

__________________  L E E  H W A R I M ;; Korea, Night



" One... Two... One "


" Hyung~! Can you play with me? " The little toddler seized down at the boy's hair without further care if he was busy or not. Of course, being sixteen years old, in the midst of becoming even more made a person in true matters, much more serious. By all means, Hwarim never had one of those happy childhoods. In fact, you couldn't even call it a childhood. Is being the oldest child of some player father AND mother a beautiful sight for a youngster? All he remembered was the awful midnight sounds and his parents cheating on each other without being concerned by it. They weren't even married, but lived together in this freak-out house, from time to with each other if they were bored enough to. And the little toddler calling him 'hyung' was one of the few childs his father had with other women. A long story shortened, Hwarim never experience fun, he hates fun. Hwarim always chose to be the un average ignorant guy.


" Hyuung! Hmph! Play with mee please! " The younger pouted at the unaffected ignoring him, trying to get his attention. He poked Hwarim in his ticklish spots....everyone had one of those didn't they eh? Hwarim fell off cursing. What was he doing all this time? Exercising. The worst part? He wasn't wearing any shirt so the sensation felt like to him. 


" Effin' ***** ! Yunhwan... GET OUT OF HERE. I won't play with your stupid s, got that? "


" Hmph, hyung is always cursing! Bad hyung! "


He snickered, to which always happened and meant, he'll soon be in trouble again. He slapped Yunhwan across his arm which caused the younger boy to cry. And believe it, being slapped by muscles hurt.


" I... I'll tell daddy you hit mee! " He ran off away crying while holding his «toothless» nightfury plush by How To Train Your Dragon he just got for his birthday. Hwarim didn't seem any concerned by the fact he shouldn't have done that; hurting his half-brother. In fact, he continued exercising and doing his useless push-ups. 


" The hell- if, if I exercise for a month more- girls will like me more- " He took a breath between his unknown turn. " I'm not- definitely not gay- ain't like that!" He though about that weird dude at his high school who was only following him and stalking him. Some American, he was, and even tried to make him his boyfriend. Hwarim still remembers how the girls looked at him even if he wasn't like...that! Whenever and wherever he was somewhere, the same guy was there looking at him creepily. He can still remember the time he received that little red pop up notification on facespace or spacebook...facebook?- he never connected on since and then forgot the name- which was caused by some wallpost.


« YuDontNeed MyName  : Hello y~ I'm watching you... You're hot! *kiss*


" I am NOT- gayOUUCH! Stupid muscles! " Hwarim, enduring the pain of the cramp he got on his whole arm- karma - kicked around not able to calm himself. The part hurting the most was on his wrist which had this huge black tattoo of some...thing. He doesn't remember having any tattoo made in his life... Unless he was drunk that day, going onto a Nighter Party and getting over some Amaretto? No, he usually gets some taxi home.


" What the hell is that tattoo anyway? "

Sighing, he got up and being a lazy person he was, just throws himself on his bed straight face into the pillow. Why sound so cliche and look at that boring ceiling thinking about the insane life he had? He just instead stayed in that same position for at least an hour, yes, music going on the automatic radio.








* Pop *


" Come on...* He got up from his bed and went to his laptop, opening up his instant message service. He clicked on it, with much hesitation due to some unpleasant experiences about talking online with...undesirable persons to write with. At least, it was some girl.




* Jaee (L) It's TWO AM <3 : Heyy Hwarii ;) 

* _____HRyi (*) 감기 중독 40% : Yo? Why ya on MSN? Usually you're textin' ;]

* Jaee (L) It's TWO AM <3 : Did I bother you again -_- with your pushups -__________-

* _____HRyi (*) 감기 중독 40% : Whadaf****? What do you want anyway. You know your boyfriend wants to kill me with you talkin' to me.

* Jaee (L) It's TWO AM <3 : Lolwut? ... N-e-way, there's this super Nighter tonight at Dave's, you coming? It's better than last one, and there's no random dude going after you invited :) It's at 11:OOPM!

* _____HRyi (*) 감기 중독 40% : I'm busy. Besides I'm sure he'll be there. If he's there please tell someone to beat him off. 

* Jaee (L) It's TWO AM <3 : And why should it be me? -_-

* _____HRyi (*) 감기 중독 40% : Because guys have a tendancy to listen to hot girls, not random guys.

* Jaee (L) It's TWO AM <3 : Are you trying to say I'm hot?

* _____HRyi (*) 감기 중독 40% : ...Just shut up and go make out with Woohyun. G2G. 

* Jaee (L) It's TWO AM <3 : Wait!

[ ____HRyi (*) ... appears offline ]




Hwarim stared at the screen for a while, being in his thoughts.


" She isn't even hot. Whatever "


_________ 1O:3OPM:


The night was getting darker and the only light shown in the Lee mansion was in Hwarim's room. The parents, as always, were probably out in getting high with their boyfriends and girlfriends doing nonesense. Usually, they would let their other children with Hwarim, as they did this night, because their other parents didn't want them, either their other parent was around the twenties and just didn't want this burden. Gosh, he had already seven little half-brothers and sisters, plus one half-sister one year younger than him. At least their house was big enough... Hwarim's heart wasn't. 




Hwarim woke up from that hour of deep slumber by jumping out of his bed. He realized what was the commotion about, and just rubbed his eyes before going into the kitchen. No there were no thieves or molesters. It was just two of his siblings trying to reach that box of sugar powder they liked so much. The brother was down holding on his sister while she was getting to it.


" A-oww! Minni I'll fall! "

" Wait I almost took it! "

" Minni...Erhm...Hwarim hyeong... "

" OH NOES- " And one of the dishes crashed down amongst some others down on the floor. Hwarim just crossed his arms while rolling his eyes.


" 'Min, Dani, IN YOUR ROOM. "  


While the children getting all in painful faces going away, Hwarim relucantly started to clean up the mess created by the children. 




" ... JAEMI DON'T SPREAD WATER IN THE BATHROOM! " He screamed trying to get over the kitchen mess first faster than usual, as he ran over the second floor bathroom. Nothing abnormal again, one of his younger sisters had again broken the sink and water was spreading everywhere. That's how he enetered the bathroom, receiving all the liquid on him. The little Jaemi , with her guilty look, only murmured a mianhae to him, while running away to her bedroom. Hwarim just couldn't take it anymore and decided to take out his cellphone. Promptly calling this special number, he told a woman to come and look after the children. He dressed up in the most casual clothes he found and went downstairs as the nanny came.


" Could you look after them until five o'clock AM? I'll pay you cash now. " Hwarim gave the nanny a handful of won and was getting outside. However, the nanny grabbed his arm, the arm hurting, and gave him this weird package.


" Oh Mister Lee, this was out on the front mail. It has your name. Have a nice night! "


Hwarim thanked the lady, taking the enveloppe in the meant time and just throwing it on the nearest table, and ran to take a taxi going to Dave's party. He spent a whole night and morning partying with his fellow classmates and friends, or even drinking illegally liquors when he was actually minor still. Out there was he dancing and fooling around with oh how much he could, sometimes just getting slapped because he actually kissed one on the cheek as her boyfriend was there searching for her, or being flirted with which he doesn't always appreciate anyway. He would never have though this would be the last party he would go to.



by the way, thanks for the comments :) They really made my days ^^

By the way, I think you guys already know from who Hwarim is x] So I didn't put it.




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Azhen-Chen #1
Sorry for the late comment ^^;<br />
Wow Hwarim is pretty~ owo<br />
He has one hell of a messed up life though, poor kid XD<br />
Can't wait for the other intro chapters!~
Perseus #2
I feel bad for being lazy..... But I'll stop my lazy-self and start posting up ¬¬<br />
You : You sure are lazy!<br />
Me : Thanks, Miss Obvious.
Wow, he sure is smexy! XD Lol. First<br />
Shinya the cutie now Hwarim X3 this<br />
story has a lot of y guys in it<br />
XD Rofl. OMG, his life is chaos! O_O<br />
Then again what would you expect from<br />
the child of Hades? XD Lol. I think<br />
That's who his father is, sincce he's<br />
your character XD And if I remember<br />
correctly, from winglin, that's who<br />
you claimed as your god parent ;3.<br />
Lol. Anyway, great update! XD I'm<br />
excited for the next one :) ~Hwaiting!
-blushes-<br />
Why does Hwarim have to be so good looking?!<br />
xD Shinya is the cutie and Hwarim is the hottie :3<br />
Wow. His life is mess up o_o<br />
A mom AND dad who cheats <br />
along with siblings who aren't <br />
ACTUALLY your siblings?<br />
If I was him, I would've gone<br />
crazy long ago x.x
Aww, Hwarim is so mean to his dongsaeng!<br />
And who is that creeper on his facebook? o.O<br />
Hehe, Hwarim seems like a player.<br />
I luhhhv this chapter!<br />
Update soon! Hwaiting!
Azhen-Chen #6
Woah, Aphrodite's child? o.o <br />
Wasn't expecting that~<br />
Poor kid, getting harassed like that XD<br />
Nifty~ Angel Yuto o.o<br />
I can't wait to read more!
Wow, Shinya really is a cutie! Even has<br />
a bunch of big muscly guys hitting on him<br />
XD Poor kid. But then again, what would<br />
you expect from Aphrodite's child? XD Lol.<br />
Lol, but at least he has Yuto to protect<br />
him XD Lucky guy, having a cutie like Yuto<br />
to stick up for him and chase away a bunch<br />
of potential molesters ;3. OMG I'm getting<br />
so excited! I can't wait for the next<br />
chapter :D ~Hwaiting!