“Yes, miss? How may I help you?”

            “I have a reservation with Mr. Kim Hyun Il.”

            “Mr. Kim Hyun Il?” he’s right there miss.” The waiter pointed a man sitting at the corner of the restaurant. He came near me after he had noticed my gestures of looking for somebody.

            “Thank you.” With a smile, I expressed my gratitude towards him, where in fact, I’m nervous… really nervous. I extended my vision to hopefully have an idea of how does he looks like. I peeped once, but a gentleman stood up blocking my sight. I peeped for the second time but a waiter passed by hindering my eyes. My feet counted 1,2,3 but stopped. My heart was beating so fast. I rushed… to the ladies’ room. A huge breath calmed me  down. Inhale… exhale… be natural, you don’t have to please him. You’re doing this for your mom… Ok?” I talked to myself in front of the huge rectangular mirror.

Few moments later, I took my way out the ladies’ room and decided to meet my anonymous date . “after this, everything will be done.” I encouraged myself to pursue walking straight to the table the waiter had pointed to me.

“Where is he?” from left to right, I searched for someone whom I don’t know. ‘Did he leave?

Hopelessly, I sat on the chair. “Did he wait for too long that he can’t afford to stay here any longer? My effort is worthless! I did have a very hard time thinking what to wear … yet he left me here all alone… without meeting me either?”

I drank the water placed on the top of the table. A very catchy piano harmony made my eyes nailed on the center stage and made my ears listen on that peaceful sound. What made me even hooked up was the appearance of the pianist. He’s so charming, enigmatic and elegant-looking.

The melody ended putting my heart into a picturesque scenery with pacifying milieu. I was at peace. He stood up and bowed in front of us. A huge and overwhelming round of applause was given to him as a reward of playing a good melody as well as delighting everyone’s heart there. After showing respect, he went down the center stage.

‘Is he seated near this table? He seems coming here near.’

“Good evening miss, are you Oh Jang Min?” he stood right in front of me. ‘Did I hear it right? He knew my name? who is he?’

“Yes mister … how …?’

“I’m Kim Hyun Il. Nice to finally meet you.” He reached out for my hand. I was starstruck seeing a great pianist offering me a handshake. Moreover, he who seized my heart through his music fortunately turned out to be my anonymous date. I faltered reaching him my hand, nonetheless, he was waiting … waiting for my hand to finally fit his … I mean… to finally touch his.

“Sorry for keeping you wait for so long…” I at last handed him a handshake.

“No, actually it’s not that long.” He sat down and called the waiter’s attention.

“You can serve my order now.” Hyun Il told the waiter. The waiter left and he suinted on me. “… so, what do you do?”

“I’m still in college.”

“So, does it mean… I can’t still marry you?” marry who? Me??? Did I hear it right or my ears are just relatively malfunctioning?


“I said… if I can’t still marry you?” my eyes became rounder hearing him repeat that. My ears were not malfunctioning. He really delivered those words. Uneasy --- that’s what I felt after his affirmation. He tittered. “I was just joking.” He then made things clear. Avoiding him to think that I felt uneasy with that, I gave him a laugh but I think that laugh is some kinda ridiculous. I was still feeling uneasy so for the second time, I grabbed the glass of water in front of me. I drank it. At the lateral part of my vision, I could see him positioned his chin above his overlapping hands. ‘What is it now?’ I put back the glass of water after emptying it intending to get his eyes off me. I started to feel conscious of myself because of his glare.

“You’re cute. This time I’m not joking.” Although embarrassing, I admit, I blushed. The waiter  finally came and filled our table with various dishes. “Let’s eat.” He held his utensils. He looks so very enchanting. With his face, body, composure, movements and voice, he is the ideal man of very lady. I may say that he is also a picture of my dream guy other than Sung Jae.’ For two years, I became single while he is now enjoying other woman’s company. I think it’s time to forget. Can this man in front of me, teach me how does it feel to be in love… again?’

“Don’t you like the foods? You want to order another?” he asked noticing I’m not eating the food he had placed on my plate.

“No, I like it.” I started to eat. He smiled and my heart produced an unexplainable pump. ‘Could it be possible to fall for someone I just met, just met for the first time? This is the same feeling I had when I first saw Sung Jae.’

“Here.” He offered his spoon with a pork on it. ‘is he feeding me?’ he’s seemingly waiting for my mouth to open and take his offered food.

I took it. I ate it and gazed on him. With his smile, I was again at uneasiness. But this time, the uneasiness was with something strange. I smiled back at him. ‘Maybe this date is a way for me to forget him. He is happy now so I must be happy too. I deserve to be happy, right? With this man, I can obtain that happiness, perhaps. But no! it’s too early to conclude that. I’ll just let time help me with this matter. For now, I’ll just enjoy this moment with him.





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Chapter 7: HAHA! LOL! Laughing because of Jangmin and her priceless acts and thoughts after that view she had seen... keke~ The weather's really HOT keke~ I guess, for Jangmin, it got hotter because of Kiseop

And I love Hyejin and Sunghyun tandem. keke~ Sunghyun's so sweet <3

And hoping to read the next chapter. ^^
eniam27 #2
Chapter 7: HERE'S CHAPTER 7 !!!!!! KEKEKEKEKE!!!!
Chapter 6: uhmmm~ Jangmin reminds me of a friend... XD
Chapter 6: I'm waiting for an update~ keke~ ^^