Chapter 2

Sometimes [a three-chapter story]



Flashback pt 1.


"That guy, what's his name?"

"He's Han. Lu Han. He's known as Luhan. He's the son of the president of Lu Inc."

"Does that mean he's the brother of the famous designer Lu Yoona?"

"You're right."

"Oh my gosh, he's so handsome."

"I've heard he's a snob. and arrogant. But who cares, he's really handsome."

"He's rich!"

"He can do anything and everything because he's rich!"

"Can I be his girlfriend?"

"I want to be his friend. I'm sure he's got nice and expensive wheels out there."

I'm Luhan. They said I'm popular, smart, arrogant - well maybe at times?, rich - just because my Dad owns Lu Inc. and because my sister, Lu Yoona, is a very famous and rich designer in Korea too. Everyone likes to be my friend, maybe because of money? maybe because of the looks? For me, these people are called the low life ones. I never wanted to have these kind of friends, they only see me and talk to me just because I'm popular. But this thing isn't new to me, I'm already used to this.

"Excuse me, do you know where class B is located?"

"I'm actually looking for it too. Are you from class B too?" 


"So, we're classmates. I'm Luhan."

"Oh, I'm Oh Sehun."

"And you are?"

"I-I'm Oh Seohyun."

"We're both from class B."

"You both have the same surnames, are you two siblings?"

"Yes, we're twins."

"I see."

The three of us looked for our room, when we were able to find it, I sat next to Sehun while her sister, Seohyun, in front of us.

"May I know who's older?"

"She's 20 minutes older than me. That's why I still call her noona."

"I see."

"Excuse me, Luhan oppa. This is for you."

"E? Ah, thanks."

"I'm Choi Jin Ri, I hope you'll like it."


The girl smiled and left. This is not the first. It's the first day of class, but it seems that some of the girls love to confess their feelings for me and some even bothers to give me home-made chocolates and stuffed toys. 

"As far as I know, it isn't Valentine's Day. Are you that popular?" Sehun chuckled.

"I guess?" 

Seohyun, his sister - twin - sister, shot a glare at me.

"What's with that stare?"

"You're arrogant."

"Hey, noona. Don't be like that."

"Just because someone gave you those doesn't mean they like you."

"Then.... give me a reason why she gave me these? It's not even my birthday."

"Maybe because she was just thankful. Or s-somehthing." She stuttered.

"Noona, of course, that girl likes Luhan. When a girl gives something, that means they like that certain guy." Sehun looked at me and chuckled.

"Are you on his side?"

"Of course, he's a guy. I just know the feeling, okay?"

"Hi Sehun-oppa. This is for you. I really like you. I hope this will make your day."

"Ehhh? Ahh, thanks!"

Just like me, Sehun's pretty much popular in this school too. He's actually a new student but I never thought that he'd be having fan girls.

"Even your brother has fangirls." We both chuckled.

"Whatever, you two."

From that moment on, Sehun and I became good friends. Best friends, to be exact. We don't keep secrets. Whenever he likes someone, he would always ask help from me. Or sometimes when I need help for our school works, he'll directly lend a hand and help me out. And also, I think I have feelings for Seohyun. I just don't know if I should tell her about this OR not.



"Ouch, that hurts!" 

"You're so weird. You deserve all of these things happening to you."

"Please, stop hurting me."

"Noona! What are you guys doing to my noona?"

"Sehun oppa! This girl. Who is to you? She's weird, she doesn't deserve to be treated nicely. And you're too cool for her. Break up with her now."

"What do you mean break up with her? What do you mean she's weird? SHE IS MY SISTER!"


My brother went near me and fixed my bangs as he wiped the blood dripping down my lips. My cheeks were swollen because of those girls who slapped me hard. 

"How dare you do this to my noona? Get out of my sight before I do things you'd regret."

The girls ran fast and I can feel that my brother's really mad. I can see his eyes glaring and his heart was beating faster than the usual.

"I'm sorry, noona. Now I've decided. Let's transfer school."

"But we don't have any money."

"I have saved up for us both. Remember that day when I told you that Calvin Klein wanted me to model for them? I accepted their offer, the offers really good. Let's transfer, okay?"

"But when?"

"The earlier, the better. Those girls won't stop hurting you if we're still here. And I don't like seeing you hurt."

"If that's what you really want."

"Let's go to the clinic now."

My brother, Sehun, is a very nice person. He's the guy who would do anything for anyone. He's always there to save me, to help me and even understands me. Of course, we're the only ones left behind. Both our parents were dead and our relatives didn't get to survive from the bombing but I'm still glad that my brother - my twin brother - is here for me.



It was early in the morning when Sehun woke me up. He gave me this new uniform and he prepared me breakfast.

"I'm supposed to be the one doing this to you, Sehun-ah."

"Noona, will you just appreciate what I'm doing? please eat breakfast, we'll be late if you'll keep talking."

I ate the breakfast he cooked and we both went to our new school. Class B, it's our class - we're classmates this time. We were looking for our classroom and there goes Sehun - asking this manly looking guy about our classroom's location, then we walked together knowing that he's our classmate too. He's really good looking, he's got blonde hair, doe eyes, he's kind of a flower boy to me.

But in the end, I was a bit disappointed. He's such an arrogant young man. As what I've heard, he's rich and I can see that he's really popular, he's got fangirls and yeah, he's not going to be my cup of tea.

My brother, Sehun's got fangirls in this school too, I'm a bit nervous that they might attack me, but again, I know that Sehun's going to save me but I already told myself to just stay inside the library instead. Also, Sehun started hanging out with Luhan - I don't mind about it, but sometimes it bothers me a lot.


Years had passed, everything went well in this school. Though, sometimes, most of the girls keep on glaring at me just because I'm always eating lunch with Sehun.... and Luhan. 

"Hi! I'm Choi Minho. You're Oh Seohyun, right?"

"Uhm, Yes."

"Is it okay if you tutor me?"

"What subject?"

"Math. The teacher suggested you, actually."

"Oh, okay. I'll be at the library this dismissal."

"See you, then."


"So, you have to substitute this...."

"Okay. What about this this one?"

"It's still the same." 

I was about to write his review when Choi Minho kissed my neck

"What are you doing?"

"I really like you."

He started kissing me and touching me. He gave me a strong grip and held my hands upward and I couldn't even move. He was kissing my lips and I can't even scream. My tears started falling and I don't know what to do. Sehun, where are you? where are you? Help me! These were the only things that came up in my mind. I was crying and still Choi Minho won't stop.


"Luhan? Are you still in school?"

"Sehun? Is this you?"

"Yeah. I left my phone at the modeling center and I have to get it back. Can you look for my sister and tell her I'll fetch her in an hour or two? Please."

"Okay. Where is she?"

"I think she's just in library, as usual."


I went to the libary to look for Sehun's sister, too bad I don't know her number and I know she's never gonna give it to me. As I pushed the door, I realized that it was already closed. I was surprised because, usually, the library closes at 8PM and it's still 6PM. I examined the glass of the library, but there's no one inside. I was about to go back downstairs when I heard something fell down on the floor, it was loud and I got curious about it. I examined the glass for the second time when I saw someone lying on the floor near the shelves. I was a bit suspicious about it and when I saw Choi Minho's face on top of Seohyun, my fist balled. I kicked the door and opened, Minho stood up and I punched him on the face, really hard. 

"Luhan sunbaenim! Forgive me, please forgive me!"

"Get out of my face if you don't want me to kill you."

He ran and I took Seohyun. She was crying. I took off my jacket and let her wore it for a while.

"Shhh, don't cry."

"I was really scared."

"Don't worry, I'm here."


"What did he do to you?"

"He kissed me. He touched me."

"I'm gonna kill him. I promise."

"Don't say that." 

"He did something to you, he should die!"

"Shut up Luhan. You're such an . You know killing is immoral."

"Okay, fine. Just let me tell Sehun about this."

To my surprise she hugged me tight and I can still feel her shivering. She was scared. 

"Thank you, Luhan."


"What did you do to my sister? You !"

"I'm sorry Sehun sunbaenim. I'm sorry Luhan sunbaenim. I promise to stay away from this school. Just please don't kill me."

"You better drop out of this school. We don't want to see your face ever again. The police already knew about what you've done. So, good luck to your future!"

Everything went well this time since Choi Minho finally dropped out of school. I started hanging out with Seohyun everytime Sehun's out for work (which is modeling).

"Noona. I have to go. Luhan, you know what to do. Thanks!"

"Yeah, sure!"

"Okay. Sehun-ah. Be sure to be home early, okay?"


When Sehun left, Seohyun and I exchanged glances. 

"What are we gonna do now?" She asked.

"Let's go clubbing?" I laughed.

"Whatever, ." She looked at me as she pouts.

"I was just kidding. Let's go somewhere and eat."

"O-ok. I'm hungry."


A/N: SO, HERE YOU GO GUYS! Hihi~ and You guessed it right <3 





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bubbystar1 #1
Chapter 5: really sweet..thank you ü
Eycha_sk11 #3
Chapter 5: Aww awwww sweeeet ! My seohan <3 woow, luhan already asked seobaby to marry with him? And lol, seobaby's question !
seomate_sone #4
I love Seoyhun so much too , so even all your stories are all her i wouldnt bash nor complain it would be better even ! I would love that ! Hahaha Thats me Seomate_Sone :)
Chapter 5: Wowwww seohyun so ??? Haha .. Cute lorh .. Huhu ..
Chapter 5: :D awwww... Cute and fluffy epilogue :3
Lol. Already asked her to marry you, Luhan?
And you, Seohyun, already asked him about how many children that he want???
Lmao xD
nanjang #7
Chapter 5: Awwwww I love it!!!!!
Chapter 5: I love it<333333
Chapter 5: I want more, unnie. XDDD /praying for a sequel/
Chapter 5: I agree with @wu-xi-zhang I like Luyoon as A Sister/Brother than a couple :) It was a cute SeoHan Story :) I loved it ^_^