Your average birthday.


_______________________ K I M   M I  N A  ;; Southkorea, Day&Night


It was one of those unlivable days in South Korea, with the weather going on to more than thirty degrees. Most of the residents were striking to the community pools, others were thinking of ways on how to purchase themselves affordable air conditioners in such temperatures. Of course, that mostly always concerned the middle-class, which only as always would try to save up on some money for their vacations in foreign countries, or nationally. However, this wasn't the case of one family, which was comfortably going on through their daily activities. You see, they weren't any concerned by the weather when their whole mansion was covered up from their very basement by air conditioners. Of course, all for the young mistress, Kim Mi Na. Being the only daughter of the Kim residencies, she was always nurtured and shown real affection from her parents. And thus, she always got whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. And living through torture by almost thirty degrees like the middle-class? No way.


This very Saturday morning, the Kim's were all around scattered into their living-room, each having it's own priorities and occupations. Ms. Kim was looking through the television channels for anything interesting as to her likes. She was probably going through the Renovations Network, as to prepare on how the mansion would look great if it was changed in some aspect. Mr. Kim, oh what would you say about such high-class man? The father was still with his a-thousand-dollars-worth suit, as to how he would survive in such a mass of clothes on him? He was reading through Seoul's daily newspaper, skipping most of the pages as they were only referring to murders, kidnappings and the poor society they had in Korea. 


" The government should procreate social aids for such situations..." He only murmured, followed by a really silent snicker and changed the page again to the business section as to see the current Stocks.


And there, in the far corner of the room, not so across the dining-room, was Mi Na seated on the high-tables, such as for bars, with her cute and fluffy stuffed bunny in her lap. The whole time, the girl would only look through the Internet about useless facts and information she doesn't even need to know, and all on her new white laptop covered with cute stickers. From time to time, she would move away a strand of her pale brownish hair on which she worked for more than an hour to make it nicely brushed. The air conditioner was not far away from her, sending her some frequent chills without complaining; she almost adored air conditioners anyway!


" Bunni~ I want to find you a friend...maybe one of those extra puffed bunnies they sell at that weird shop!" Oh, this isn't any weird to look at, knowing her case with stuffed bunnies she would usually carry around her house and do as if it was real. All of her friends knew she was this way; of course, at first they would've tough Mi Na stayed with her childish behavior, but it isn't. No one actually payed attention to it and neither didn't it concern them too? Everyone has, even secretly a plushy, oh god, maybe even a delegate! While smiling and spazzing over some stuff such as talking with her friends online, her father without a look called his daughter.


" Mi Na- have you decided about tomorrow darling? "


A very confused Mi Na only looked at Mr. Kim as if it was obvious she didn't even know what he was talking about. She stayed for about some minute waiting for a response from her father. Or maybe, just maybe, the two were waiting for?


" Sweetie, your father is talking about your seventeenth birthday party! Have you decide whether we celebrate it tomorrow or the next day? " 


" Oh,I see. Wait what? It's my birthday tomorrow? Oh gosh, I forgot! "


Finally he set off his eyes of the newspaper, and the father looked at Mi Na, while taking then a sip of his coffee.


" Well? "

" Erm... Tomorrow! "

" Is there anything special we need to do for this birthday, Mi' ? " Her mother took her iPhone, and scanned all the preparations she typed earlier.


" Well, I though maybe the cake can be more not-exotic! Like, more pale! And... OH! I WANT THOSE NEW COOKIES THEY SELL FOR 30$ EACH BOX! "

" Darling, isn't that way too much for ten cookies? "

" B-but I want THOSE cookies! And...And they'll be out of stock if we don't buy them now! Pleeasseee! " Mi Na's effort over doing her effective puppy eyes worked again, for the sake of her parents and her birthday. Her parents sighed, not being to disagree to their daughter. They were never able to. 


" And how much of these boxes you want for tomorrow? "

" Uh... " For a minute she stayed quiet, as if calculating by mind. " I'll invite him, and her, and her, and him, and... one hundred and forty, so... seventy boxes?  Mom, daaaad? "

" Yes, Yes, we will prepare it all, don't worry sweetie! You can go tell your friends to come tomorrow. "

At that moment, Mi Na, being in her little world and trance of happiness and randomness, decided to go up in her room. One of the bodyguards next to the doors, carefully took her laptop and belongings and only gave them when she reached second floor in her massively beautiful room. And now you may how how is that beautiful? Well, when you want all what you desire, and you obtain it, there is nothing imperfect in this place. Mi Na wanted a complete prestigious bedroom set? She got it right away. The next thing she knew, coming to her room, was texting all her friends for her upcoming birthday, on which the ONLY one longer was addressed to one of her friends... And it ain't just a friend to her.


[[ Heyy :D What's up ? ]]




[[ Hello Mi Na :] I'm fine and you? You better be okay ;) ]]




[[ Lol yeah I'm fine ^O^ Of course! Hey i was wondering... ]]




[[ Yeees? o_o you were wondering what? ]]




" This sending sound thing isn't appropriate! I'll put it to vibrate. "


[[ Well, if .. If you would like to come to my birthday tomorrow? It's you know, at my house :D At 3PM~ ^^ ]]

[[ Hey, of course I'll come, it's your birthday, not some hobo's party -_- . Okay i g2g I'll see you tomorrow pretty ;D ]]

" Pprettyy? " Mi Na squealed and jumped on her king size bed, letting herself go into her own imaginary world of all dreams.




____________ N 3 X T D A Y Y ;;




Can you remember the times you are sleeping peacefully, without any problem even if you're a light sleeper , until you know you have to wake up? No, no one wakes you up, you yourself have to find the perfect time to look after yourself such as girl matters, especially when you have this big birthday party in less than three hours and when your somewhat crush who is a close friend is coming? Sometimes, not even an hour is sufficient in that case. This morning, at the early hours of ten/eleven o'clock, she woke up to her alarm clock playing the most loud song you've ever heard. Hard. Metal. Rock. Groaning from the short period of sleep{more than ten hours, but usually during summer usual people like to sleep for a long period} and puffing her eyes, Mi Na stretched herself before going to her private bathroom. Doing nothing but staying in front of the mirror wondering what she'll wear and how she'll look, at least ten minutes passed by faster than it should. Mi Na finally decided on her choices and started fixing herself. It consisted of things such as;


` Your typical morning actions consisting of brushing your teeth. Nothing too complicated.

` Mi Na chose carefully a foreign Styling Foam which she applied to her hair after washing. Then, while drying her hair, she brushed it numerously until it was completely dried. That way made her hair with much more volume than before in a seriously beautiful manner.

` Going on the impossible quest of finding the perfect clothes for the day too. Unfortunately she saw her old bubble-wrap and started popping it happily for about another ten minutes. She soon realized she shouldn't and went on to her wardrobe-room. Mi Na chose the most comfortable clothes, pretty enough, but not to be the 'hoe' type which she didn't like[Who likes them anyway?].

`The final step, which she didn't like to do much; applying the minimal make-up she allows herself to, and freaking out if she thought she looked like a ghost.


These few steps were at their final at least two hours and half later.


" What? How come I took that much of time? Oh well. Let's see what mommy and dad did for the party!" Before jumping out of her room, shocking some of the bodyguards who were trying not to sleep hardly, she glanced at her bed. " Aww I can't take my plushie with me... Oh well. "


Mi Na nearly gasped when she saw the preparations outside AND inside.


Everything was perfect like always! In the corner of their yard was a long table full of sweets and pastries including the special cookies she so much wanted to have, all gathered in a manner you would like to eat them all. In another corner was another long table, meanwhile full with tasty food. In the center, was the pool which was cleaned up properly without anything in it such as natural trash. Next to the pool, was the dance area arranged too well, and the usual DJ place which would go to one of her friends who was a really good one. There were all the extra decorations to make the scene look better. 


Ms Kim, who wasn't fat away, saw Mi Na looking lovingly at the sight, and came to her.


" Happy birthday Mi Na, you know me and your father want the best for you! So, we won't give you your present like we usually do with your friends or now. It's a surprise for tonight! "


" What? Surprise? But moom- "

" Oh, Mi Na, just this once you will know your present at the end of the day okay darling? For now, put on your smile and lead the greatest birthday party ever "

" Thanks mom! " She hugged her and went on to greet all the invited guest who were already here. During the next hours, the event went pretty. The music was great and many were dancing to it. Most of the guys were either stuck up with eating the sweets or flirting with some girls. In their case, the girls were always around Mi Na, since she was one of the most sociable girls there was, and it was her birthday after all! Soon enough, she'll proudly call herself being seventeen years old. But, the one thing that made her mostly happy was the fact SHE was here. Yes, the one she has a crush on since the girl moved in Seoul half a year ago. She never had admitted it to herself but she knew she had this weird feeling whenever she was around her or even just talking to her. The girl?




Mi Na would've never admitted she was in love with a girl, but hey! When she first saw Amber, she though 'he' was a guy like any other, but with some or less feminine attraction. Despite that fact, she got used to thinking of being in love with a girl, and she became instantly more open-minded to such kind of relationships or loves. At this right moment, Amber was sitting next to her, and believe it or not, she had slowly put her arm around Mi Na's, talking like nothing usual happened. 


" Aigoo, maybe I'm not Korean and not used to much Koreans around me, but I know what I'm talking about Mi Na. And you are really something! " Amber said with the 'it's obvious!' look.


" Meh? What, what do you mean? Eheh " To be confused or not so confused, Mi Na liked the fact Amber was close to her... Or was it just in a friendly way like any other girl do with her?



Yeah. Everything went well until one of the girls who had been invited by one of the invited[she shouldn't have been here!] came to her, arms crossed in a mocking way.


" So, look at the birthday princess. Soo close with a GIRL, when there's so many hot BOYS around in your yard! " Some of the people stopped talking or whatever they were doing only to see what was happening. Mi Na didn't want any of this. "Oh and I forgot to mention. A foreign tomboy girl who obviously has interests in you! My god, I would be pretty scared if I was in company of a lesbian that close to me, aren't you Mi Na?"


" Yul-ah, stop that, it's her birthday... " One of the girls friends tried to convince her.


" No Jii, she should know the horrible truth of ..that girl. Or...maybe you're actually enjoying that...aren't you Mi Na? ... EW don't tell me you're...lesbian!EW! "


" I.. I'm n-not! Please stop doing that Yul-shi! " 


" Tsk Tsk. Mi Na, Mi Na. Then why the hell is her arm around you? That's what my BOYFRIEND does to me, not some girl! "


Mi Na was in fact a kind girl with the ones who are with her. But how can she suppress the feeling of someone humiliating her, and insulting her also crush? Yet, what she told is true, but she hardly believes someone like Amber has interests in her. She clenched her fist, thinking of how to return it to that Yul.


" Wow, you don't even justify yourself? So now we know the truth everyone! The girl you're attending a party to now is G-A-Y! " Yul screamed laughing at her own talking, but most weren't doing that, no one actually laughed with her.


" I see you have a lots of friends, but no one helps you now Mi Na. That proves everything! You sticking around girls THAT much! Gay people disgust me, they shouldn't even exist! "

Amber, who didn't just know what to do, tried to grip on Mi Na who stood up pretty fast and looked really annoyed at the girl.


" What are you gonna do? You can't even slap me, or are you going to run away and cry? Go ahead, I'm going home anyway. " Yul looked at her nails not caring.


Mi Na just looked at her, not doing anything, but she couldn't do anything.

" That's what i though, I'm going. " Yul looked at Mi Na and started going away. And that's when things got complicated.


Taking only a cupcake she saw in some one's possession, she threw it at Yul.


Usually, when you throw a cupcake, you know you're covered with chocolate frosting. On the contrary, you are certainly NOT pushed away from ten meters to another ten meters, like that by nothing, into the far place of the pool. You are NOT thrown away by nothing. And next thing you know, everyone looks at you in shock, your crush is extra surprised but tries not to show it, there's this girl in the pool even more shocked and wet, and you, completely confused as to what happened exactly. The weird thing is, the day suddenly passes faster because the party is over. The only person left is Mi Na, in her room, laying down and asking herself what happened. At the right moment , her mother came, somewhat worried over her daughter.


" Mom... everyone thinks I'm weird now... I didn't do anything! I swear mom! "

" I know sweetie, but you did something. "

" Mom! I SWEAR I didn't do anything! I mean, something like, pushed Yul in the pool and I don't know! I...i just threw her a cupcake! "

" Mi Na, it's okay. It's completely normal as to what happened to you. I just should've known it was today. I'm sorry "

" Huh? How come completely normal? Mom!? "

" Eeh " Her mother sat down next to her, looking at the ceiling. She then gave Mi Na a white box with a ribbon, with her name on it. " Your father always wanted you to have this. I just... I just never though when would be the right moment to give it to you... It was his birthday present for you before he went away... "

"Dad? But dad never went away? I mean, he gave me the new Any call cellphone earlier at the party! " 

" Mi Na... You, You may not really want to talk to me after I tell you that, but please know your current dad loves you a lot-"

" 'Current' dad? "

" Mi Na, before I met your...your current father, I was young, almost young like you. I-"

" Don't, don't tell were with another man! "

" Ehh, you got it right sweetie. But he isn't just 'another man', he... He is your biological father. "


Mi Na didn't even dare to respond to what she heard. Hey, if you were told at your seventeenth birthday your father isn't really your father, what will you do? Tell your mom ' Gwaenchana! It's okay! ' ?


" Um.. Here, he.. He always wanted you to have this..." Awkwardly her mother gave her the box, while Mi Na still didn't know whether to open it with her trembling hands, or not. She did anyway.


Inside was a necklace, a wonderful silver necklace with a thunder bolt pending. There was also a note.


« Dear Mi Na. I hope your mother wasn't really harsh in telling you the truth? I also hope, you don't hate me for never being here for you. Don't get me wrong, my daughter. I didn't have any choice of leaving you. I'm still happy your mortal father had always loved you despite your difference from normal beings. Remember that I had always loved you and that i didn't leave your mother by heart. Maybe, you will one day have the chance to see your true old father. Oh, don't matter the little brown spot on the note, it's life coffee. --- With love from your father, Zeus.


" Mi- "

" This is the best prank I've ever seen mom! My 'supposedly true dad called Zeus' and 'my current dad not my true one' ! Mom I knew I took that humor gene from somewhere!-"

" MI NA! This is NOT a joke! It's SERIOUS matters! Mi Na, your father, this name isn't a joke! Why do you think your 'friend' was thrown that hard into the pool? I saw everything Mi Na, and this isn't anything usual a human would be able to do! Mi Na i know you're confused and think this is a joke, but think it carefully; since you were little, you always WERE different from your mortal friends! Mi Na you-"

" ... Mortal friends? Wwhat do you mean? Mmom this is a joke isn't it? "

" Mi Na, you.. Since you were born, you were never...mortal... Don't you remember the times I read you those bed stories about the Great Gods of Greece and The Lord Zeus? Do you remember those times Mi Na? "

" I...I do... wait... are you trying to tell me father is some stupid Greek god out there and that I'm his daughter? "

" You aren't just his daughter. You are also a.. a half-goddess. "

" Let me recapitulate, I'm Kim Mi Na, no. Mi Na, daughter of the 'great lord' Zeus, Greek god of the wind and such things, and I'm a demi-goddess because of that? "


Her mother only nodded, though we could see some tears forming themselves in the corner of her eyes.


" HAHAHAHAH! MOM!? Are you okay? This... this can't be true! I just can't believe all...those..things! This ISN'T true! " As a matter of fact, Mi Na tried hard to laugh at heart, but half of her believed what her mother said. It was true she never was like the others and there was something about her.


" You can believe me or not, it's your choice. But i had to let you know the truth. I have to also tell you your father wanted you to go to a special school for, erm, your kind. You will meet there people like you, who didn't believe at first. You should wear that necklace, it was made just for you."


" This is not possible "

" Sigh, just to let you know... You are going to depart from home after tomorrow, so you should prepare all your belongings for the year "


Ms Kim softly kissed Mi Na's forehead, which face was completely blank due to all of what was told to her in one simple day. She was mixed up of course. 


But she was mostly scared all might be true.  




I know i know, I sukss! Rofl, three more to go! [I already did like five of you guys life'chapters :D]


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Azhen-Chen #1
Sorry for the late comment ^^;<br />
Wow Hwarim is pretty~ owo<br />
He has one hell of a messed up life though, poor kid XD<br />
Can't wait for the other intro chapters!~
Perseus #2
I feel bad for being lazy..... But I'll stop my lazy-self and start posting up ¬¬<br />
You : You sure are lazy!<br />
Me : Thanks, Miss Obvious.
Wow, he sure is smexy! XD Lol. First<br />
Shinya the cutie now Hwarim X3 this<br />
story has a lot of y guys in it<br />
XD Rofl. OMG, his life is chaos! O_O<br />
Then again what would you expect from<br />
the child of Hades? XD Lol. I think<br />
That's who his father is, sincce he's<br />
your character XD And if I remember<br />
correctly, from winglin, that's who<br />
you claimed as your god parent ;3.<br />
Lol. Anyway, great update! XD I'm<br />
excited for the next one :) ~Hwaiting!
-blushes-<br />
Why does Hwarim have to be so good looking?!<br />
xD Shinya is the cutie and Hwarim is the hottie :3<br />
Wow. His life is mess up o_o<br />
A mom AND dad who cheats <br />
along with siblings who aren't <br />
ACTUALLY your siblings?<br />
If I was him, I would've gone<br />
crazy long ago x.x
Aww, Hwarim is so mean to his dongsaeng!<br />
And who is that creeper on his facebook? o.O<br />
Hehe, Hwarim seems like a player.<br />
I luhhhv this chapter!<br />
Update soon! Hwaiting!
Azhen-Chen #6
Woah, Aphrodite's child? o.o <br />
Wasn't expecting that~<br />
Poor kid, getting harassed like that XD<br />
Nifty~ Angel Yuto o.o<br />
I can't wait to read more!
Wow, Shinya really is a cutie! Even has<br />
a bunch of big muscly guys hitting on him<br />
XD Poor kid. But then again, what would<br />
you expect from Aphrodite's child? XD Lol.<br />
Lol, but at least he has Yuto to protect<br />
him XD Lucky guy, having a cutie like Yuto<br />
to stick up for him and chase away a bunch<br />
of potential molesters ;3. OMG I'm getting<br />
so excited! I can't wait for the next<br />
chapter :D ~Hwaiting!