Punch V

A punch to my heart

Punch V

Tao’s heart was racing.

It wasn’t healthy at all for it to beat at that pace, but he couldn’t control it when Kris face was so close to his while his hand caressed his face.

“You are so beautiful, Tao.”

Drunken people don’t lie.

Everyone knows that.

And Tao’s heart was about to explode.

Only eighteen and about to die.

At least dying from happiness would be a good reason as every touch of Kris left him breathless and his heart beat faster than ever.

But his dream of dying from happiness never happened as Kris passed out in front of him almost bringing him down with him.

But that was an event Tao will never be able to forget.

He had never been so close to Kris like that.

Well, at least after the moment he started feeling something for the other boy.

And he swear he would never forget that moment, because Kris had called him beautiful looking him directly to the eyes.

And even when his friend’s eyes were a bit clouded by the alcohol in his body, Tao knew or at least he wanted to believe his words were true and that Kris actually thought he was beautiful.

That’s why he kept his hair black through all these years while Kris dyed his hair blonde.

And also those words, those meaningful words, even with all the pain of seeing Kris with other girls, were the ones that kept him going through a healthy diet and continue exercise.

But Tao still wished to hear those words again.

Even if it had to be in the same kind of situation.

He wanted that revitalizing punch to his heart that only Kris could give him with his words.

So maybe going to the dinner wasn’t such a bad idea.

Tao snickered imagining the girl’s face if Kris would call him beautiful in front of her.

But he had to stop laughing alone to avoid the questioning glances that his young students were giving him and started his class.

He seemed really different when he was practicing wushu.

He seemed so strong and all his students admired him with eyes widened just like Kyungsoo’s.

And he actually liked his job.

It helped the kids with discipline, well most of them.

Helped them with their self-esteem and it was good for their health.

Unless the disobeyed the rules.

Like Jongin, that broke his leg the year before because he tried to jump like Tao falling painfully to the floor.

But Tao still considered him a good student and he had a special place in his heart next to Kyungsoo.

Their friendship reminding him so much to Kris and his during their childhood.

And it wasn’t like Tao wanted to seem weak.

He actually had a strong stare if it wasn’t for his panda eyes and he always seemed serious with strangers.

And he liked to have a work and be economically independent.

But love was something he couldn’t control and he knew his heart only beat for Kris as painfully as it was.

But for the moment he couldn’t get into that as his students were waiting for him to start the class.

And it was only an hour and half later that the new but at the same time familiar face entered the place to pick up his cousin giving his warm smile to Tao.

The latter responded to the smile before bowing a bit when he was in front of the other.

“Umm…” Joonmyeon seemed nervous every time he started to talk and that was something Tao found cute.

Like Kris and his funny attempts in Korean when they first arrived.

“I, I remembered when I saw you before…It was the first day I came back to Seoul. You were running and tripped, I helped you and you looked at me while…crying…” He said the last word really softly.

“Are you ok now?”

Was Tao ok now?

Kris was nowhere in sight…so how can things be ok?

But Tao still nodded with a small smile noticing the concerned face in front of him.

He didn’t want to remember that day and it’s not like Joonmyeon and he were friends to discuss that topic.

But after that question everything turned awkward, the silence between them getting longer and only the tiny voices of the kids in the back could be heard.

So Tao looked at them, trying to distract himself from the silence watching how Jongin hugged Kyungsoo before the latter disappeared from the door.

And Jongin returned to his cousin’s side pulling his sleeve.

“Let’s go Hyung.” And Joonmyeon nodded.

“See you tomorrow, Jongin.” Tao said when they started turning around.

“It’s Kai!” The little kid whined glaring at his cousin that started chuckling.

“Whatever you say, Jongin~” Joonmyeon said joining Tao’s fun making the other’s smile grow before they left the place.

It was so much fun to tease the kid.

And from that day onwards it would be Suho leaving and picking up Kai from class instead of the kid’s mother.

And Tao didn’t mind at all.

You are all so lovely!!! Thanks for the comments and the new subscribers!!! :D

zzzzAN: I’m so so happy you really really like it :D

BabyJang: Yesssss Suho is finally in the story!!!

sonotattractive: Really? Then should I make this a Sutao fic? ^^ we will see~

pinoCChyo: Hi~! :D and thanks!!!!

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Chapter 16: oh god. my sutao feels!!!!
poor my heart.
suho is very big hearted guy..
I like a heart breaking story lol idk if I was a masochistic or sadistic but the end of this story not the usual "happily ever after" vibe.
Japanda #2
Chapter 17: this story is on a whole new lv. i like how you define how best friends are Kris and Tao's love for each other is strong even if its not the relationship/ual love, but it still touches me. Im glad that Suho is given a chance to take care of Tao, hes hurt the same way Tao and he can connect with Tao.

I feel a lot of emotions when i read this!! This is the best Sutao-taoris i have read in a long time . Too bad i couldnt follow u during the time you were writing this!!
---Keep on writing SuTao and taoris plz ^^
Chapter 16: I looooooove this story and I'm so soooooo glad sutao ended up together...*____________*
Seriously it's the best decision you could have made because suho's love is so pure and he understood tao from the very beginning without having the other to tell him how he was feeling...suho just knew...and he helped him a lot and he would never hurt tao intentionally or not...he just wouldn't
I love how you didn't let kris change his mind because tao confessing his love for him won't make him suddenly be into guys especially into his long year best friend...life's not all guns and roses huh?^ ^
And sutao are just soooo adorable...♥♥♥
I'm a hardcore taoris shipper but I was praying for kris not to end up with tao...because he simply does not deserve him even if he would realize some unknown feelings for the other
I'm just happy everything turned out the way it is *^*
Thank you for the great story ♥
Chapter 16: SUTAO or any other pairings other than TaoRis isnt usually my cup of tea.
I felt the of angst in every chapter. Tao being heartbroken and all had my heart wrenched wildly.
Totally loving the fact that you had not changed Kris' heart.
The way that this story just flowed.... it's beautiful.
Im totally recommending this to my Kpop friends and people in tumblr ^o^
Chapter 16: First time reading a SuTao, and I loved it! It was so beautiful, my eye watered several times. This was very well written, and I'm glad I took the time to stop and readit all. I'm glad that Suho waited for Tao and that Tao eventually accepted him. I tend to dislike that the main always falls and loves another instead of the one who loves them and supports them. Thank you for letting Suho and Tao he together.
Chapter 17: my biggest T H A N K Y O U to you : ))... when i read taoris i always remembering this story. thank you again *bow*..hihihi
Chapter 17: I really liked it and I'm glad that tao ended up with suho. Kris seemed... extremely oblivious and yeah.
Thanks for the great read!
Chapter 16: Okay, I just finished reading this and there's only one thing I have to say- Wow. This story was just a giant emotional roller-coaster for me and I'm pretty sure that you had me crying since the first chapter. Bravo, this was absolutely stunning. :D
Dancemach97 #9
Chapter 16: I loved the last chapter of your story to bits, same goes for the rest of it but the last chap was my favorite. Finally an author who doesn't make relationships that are not thought-through well enough! I loved how everything came together at the end. <3