Summer School.


_______________________ K O B A Y A S H I   S H I N Y A  ;; Japan, Day

i'm sorry if the chapters are crappy x[

Taping unconsciously his unsharpened pencil against the wooden desk, Shinya was far from being advanced into the work he was given as to finish. Sheets filled with each kanji and their meaning, each description and way to write it. It wasn't his best thing, as to how he was used actually to his old Korean accent and grammar, but he knew he had to to this for himself. He won't give up when he knows how far he had reached to be able to come to Tokyo, after all those years of true pain and hard work for his parents. He just won't give up for little matters.

Shinya, somewhat a really bright student in his current academy, was privileged with such great marks in most of the subjects he had during the year. Even if he wasn't your nerdy teacher's most-loved guy, he was good enough to be seen through the class. In fact, he didn't knew many things about how he was actually seen.


For the summer that was being now, Shinya, after much hesitation, though it was better for him to work harder on his Japanese as to receive grants from the academy. It would surely help him into having a better scholarship later. He was today into his Kanji lessons, along with much other kids like him, who were all either the rich guys or the gangsters who just don't study and make no effort whatsoever on their future. It was sure depressing to be with such people when you know you'll have to be with them for at least a month, four hours a day, in the same class and in the summer suffocation. He tried hard anyway, he tried to forget that fact.


" A description over 'Animal/Beast' plus a sentence which includes the kanji. What was that again? " He only murmured to himself, thinking over and over the answer to maybe the simplest question, but the hardest one out of all. He was into his own thinking and working, he didn't ever think about all the peoples around him. 


By the looks, how would the classroom actually look? It was like an actual mess. Obviously, for it to be such a mess only meant one important thing; the teacher who was supposed to be looking at these immature beings wasn't even present, as he justified himself earlier over random reasons. 


« I have some private matters to take care of- Yes darling I'm coming right away!- , so you guys better show me a good behavior while  i won't be here! » 


And of course as how obvious he acts, would close his cellphone talking to mostly his little girlfriend. And that is how Shinya ended up stuck into the classroom full of idiots who didn't even care if someone saw them with their drugs, their alcohol or them just playing on their iPhone or PSPs without bothering to work a little- not even for a minute. The only positive point? They were never interested on picking on Shinya...didn't they? At least, that was the last thing he would want to happen, knowing his personality. Shinya is like a cute but grown up boy, shy at sight but with his own life and everything deep inside him. If someone had to pick on him, he wouldn't appreciate it of course, but won't be able to do much as to stop this one. Thinking of beasts, he shouldn't even had. A dude, maybe around eighteen or nineteen years old or so, came up to him on the desk. On-the-desk. He had this creepy smile you should fear of as scary as a e.


" Mm, not bad. Kinda cute. Wow, such a pretty boy mixed up into our big boy's gang. " He caressed Shinya's cheeks on which the younger boy couldn't do anything; he was somewhat too shy and too scared of provoking that super sized muscle dude. " Man! Yo dudes! Come check this thing out! Isn't he sooo cute!"


" Dayum, wonder if I would've banged him if he ain't a boy! " 


Shinya lowered his head a little, being embarrassed but also hoping to be able to escape this situation. Too bad his only last hope, their common teacher, was absent due to his lack of preocupation over his own classes. The older bully, called Kotaro under his mate's nicknaming, was even acting more straight forward by touching Shinya when he shouldn't be. The hand of Kotaro was now going under Shinya's light shirt, taking it out button by button. Shinya could only mutter some of the few words.


" L-leave mme alone... "


" Mm? " Kotaro approached himself as to whisper in the younger's ear " What did you say baby? You're not satisfied with me touching you? Or want better- " Before he could do anything else to Shinya, there was this guy out of nowhere who sat next to Shinya, and looking deeply disgusted with Kotaro's actions. As of course, his own eyes were telling him the message to get out of there.


" Ho ! It's Yuto! "

" Yes, it's me. You guys' happy to see me ? By the way, for you idiots, it isn't Yuto. It's Nakajima-san. " 

He gave the gang some fierce looks never losing his own controlled smile, until they all went back to their places or either they'll go out of class and skip the useless period. The only thing Yuto proceeded to do was to turn himself to Shinya, and ruffle his hair while smiling sweetly at him.


" ..Thanks Nakajima-san "


" You don't need to 'san' me. Just Yuto, 'kay? " He pinched the boy's cheeks while pouting " I see why those boys were all picking on you... Who would've thought? Anyway... "


" Uhm, excuse me... Why did you help me? "

" Well, that's what I'm supposed to do, no? Did you already forget what your mother said? She's the one who DID send me to look after you! " Obviously, wrinkling his eyebrows, it wasn't what he was waiting for as to an answer.


" I don't understand of what you're speaking Yuto-san "


" Geez, it's Yuto. Y-u-t-o. What do you mean? Don't you remember? Aphro' told me to look after the third son, so yeah. Here i am! Me, the newbie looking after Aphro's son. "


" Uhm... " Shinya forced tried to talk like a normal one, but being the stubborn shy boy he was, it came only as murmuring. " You must be wrong Yuto-sa...Yuto. Are...You talking to the right person? "


" Hmm, let me think... Seventeen years old Kobayashi Shinya, was sent in Korea at the age of one...Worked with his mortal mother and stepfather, your dad is long gone years ago when your mother went with your step-dad... You're shy as hell, that's typical for you... Black furry hair, Aphro's son for sure! Nope, i'm not wrong! Geez, Aphrodite sure gives some genes to her demi-god children!" Yuto seemed to look at the ceiling, and exclaimed himself as soon as he could. " Holy Time! It's the throne ceremony... Oh well, see you on the 17th of July, Shinya! " Yuto stood up with rush and walked faster to his own dorm by other students not concerned. Shinya was still speechless at all that was told to him, and as to how he knew everything about him, him a complete stranger.


He quickly then took his things and ran after him, wanting to know more as to HOW he knew all these things. At least, he quite remembered which dorm was to whom, and went directly to the 180th floor. The door was open so he only entered in a rush in there, only to freeze at the sight.


" Oh, well... It's you! If someone saw me in this form... I shall not risk that, should i? " Yuto, with only in a swap of his hand, closed the door next to Shinya, without actually touching the door manually.


« In this form » Yuto Nakajima had said clearly. Indeed, this same person Shinya encountered earlier and had risen up his curiosity about his own knowledge, wouldn't even be taken as a human when Shinya saw him at that moment. Glowing pale baby blue and white, heavenly wings were on his back, moving freely and without any mechanical disposition seen. Yuto remarked the pale expression on Shinya's face and smiled.


" Oh, I presume it must've been a while you've seen a descendant of the sky? "

" You-have-wings... ? "

" Well, doesn't an angel HAVE wings? Hey! You know, you should be preparing to leave? It's, three days? "

Shinya was still standing up there, nonetheless it was sure he was wondering if it was true, or just a dream he'll wake up soon from. Yuto shook his head and motioned his hand in front of the chair.


" Don't stand like that! Sit down, humans... cough, well, half-humans? Ah anyways,you're gonna be loosing energy standing up there all day! "


While setting himself on the chair, Shinya still unsure of the situation which was going on, a glass full of a mid-pink and white substance formed itself in front of him.


" Drink that! It's good for you. Oh holy, why does it feel like I'm talking to myself? " Yuto shrugged and went to the nearest drawers, taking out a little package. Giving it to Shinya who wasn't so sure what to do with it, the winged-one looked at his clock.


" You know, you should fight that shyness of yours. When you'll be fighting, that wouldn't be a great help... OH MY GOSH! It's time and I'm late! Zeus is sooo gonna kill us- Shinya? Well, we will see each other again maybe...soon! "


 Without any other word, Yuto practically passed through the biggest window, passed through, spreading his wings without care of the human beings down there and flying away. He soon disapeared into the clouds, nowhere to be seen again.    



Ehrm... How do we tag people? I want to reply back to you guys :[

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Azhen-Chen #1
Sorry for the late comment ^^;<br />
Wow Hwarim is pretty~ owo<br />
He has one hell of a messed up life though, poor kid XD<br />
Can't wait for the other intro chapters!~
Perseus #2
I feel bad for being lazy..... But I'll stop my lazy-self and start posting up ¬¬<br />
You : You sure are lazy!<br />
Me : Thanks, Miss Obvious.
Wow, he sure is smexy! XD Lol. First<br />
Shinya the cutie now Hwarim X3 this<br />
story has a lot of y guys in it<br />
XD Rofl. OMG, his life is chaos! O_O<br />
Then again what would you expect from<br />
the child of Hades? XD Lol. I think<br />
That's who his father is, sincce he's<br />
your character XD And if I remember<br />
correctly, from winglin, that's who<br />
you claimed as your god parent ;3.<br />
Lol. Anyway, great update! XD I'm<br />
excited for the next one :) ~Hwaiting!
-blushes-<br />
Why does Hwarim have to be so good looking?!<br />
xD Shinya is the cutie and Hwarim is the hottie :3<br />
Wow. His life is mess up o_o<br />
A mom AND dad who cheats <br />
along with siblings who aren't <br />
ACTUALLY your siblings?<br />
If I was him, I would've gone<br />
crazy long ago x.x
Aww, Hwarim is so mean to his dongsaeng!<br />
And who is that creeper on his facebook? o.O<br />
Hehe, Hwarim seems like a player.<br />
I luhhhv this chapter!<br />
Update soon! Hwaiting!
Azhen-Chen #6
Woah, Aphrodite's child? o.o <br />
Wasn't expecting that~<br />
Poor kid, getting harassed like that XD<br />
Nifty~ Angel Yuto o.o<br />
I can't wait to read more!
Wow, Shinya really is a cutie! Even has<br />
a bunch of big muscly guys hitting on him<br />
XD Poor kid. But then again, what would<br />
you expect from Aphrodite's child? XD Lol.<br />
Lol, but at least he has Yuto to protect<br />
him XD Lucky guy, having a cutie like Yuto<br />
to stick up for him and chase away a bunch<br />
of potential molesters ;3. OMG I'm getting<br />
so excited! I can't wait for the next<br />
chapter :D ~Hwaiting!