
Too Late...

I walked to my locker. 

I smiled when I saw Byunghun.
"Hey Byung-"
He walked past me.
I watched Byunghun go to Sohyun and they walked out of the school together.
I pouted and walked home alone.
I sat on a sofa and pulled out my phone.
I called Byunghun.
He picked up.
"Byunghun?" I said.
"Yeah?" He said.
"Are you free? Can we hang out?" I asked, hoping he would say yes.
Before he could answer, I heard Sohyun in the background.
"Oppa! I wanna go to the arcade!"
"Okay." He said to her.
"Ayumi, I don't think we should hang out anymore. If I hang out with you, I won't have time with Sohyun. Bye." He hung up.
My phone dropped from my hand, landing on the floor, shattering into pieces.
He left me.
He said he would never leave me.
He lied to me.
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Angel_HunHannie #1
Chapter 11: cry and sobs while reading this stOry </3
Angel_HunHannie #2
Chapter 11: cry and sobs while reading this stOry </3
Chapter 11: I LOVEEE IT !
Chapter 11: its soo good someone make my tears stop!!
Chapter 6: More please ! ^^
ThebabyELF #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^