chapter two;

The List.
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 chapter two 
the List.
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Sitting his room, Kris leaned back against his pillow on his bed as he played around with a rubix cube in his hand; while letting his thought wonder.
What girl on her right mind blows him off? Kris Wu? No one!
No girls' on their right mind would do that, exactly. Which means one thing, Kim Hyuna you were not on your right mind.
Looking at the rubix cube, Kris rolled his eyes. Why did he even attempt at it?  Rubix cube was more of Luhan's hobby. Kid had fast hands.
Tossing the cube to the side, Kris pulled out his homework and s stared at it for a while.
Chuckling and shaking his head, he lied back down as he replayed his encounter with Hyuna few days ago.
Ever since their brief encounter at the burger joint he noticed that Hyuna has been avoiding him, it was very obvious.
Like yesterday, when he came out of the class and saw her walking down the hall, she did a quick U- turn and disappeared down the corridors.
Sighing, Kris tried to figure out what he should do when his phone rang.
"Speaking," Kris answered.
"Duizhang!" Chen shouted from the other line. "We're shopping for the field trip tomorrow and..."
"And?" He knew what the answer would be before it even came out of Chen's mouth.
"We're broke." Kris could hear the sheepish smile of Chen's.
"Duizhaaaang~" Chen whined with Lay and Tao in the background.
"Do I look like a walking ATM machine to you?" Kris glared at the wall, imagining it as Chen's face.
"Fine!" Kris groaned as he got the location of their where-about and hung off before getting out of the bed and stepped on the rubix cube he discarded earlier.
• • 
Walking down the dark street, Kris mumbled to himself.
"You know people might think your craaaaazy~ if you keep talking to yourself."
Startled, Kris jumped back.
"Holy cr- where did you come from?" Kris asked Hyuna who blinked innocently next to him.
"My mom's womb," Hyuna held up a peace sign.
"That's not what I meant," Kris rolled his eyes with a little grin.
"I know, but you should of have been more specific."
Kris shook his head as he stuffed his hands in his pocket. This girl was very different from the girls he has dated, usually they would give him some sort of over exaggerated cute remarks with high pitched voice; but Hyuna was more of a straight forward girl who just said what's on her mind. Kris wondered if she even think twice about what would come out of .
"I thought you were avoiding me," Kris spoke as they started to walk.
"Psh, no." Hyuna rolled her eyes. "If I was avoiding you, it would mean that I would actually care about bumping into you or not."
"But you do."
"Do not, news flash pretty boy; not ever girl you meet is in or falls in love with you."
"I...kind of find that hard to believe."
Hyuna stopped and stared at Kris with disbelief.
"Seriously?" Hyuna shook her head as she continued to walk.
As they talked Kris felt something he has never felt towards a girl before; comfort. He was comfortable just talking to her, no flirting and not ever trying her. It was as if they've been best friends for years. He actually liked the feeling.
"You know you damaged my pride when we first met and you dissed me." Kris brought up the subject.
"A little damage to your big ego won't leave a mark." Hyuna replied. "Besides, you tried to hit on me and I did not appreciate it."
"Why not?" Kris asked.
Hyuna glanced at him "I know your type and what you do or should I say what your list does."
"My type?"
"The type to date a girl and never calls her back, makes her worry and finds out that she's been dumped through a note; later word out that she's on his list of used up girls he has dated before her." Hyuna told him with a nonchalant tone.
Kris was bit taken back. She just met him yet she knew of his work.
"But you don't know the reasons."
Hyuna glanced at him again before entering the store. "You want everything and anything you can get, you have fun by it and I will not be your next victim."
Kris watched her walk in the store silently.
"That's not the entire intention." Kris mumbled as he watched her disappear inside.
Leaning against the wall outside, Kris stared up at the dark sky with little specks out lights.
Hyuna; —
Hyuna was listening to her music in the living room floor with her bag besides her while her mother cooked in the kitchen and her father sat on the couch flipping through the channels.
Opening her bag, she pulled out her notebook and textbook to finish the Trig homework she started earlier today. She was three questions away from finishing it when her dad nudged her knee with his toe.
Pulling her headphone off Hyuna recoiled, "Old man don't touch me with your big hairy toe!!"
"Hey! I'm wearing socks!" her dad crossed his arms as he nudged her knee with his toe again.
"Ewww!!" Hyuna grabbed her stuff and crawled few feet away from him. "What do you want?"
"There's nothing good on T.V." her dad informed her. 
"Well thank you for the information," Hyuna blinked. "But I won't be watching T.V. today, so it won't be a bother to me later."
"But it's a bother to me because I want to watch something."
Hyuna stared at her dad throwing a tantrum like a toddler. Sighing, she wondered how her mother handled him. 
"I want to watch something entertaining," he told her.
"What am I? A fairy that grants your wish?"
"Are you?" her dad's eyes widened. "Dad!!" Hyuna throw the dog's chew toy at him and laughed with her dad.
"Go and see if the dinner's almost ready would you sweet heart?"
"Aye aye," Hyuna nodded as she got up with her iPod and walked to the kitchen where the sweet aroma of kimchi stew and side dishes hit her. "Dad want's to know if the dinner is ready." Hyuna stared at her mother who stood still with her hand against . She slowly turned to her daughter.
"We're out of spinach," her mother told her. "Would you go to the store and buy some?"
"This late?" Hyuna groaned.
"You can get yourself something too," her mother told her as she handed Hyuna some money. "Fineee," Hyuna took the money. "Hurry back."
Hyuna was walking down the quiet dark street with few lights by the street lamps when she saw a familiar figure walking up ahead with shoulders straight.
Hmmm... Hyuna smiled to herself before stopping and thought for a second.
She's been avoiding running him to him all week, would it be awkward? Nah.
Creeping towards him Hyuna spoke up when she got next to Kris who mumbled to himself.
He was surprised by her sudden appearance, by the look on his face, she was the last person he thought he would see late at night around here.
Apparently, he lived not too far from her and was about to head to the store to buy few things for the senior filed trip tomorrow. She completely forgot about the trip and noted to herself to pick up few things she might need and stuff it in her bag.
They walked beside each other as they talked. Hyuna relaxed a little, tensed a bit when she lied that she wasn't avoiding him. It wasn't because she liked him and she tried to hide it, more like she avoided him because she knew he would try to hit on her and she didn't like that; especially from him.
Hyuna could tell no girl has ever rejected him when he told her he found it hard to believe not every girl was in love with him. He was definitely handsome and she could see why they would fall for him but looks weren't everything. She knew him. He only wanted someone besides him, mostly the best to flaunt off that he could get whatever he wants.
After setting him straight on what she knew she walked inside the store and walked down the aisles when she bumped into a tall boy with reddish brown hair tussled around.
"Oh sorry," he apologized. "Chen hurry up! Duizhang would be here soon." another boy called out form the other aisle.
Hyuna frowned a little when the boy -Chen - stared at her as if he knew her. She felt uncomfortable. "Excuse me," Hyuna moved passed him and kept herself from looking back at the strange boy.
► Chen; —
While Duizhang scold Lay and Tao for buying so many things and how much it would cost him Chen glanced back at where he ran into the girl with orange brown hair.
Something about her seemed familiar to him. 
Had he met her before?
He was a bit certain that they had met before. She stared at him as if she found him strange, who could blame her; he did stare at her like a creeper.
Still....she looked really familiar.
"You too Chen!!! What's with all these junk foods!!!" Kris smacked him on the head.
"Abuse! Abuse!!!" Chen covered his head as he ran away.
"Come back here you imbecile!!!"
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 author's note 
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here's the next chapter.
the picture's at the top just indicates whose in the chapter & if it's pink than it means
those who actually has lines in the chapter c:
unfortunately, hyuna's paretn's picture will not be on the list up there, i know i know; don't be 
too sad about it, they made a great appearance XD
comments (/cough/ i love long comments) appriciated c:
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Chapter 10: i love it... thanks for making a wonderful Krisna story.. I li,ke shipping this two... aside from Krisdara...
KimYaya #2
Chapter 10: i love your story :)
i hope you can make KaixHyuna story too :)
You should try writing in script form.
Chapter 10: Awwwwwww. So sweet, please make more Krisna fics <33 Love them both!
Chapter 10: They cute together. And I also reading your sequel. Love both of them.
Chapter 10: finished.~~
Now I can go and read the sequel.
It was yummy and nice to read, gomawo dear author~
Chapter 8: And, so I finished chapter 8th and I can say I liked it as well :)
Chapter 7: Aww, I am just on my way to read the chapter no. 7
I am sorry, I am not good reader, but slow as snail X.X
What I can say, I just love that story. KrisXHyuna. In my opinion it is really nice cross-couple. Aigoo~!! It's just too cute.
It's only 7th chapter but I already wanna say:Thank you so much for that story, if I didn't do that before ^^; I have bad memory so i don't remember if I commented or no, but still, it's just totally great idea, for that KrisXHyuna.
I already wanna say I subscribed your newest sequel of that story, and I will read it when I'll finish that :)
And I'll be back with my feedback~~
Chapter 10: Oh, just read every chapter and I must say woaaaaaah! Really good story! Haha, I liked the part with Garfield the most!
Chapter 10: please make sequel... love your fanfics so much....