ever so  greatly by their teachers were the news of final exams.
They had a less than a week to study since after the exam they had to prepare for the upcoming graduation in the next two months.
"Okay...4x + 192 - 72 = 8x..." Hyuna chewed on her bottom lips as she tapped on the notebook with her pencil.
Hyuna stared at the problem, she knew this. It was a piece of cake, she learned this during her sophomore year in the States, but she had a habit of forgetting things once she had already finished the year. In a simpler term, once she studied for a test and for the year, she would completely forget everything the following school year. Hyuna groaned as she tried to concentrate but no matter how her she tried, she couldn't. Covering her ears, Hyuna blocked out all the unnecessary noises, but it proved to be more difficult when he was singing on the top of his lung.
Slamming her books closed, Hyuna got up and stomped towards her bed where that giant playboy lied on her bed with his legs crossed, arms underneath his head and headphone's on with his eyes closed.
Putting her fists against her hips, Hyuna tapped her feet, "Kris."
Kris continued to sing with his eyes closed.
When Hyuna got the hint that she wasn't about to get any response like this out of him, she decided to get drastic.
Hyuna pondered for a second before turning around and opened her arms up, then counted to three before jumping back on to his stomach.
"Guah!" Kris groaned as the wind was knocked out of him, "F..uck..." he grimaced as he removed the headphone.
"Got your attention now?" Hyuna smiled sweetly.
Kris quickly nodded as he gently pushed her off of him and took quick steady breaths to ease the pain.
"What are you doing here Kris? Shouldn't you be out chasing your exes?" Hyuna asked as she leaned against the headboard of the bed next to him.
"I needed a break," he told her. "Those girls' are hella scary. One of them tried to stab me with a fork, one tried to run me over with her car and oh my god, the last one was the worst of all and probably the worst out of all the girls."
"What?" Hyuna laughed. "She tried to shoot you?"
"Worst, her dad came out with a shot gun and so did her brother while she stood in the middle with her arms crossed like some medieval queen or something." he shuddered. "I hope you know my life is in danger because of you. I'm the last of my kind, I'm an extinct creature."
"You can always stop."
"But that would mean you will never be my girl." Kris glanced at her.
Hyuna shoved him lightly, "Go home, Kris. I have to study, as you should be too."
Kris quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her on top of him.
Hyuna's eyes widen as Kris tangled his legs with hers and flipped himself on top of her.
"Y-Yah!" she tried to push him off but he was too heavy.
Kris took her hand in his as he rested his forehead against hers.
"Get off!" Hyuna blushed when his face was near hers.
"But I like this position," he grinned when something crossed his eyes. Recognition? Whatever it was, Hyuna watched him shake his head away as he lightly brushed his lips against her forehead.
Hyuna's cheeks flustered as Kris kissed her forehead.
"List! The List!!"
"Mmm..." he kissed her nose.
Hyuna's heart pounded as Kris brought his lips near her's.
Knee him? Head ? Oh goodness Hyuna, you can not be letting this happen!!
Hyuna shut her eyes, waiting for what's to come but never did.
Opening her eyes, her eyes met Kris's.
He stared at her with soft eyes, he gently brushed her hair back.
Hyuna could feel her heart quickening as Kris slowly leaned in.
Just than his phone rang.
Groaning, Kris sat up and Hyuna quickly rolled off her bed, clutching her chest.
Snap out of it woman! You cannot fall for it again!
Hyuna took quick breaths to calm her heart and patted her cheeks to stop blushing while Kris argued on the phone before throwing it across her room with a curse.
Hyuna poked her head and stared at him, "That's gunna cost you."
"I can always by a new phone." he replied as he ran his hand against his hair.
"No, I meant my wall. I think you scraped off some paint." Hyuna pointed and Kris grabbed her once again before pulling her back on the bed.
"I'll pay for that too," he told her as she struggled against his grasp. "Let me go you !"
"Ouch," Kris pretended to be hurt as he put her on his lap and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Do you have any plans-" he begin to ask her
"I'm busy," she lied.
"But I didn't tell you when." Kris blinked.
"When is it?" she asked.
"I'm busy,"
"But I didn't tell you what time." he raised a brow.
"What time?" she asked again.
"Around 8..."
"Oh look at that! I'm busy at 8!" Hyuna laughed.
"Your a horrible liar," he pinched her nose.
Hyuna smacked him on the cheeks with both her hands and Kris yelped. "Abusive too!"
Hyuna stuck her tongue out in a childish manner.
"Seriously, I need your help." Kris told her as he rubbed his cheeks.
Hyuna groaned, for some reason this did not sound good at all.
Kris; —
Staring at his reflection on the mirror, Kris struggled to tie his tie. Sighing, he started from the beginning for the fifth time when his mother appeared from behind him on the mirror in a long black one sleeve dress.
"Look at you," she smiled. "Here let me help you with that."
Turning around, Kris watched his mother tying the tie for him. Looking at her he felt very relaxed and secure. 
Kris had moments when he wanted to run away from this house, but he couldn't because he would then leave his mother behind also and his mother was his world.
She glanced at him and broke out in another smile, "What?"
"Nothing," Kris shook his head and sighed. "So what is this for anyway."
"Your father didn't tell you?"
"No, since when did he ever tell me; it's always, 'Come get ready or be ready.' So vague." Kris let out a cold chuckle.
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that honey," she straightened his tux with a warm smile. "His just busy a lot these days. This is just a party for your aunt's wedding, you could say rehearsal dinner."
"I have an aunt?" Kris raised a brow.
His mother nodded with a small chuckle, "Leave it to your father to never talk about his family unless it's important."
"Do I have any cousin that I should know about? Maybe an uncle?"
"I'm in the dark as much as you are, he really doesn't...approve of his family." she told him with a pat. "Now, did you find yourself a date?"
Kris grinned, "Why yes I did mother, and I should be picking up her now."
"Alright than, go." she smiled.
Kris lightly kissed his mother on the cheek and left his room. Walking towards the door he took a glance of his father talking to the staff. With a blank expression the two caught each other's. Kris was the first to turn away as he left the house.
Driving down the road, he stopped on the red light when he caught a reflection from his side view mirror.
Parking his car on the side of the street he pulled out his list and looked through the names, with a nod and he quickly ran up to the girl and tapped her on the shoulder. Of course like any other of his ex she looked pissed but a bit happy at his appearance. He quickly apologized to her and asked her not to kill him but may hit him if she desired, but to his surprised she forgave him on the spot and walked away.
Yet he seemed concerned at her easy forgiveness and when he got to his car did he find out why.
She flattened his tires out.
It took him another half an hour to reach Hyuna's house since he had to get his tires fixed  where Hyuna was waiting outside in a short white dress with her hair cascading down her milky soft skin. Kris felt as if the wind was knocked out of him again and when Hyuna got on the car, that's exactly what happened as she punched him on the stomach.
"Your late." she glared.
"Sorry," he apologized as he drove.
When the two arrived back at his house he turned to Hyuna and noticed a vacant expression on her face.
"Ready?" he held out his arm.
Hyuna turned to him with the same expression and quickly recovered as she took his arm. "..Yeah." she nodded as the two walked inside the house filled with guests and staffs.
Kris took a deep breath as he gave her a tour of his house and greeted some quests as well introducing her. Many of the guests complimented what a cute couple they were and Kris grinned, feeling happy as ever while Hyuna blushed, feeling burden.
Kris led her towards the dance floor and Hyuna protested.
"I dance like a monkey." she told him as she stood her ground.
"Have I told you your a horrible liar?"
"As matter of fact, yes you did." 
"Well, let me repeat it again; your a horrible liar." he told her as he pulled her in his arms and guided her to the middle of the dance floor.
He rested his hand on her tiny waist and the other in her hand. Hesitating, Hyuna rested her hand against his shoulder.
"I hate you, I hate you for making me wear this stupid dress, hate you for making me come to this party as your date; and I hate you for making me dance." she glared at him.
"Admit it, it's better than being locked up in your room studying all day."
"I'll study for the rest of my life if it means I don't have to do this." she stuck her tongue out and Kris pretended to bite it as Hyuna quickly pulled away with a sour face.
Kris chuckled as he led the dance to the beat of the music. Slowly, he felt Hyuna rest her head as a pop ballad song played. Slowly, people started to abandon the dance floor and only few couple continued to dance to the song "Goodbye" by RaNia. 
Listening to the lyrics as he pulled her close, Kris begin to think back to the girls' he has dated and of himself.
Along the way he lost the purpose of what he was doing, he didn't realize, "I lost myself." he whispered.
Hyuna glanced at him with a blanket expression before resting her head back on his shoulder.
The two swayed to the music until it ended when Kris was approached by a staff. 
"Your father wishes to see you," he told him.
Kris nodded before taking Hyuna's hand and led her out of the dance floor.
"I'll be right back," he told her before kissed her on the forehead before walking down the hall.
Hyuna rested her hand against her chest, trying to steady her heart beat.
She was falling for him deeper and deeper without even realizing it.
Leaning against the wall Hyuna looked at the room full of people, they returned her stare and she quickly looked away.
This felt too weird, Hyuna quickly walked down the hall, away from the guests.
Slowly, she slowed her pace as she walked down the empty hall.
She tilted her head a little as she looked at the portraits on the wall, she recognized few of them.
Walking further down, Hyuna heard voices.
Looking around to make sure no one was around, Hyun crept closer and peeked through the doors to see Kris and his father.
The sight of his father squeezed her heart.
"When are you ever going to settle down Kris?" his father sighed.
"Wow, aren't you a hypocrite." Kris scoffed. "The last time I was in this very room was when you told me not to settle down and have fun. Guess what dad, that's exactly what I'm doing. I thought I was making you proud." Kris smirked.
"Proud? Son..." his father sighed. "What I said in the past-"
"Don't," Kris clenched his teeth. "You turned me into this."
"That girl you brought-"
"Don't worry dad, your perfect dream son isn't done with the List." Kris told him before turning for the door.
Hyuna quickly hid behind the pillar as Kris walked past her.
Hyuna slowly slumped against the wall and stared at her hands.
Déjà uu.
She felt this before, the first time was hard. Now, the second time...felt even more painful.
Taking a deep breath Hyuna stood up and walked back to the room of crowds to find Kris looking for her.
Biting her lips, Hyuna turned away from his direction to calm herself and painted a smile on her face before tapping him on the shoulder when she approached him.
"Hey, I have to go home." Hyuna told him. "It's getting late."
"Oh..." Kris's smile faded. "Okay..I'll drive you."
► Kris; —
Kris drove with one hand on the steering wheel and the other against the door, he ran his finger against his lips as he glanced at Hyuna once in a while.
She was awfully quiet and he got the feeling that something happened while he was talking to his father.
His father, Kris fist shook whenever he thought of his father. The nerve of him.
The only reason Kris was like this is because his father wanted him to be like him, so that's what Kris gave him. The mirror image of his father, but along the way Kris realized, he lost himself. He wasn't doing this to pay his father back, no that stopped along the way when he lost his purpose and have become like his father. 
Something that Kris tried to avoid.
"Are you okay?" he asked Hyuna.
"I'm fine," she gave him a small smile.
Kris furrowed his brows. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong," she told him as she stared out the window.
Kris slowly turned his car and drove the opposite direction of Hyuna's house.
"Where you going?" she looked at him.
Kris refused to answer her as he drove towards the beach.
"I'm going to get in trouble Kris."
"I'll talk to your parents," he told her as he continued to drove.
From the corner of his eyes he saw her shaking her head in disbelief.
"This is kidnapping." she mumbled.
Kris ignored her as he accelerated  the gas and drove.
After a while, he parked the car in a abandon parking lot and got out. Striding across his car, he opened Hyuna's door and pulled her out.
"Careful!" she protested as she got on her feet and Kris practically dragged her towards the shore.
He stared at the ocean as he felt his chest tightened with suffocation.
"You know my mother used to take me to the beach almost every weekend when I was a kid." he told her. "She would tell me about how she met my father and how he wooed her."
Hyuna crossed her arms. 
"I always saw my father as a hero through my mother's great stories of him. I wanted to grow up and be like him, but along the way as I grew up it became a different reason and I lost my own self."
"Take me home Kris," Hyuna told him.
Tensing his jaw, Kris turned to Hyuna.
"Did I do something?" Kris asked her. "Did I do something so wrong for you to hate me? I finally thought that you started to open up and like me, maybe even love me in the end; but you suddenly turned so...cold."
Hyuna remained quiet.
"Anything? I'm trying here, I'm doing things I would have never done. I'm going against my own rule, I'm doing everything. Everything to get some kind of affection from you since the day I met you. I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't even think without wondering what your doing. Wondering every ing second if I ever come across your mind, wondering what does across your mind. Is anything I'm doing even affect you? Or am I just making a fool of myself? You may not realize it but I'm pouring my heart out to you and you seem like you don't even give a about it. What am I to you?" he stood in front her with his fist clenched, his face full of tormented expression; his eyes threatened to tear up as he spoke. "I love you, does that mean anything?..." his voice softened. "Am I..anything to you?"
Hyuna stared at him, her cheeks flustering as she bit the bottom of her lips. "Your..." she spoke slowly. "Nothing to me."
Kris wouldn't let her words affect him. "Your lying."
"No I'm not." she stared him straight into his eyes.
"Your lying." Kris shook his head as he grabbed her forearm and pulled her close as he leaned and crushed his lips against hers.
She struggled, but he gripped tightly to her arm as he kissed her lips, daring her to kiss him back.
He parted his lips with her as she slowly responded to his aggressive kiss, cupping the back of her head he kissed her more softer as he felt the tears. He poured his heart into the kiss until Hyuna quickly pulled back, wiping her tears. 
Then, she brought her hand up and next thing Kris knew; she slapped him across the face.
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 author's note 
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comments are loved <3
so how was this chapter? i'll say...full of drama?
no? but things might start to clear up yes? c:
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Chapter 10: i love it... thanks for making a wonderful Krisna story.. I li,ke shipping this two... aside from Krisdara...
KimYaya #2
Chapter 10: i love your story :)
i hope you can make KaixHyuna story too :)
You should try writing in script form.
Chapter 10: Awwwwwww. So sweet, please make more Krisna fics <33 Love them both!
Chapter 10: They cute together. And I also reading your sequel. Love both of them.
Chapter 10: finished.~~
Now I can go and read the sequel.
It was yummy and nice to read, gomawo dear author~
Chapter 8: And, so I finished chapter 8th and I can say I liked it as well :)
Chapter 7: Aww, I am just on my way to read the chapter no. 7
I am sorry, I am not good reader, but slow as snail X.X
What I can say, I just love that story. KrisXHyuna. In my opinion it is really nice cross-couple. Aigoo~!! It's just too cute.
It's only 7th chapter but I already wanna say:Thank you so much for that story, if I didn't do that before ^^; I have bad memory so i don't remember if I commented or no, but still, it's just totally great idea, for that KrisXHyuna.
I already wanna say I subscribed your newest sequel of that story, and I will read it when I'll finish that :)
And I'll be back with my feedback~~
Chapter 10: Oh, just read every chapter and I must say woaaaaaah! Really good story! Haha, I liked the part with Garfield the most!
Chapter 10: please make sequel... love your fanfics so much....